Today......... I got OWNED!!!


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Yes, I know as unbelievable as it is, I got OWNED today!

I was driving in my car today and I came to a stop light. It was mid-day and the temp was great. My windows rolled down and the wonderful fall Arizona wind, what could be better?

So as I sit waiting for the light to green, I suddenly feel like a bug landed on my neck. Instantly my hand swipes at neck with four battering fingers. It felt as if it were gone. I reached my hand back up to my neck and felt nothing.

About 3 seconds later I feel the same thing on my neck. Except this time it started to sting the MOTHA FU*KEN SH*T OUT OF ME.

I reached back and pinched the TERRORIST off my neck. To my suprise, it was the worlds biggest FREAKIN bumble bee I have ever scene.

I started to laugh as I had to additionaly reach back again to dislodge the stinger still stuck in my neck.

The laughter buit, as I sat there cursing, Damn that freakin bee just owned my ass.
aye, it is nice in Arizona during this time of year.

That was a funny story. Didn't the bee sting hurt though?
God I hate bees... there's these few that just... hover... outside... waiting... always waiting...
it could have been worse than that spitting out the window while driving only to realsize your window is still rolled up ...not a pretty sight

ya but you still got owned:

Bee = 1
Yakuza = 0

The one and only time I've been stung my a bumble bee was when I was young and caught one between two cupped hands. There was a horrible noise, then a horrible pain, and then another horrible noise :P handled that situation all wrong. I would have kicked that ****er in the throat!
Oh, i've got myself a baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so pround of me?
I've got myself a baby bumble bee...
Ouch! it stung me!

Oh, i'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?...

...ya'll know the rest
CptStern said:
Bee = 1
Yakuza = 0


is that the final score? :E
anyway.. might wanna get it checked out perhaps? these days u never know what a bug is carrying.. :(
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Oh, i've got myself a baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so pround of me?
I've got myself a baby bumble bee...
Ouch! it stung me!

Oh, i'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?...

...ya'll know the rest

I don't :dozey:
jaguar_987 said:
I don't :dozey:
fine...god damn it...let's see...okay, i'll start over...

Oh, i've got myself a baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so pround of me?
I've got myself a baby bumble bee...
Ouch! it stung me!

Oh, i'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee...
Eww! it's all over me!

I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?
i'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee...
Ewww...i don't feel so good

I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee...

there's more, but i don't remember it.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
fine...god damn it...let's see...okay, i'll start over...

Oh, i've got myself a baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so pround of me?
I've got myself a baby bumble bee...
Ouch! it stung me!

Oh, i'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee...
Eww! it's all over me!

I'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?
i'm lickin' up my baby bumble bee...
Ewww...i don't feel so good

I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee
Won't my mommy be so proud of me?
I'm throwin' up my baby bumble bee...

there's more, but i don't remember it.

lol I might go find a nursery rhyme website. Some of the old ones were quite funny.
blahblahblah said:
aye, it is nice in Arizona during this time of year.

That was a funny story. Didn't the bee sting hurt though?

Heck yeah it hurt. Its till red on my neck too. I did squash the crap out of him tho.
I love bees, there one of my fav bug things ever. I hate wasps though, those bastards can go rot and die.
i have never been stung by a beee but its one of the scariest things i can think of
Being stung by a bee isn't go bad. Like getting a prickle but then it burns and stings for a while afterwards. Or maybe the bees around here are just pansies... but yeah wasps are biatches. It's turning summer here and they keep finding their way in. Luckily they're noisy buggers, and there's always a newspaper handy.
Yakuza said:
Yes, I know as unbelievable as it is, I got OWNED today!

I was driving in my car today and I came to a stop light. It was mid-day and the temp was great. My windows rolled down and the wonderful fall Arizona wind, what could be better?

So as I sit waiting for the light to green, I suddenly feel like a bug landed on my neck. Instantly my hand swipes at neck with four battering fingers. It felt as if it were gone. I reached my hand back up to my neck and felt nothing.

About 3 seconds later I feel the same thing on my neck. Except this time it started to sting the MOTHA FU*KEN SH*T OUT OF ME.

I reached back and pinched the TERRORIST off my neck. To my suprise, it was the worlds biggest FREAKIN bumble bee I have ever scene.

I started to laugh as I had to additionaly reach back again to dislodge the stinger still stuck in my neck.

The laughter buit, as I sat there cursing, Damn that freakin bee just owned my ass.
Same thing happened to me. I was in the passenger seat and just rolled down the window. Bee flew right into the window into my shirt. I didn't notice it at first but then i felt it. Tryed to get it out and it stung me. You got to be careful, you can lose control of the car sometimes.
I've never been stung by bees.

Bees - 0
The Thing - 53857
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Oh, i've got myself a baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so pround of me?
I've got myself a baby bumble bee...
Ouch! it stung me!

Oh, i'm squishin' up my baby bumble bee
won't my mommy be so proud of me?...

...ya'll know the rest


I've never been stung by a bee in all my 18yrs. I'm like superman up in this bitch, Imperious 'n' Impervious.