Today is the day...

May 24, 2003
Reaction score
...that I, have to let Tesco go.

It was a tough decision, but I think its for the best that I let them move onto new pastures.

I'm leaving my job :D I was going to wait until the summer, but events have conspired to make me play my hand. Its a good thing :D If they'd have changed my shift all those months ago when I'd asked....if they'd even given me a full uniform instead of having my borrow a shirt, and wear my own trousers. I might have stayed...

But its too late for any of that now. I'l work next week, because it wouldn't be fair to my friends to leave them one man down on one of the busiest days of the year (Easter next week. We have to close down the entire store among other things)

I'm just wondering how I'l break it to my manager...

Maybe I'l ask for something and if he doesn't give it to me, then I'l storm off shouting I quit. Or maybe I'l be like "So...I don't wanna come in anymore. Goodbye"
If hes in a mood, then I'l tell him when I start just to get him really mad :D, but if hes being ok then I'l leave it till the end.
I just think your boss shouted at you, and you decided to storm out ;)

I used to work in Tescos, but the abusive customers used to piss me off, so I quit. (after playing around with the announcement system etc.)
I currently work for Tesco, it's not the best company to work for but certainly better then my experience at Safeway/Morrisons.

Have you got another job to go to? I really wouldn't recommend quitting until you've found somewhere else. You will only end up sitting on your arse for three months pissing it away in front of your PC watching your money drain away :)
would someone explain to me what tesco is? a company? what does it do?
Tesco ( is one of the top three retailers in the world. It's mainly based in the UK but has stores all across Europe etc. It's a supermarket/grocery store with a lot of concentration on non-food too.
Munro said:
Tesco ( is one of the top three retailers in the world. It's mainly based in the UK but has stores all across Europe etc. It's a supermarket/grocery store with a lot of concentration on non-food too.


so its the 3rd best supermarket in the world?

nice... i suppose...
Munro said:
Have you got another job to go to? I really wouldn't recommend quitting until you've found somewhere else. You will only end up sitting on your arse for three months pissing it away in front of your PC watching your money drain away :)

You get used to it after a while. :p
Farrowlesparrow said:
But its too late for any of that now. I'l work next week, because it wouldn't be fair to my friends to leave them one man down on one of the busiest days of the year (Easter next week. We have to close down the entire store among other things)

Thats quite polite of you.

Farrowlesparrow said:
I'm just wondering how I'l break it to my manager...

If your going to quit, you have to quit in style.;)
Its a rare chance to shout "I QUIT!" and actually do it. Make sure to use it well. ;)
The bosses just above me are cool, the senior management are a bunch of abusive arseholes.
I just went up to him and said

"So...I don't want to work here anymore."
and he said
"Ok then, write that down and we'l get you processed"
"Don't get too upset..."
"So next saturday is your last day yes?"
"You've got another cage left to do"

Shows how much he appreciates me ;( Ah well, hes fat...and has probably already had a stress related heart attack.

One of the managers calls me Samson because of my hair...Its one of those strange jokes that only seems funny when you're part of the group.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I just went up to him and said

"So...I don't want to work here anymore."
and he said
"Ok then, write that down and we'l get you processed"
"Don't get too upset..."
"So next saturday is your last day yes?"
"You've got another cage left to do"

Shows how much he appreciates me ;( Ah well, hes fat...and has probably already had a stress related heart attack.

One of the managers calls me Samson because of my hair...Its one of those strange jokes that only seems funny when you're part of the group.

Well I guess it's better and more professional than lying and saying "Oh, that's terrible you're leaving, you were my favourite worker..." He's probably had 1000s of people resigning in his time.

Dunno what you meant by "another cage"

That's companies for you, impersonal and cold, at least he didn't say "I will make all your work references bad! Mwahahaha!", did he?

Don't worry, you're appreciated here :)
Another cage full of stuff to put out.

Most people there seem to like me, or they just don't know me. I've been pretty indifferent to the manager. Its not that hes a bad guy really, hes just so typical of a man in that position.

I'm gonna miss one guy though, whos been my "work buddy" for a few months now. Still I live practically next door, so its not too bad.

Edit: I don't exactly have another job lined up. I'm doing work for my parents, (much more flexible and less hours for the same amount :D) and I'm setting myself up to sell my artwork.
I guess he's not surprised people would leave when he has an attitude like that.
kirovman said:
Dunno what you meant by "another cage"

Tesco sells small monkeys/people in cages as slaves.
The manager wanted sparrow to take another one out to the auction room ;)
bliink said:
Tesco sells small monkeys/people in cages as slaves.
The manager wanted sparrow to take another one out to the auction room ;)

Can I order one from overseas? :P

Sad to hear you left the company, Farrow... but then i guess most people in your position (or i suppose the position u've outlined) would probably do the same.
I left because it was becoming too much of a routine the job was getting easy and I was getting....settled. Routines are good so long as you change them before you get too set in your tracks.
I want to focuss on my art as I said before, and its spring...I'm not gonna be locked inside some supermarket on a Saturday.
I'm not Jewish, but Saturday has always held a special place for me as the day of rest. Its the day I feel I should do no work, even though more often than not I've had other days free.
bliink said:
Tesco sells small monkeys/people in cages as slaves.
The manager wanted sparrow to take another one out to the auction room ;)
They sell elfs, too... I saw it on the advert.

every little elfs

I'm so sorry.
bliink said:
Tesco sells small monkeys/people in cages as slaves.
The manager wanted sparrow to take another one out to the auction room ;)

*imagines an Orion slave girl* :O

Oh baby, which Tesco store did you say you worked at Farrow? Do you get to sample and test drive any of the girls before auction? :thumbs:
Well the good news is today is the first day of spring