Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).


May 24, 2003
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People, share your experience with me, make me feel better, tell me about your worst day ever in your life.

Okay, you know guys; there is one day in the year, when everything goes wrong, EVERYTHING. Well today is this day for me.

So, I wake at 8:00 am, holy shit, I forgot to put alarm on, my class started at 7:30 am. Okay, I am late to class (it is 4 hours long), nothing to worry about yet. Class called Computer Editing, but we use linear editing, instead of Final Cut Pro. So we get our homework, to make 2:50 minute trailer for movie of our choosing. Oh, I took my favorite movie, Fight Club. Yeah, but you know, you can’t just start editing, you need to make a log! Haha, log is like a list of ALL scenes from the movie, when they start, what the scene about, what kind of lighting used and other useless crap. So after class ended, I went to editing lab and spend 4-5 hours of creating that freaking Reaker’s List. So, after I finished, I can’t think strait, but I need to create trailer. But no, editing equipment played a cruel joke on me, decided to chew my S-VHS tape to hell! God damn it, I need to go out, get new S-VHS tape and black & code it again (another hour). After that it took me about 3 hours of making stupid trailer for a stupid movie Fight Club, which I hate now to death.

But fun just starts, I am so tired, my girlfriend calls me and says she wants me to do something. I brake and scream at the phone “SHUT UP, LEAVE ME ALONE!”. HAHAHA, here goes my 3 years old relationship, in the window. After realizing what I just did, I call her back, but she won’t answer. Screw it, too tired. Wait, can this day go any worse? Yep, because you know, I got a ticket on my car, and I am out the gas.

So there, I don’t even know why I wrote this crap or how I am able to do it. I am going to sleep, I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
my mom died today

no, not really. sounds like you had a shitty day mr. reak. but you just gotta say f*ck it, it's over with and hope tommorow's a better day.
oy. sounds tough. I feel some of your pain. Thats just the way things go (in a-a-a-albuquerque).

My worst experience is every moment of my angsty teenage life :p

Really, its probably been much of the last 7 years living with my drunk of a stepdad. My mom is a serious alcoholic now, problems, I'm at a friend's for an intervention kind of thing right now, no alcohol for her, 2 weeks. hopefully when we move to the house we'll get rid of dad and mom'll stop drinking but it looks like my dad is trying to live with us again. I'm not gonna let it happen. I have seriously contemplated killing the man. and have actually tried once.

edit: by the way I think you can work things out with your girlfriend. If the relationship meant anything at all to her she'll understand. 3 years is a long time.
...last year in the begining of october on a saturday i had a girlfriend, very pretty, definetly something there, last year of school was commin along great, i was in the best shape of my life after completeing some military camps.
that night i went to sleep was my last memory for a month and a half, i was put into a morphine induced acoma. its turns out the presciption my doctor gave me to clear up my face(i had a few pimples and my dad thought i needed medication) set my body agaisnt itself. sort of like a reaction. my body began to blister and shed. i grew new skin and have had multiple sugeries on my eyes. the syndrom i had gave me less than 50% chance of living. i made it but not without more than my share of scars.

when everything was comes together is when it hurts the most to lose it.

feel better?
Yeah, I've had some pretty bad days. Nothing like what you guys seem to be going through.

Mr. Reak i'm sure she will understand if you are able to explain it to her.
A 3 year relationship won't break that easily.

Cybersheep I would do everything I could to get rid of that guy if I was you. Get him arrested or just kick his ass. After he's gone you will be able to help your mom and get a good fresh start again. Good Luck to ya.

KiNG, that's probably one of the hardest things to read. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. I personally, don't find myself attractive at all, so I really can't relate. I hope things get better for you and that you find some peace and happiness somewhere, if you haven't already. Good Luck to you aswell.

Tomorrow is always coming, but never comes. The future is unpredictable, and that can be both good and bad.

Hardships in life are.. well, hard. The best thing to do it pick yourself up and keep going. Your life is your story, live it the way you want it to be. Make it yours.

Take it easy.
This happened about 2 years ago:

Wake up, stay sober all day.

Grand-Mother in hostpital.

Go to visit grandmother.

Told in parking lot that grand-mother is dead. Drive home at 90 mph, and some-how make it.

Call work to get the weekend off.

Work says I can only have 2 days off.

I tell work to **** OFF.

I no longer work at Taco Bell(whopti ****ing doo).

Open drawer to get joint to smoke(was still smoking then).

No joint in drawer.

Break down in tears and crawl up into a ball on bed.

Lie in bed for 3 days.

Depression is REALLY depressing.

Go to funeral.

Break down again when I realize the Coffin is open as I sit down.

Break down AGAIN when pastor closes coffin.

Smoke lots of cigarettes outside. Somehow I get home. Next month is a blurr....................

After I snapped out of it, I couldn't remember what happened the past 3 weeks. The best thing to do with a day like that is to try and find the small things in life that make you happy.

I have 2 or 3 days like this every year. This year my other grandmother died. I took it a lot better because I knew months in advance it was going to happen, and my first grandmother was the first person I had ever lost.
hmm, four main "worst days", three of them during grade 11/12 and one of them a few months ago.

all of them involve close family members being seriously ill/dying, which pretty much leaves me spent of all emotion and hoping when i goto bed at night that i'll never awake again.

isn't life grand, and it only gets better, eventually everything goes away.
Yup, Xtasy0. I think Trent Reznor put it best in Hurt.

"What have I become, My Sweetest friend? Everone I know goes away in the end."

But while we are alive, we have to look at the good stuff. Now that all that crap is behind me, I am in college and doing well(just got accepted into the Honor society).
I had a bad 1 1/2 years once: Girlfriend was murdered & mutilated (by exhusband, who then shot himself); had a car wreck; dad died suddenly at age 53; next girlfriend (who I was crazy for) broke my heart & dumped me. All these things happened while I was busting my @$$ trying to get through RN school, work night shift, & play in a band that was touring all over the southern USA. Almost insane due to grief, lack of sleep, stress at work & school. After getting my degree, I moved away from the area for a few years, thinking the change would do me good - instead I wound up in a crappy relationship with a crazy girl! ugh.

Seven years later (after relationship w/crazy girl; it all started in 1991 w/the gf that was killed) things are pretty awesome - got a great wife, beautiful daughter, good job, not too much debt, and am working to buy a home with cash. So keep your chin up Reak!
Go watch a movie like Elephant man. Or The Pianist.

I don't think I have anything worth complaining. Well, maybe but that would be useless. Instead, just remember Monty Python and Always Look at the Bright Side of Life. Yeah that was funny.
Sometimes I feel a bit slow and down for no particular reason. Then the next day Im fine. I never really had a horrifically bad day.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
People, share your experience with me, make me feel better, tell me about your worst day ever in your life.

Okay, you know guys; there is one day in the year, when everything goes wrong, EVERYTHING. Well today is this day for me.

So, I wake at 8:00 am, holy shit, I forgot to put alarm on, my class started at 7:30 am. Okay, I am late to class (it is 4 hours long), nothing to worry about yet. Class called Computer Editing, but we use linear editing, instead of Final Cut Pro. So we get our homework, to make 2:50 minute trailer for movie of our choosing. Oh, I took my favorite movie, Fight Club. Yeah, but you know, you can’t just start editing, you need to make a log! Haha, log is like a list of ALL scenes from the movie, when they start, what the scene about, what kind of lighting used and other useless crap. So after class ended, I went to editing lab and spend 4-5 hours of creating that freaking Reaker’s List. So, after I finished, I can’t think strait, but I need to create trailer. But no, editing equipment played a cruel joke on me, decided to chew my S-VHS tape to hell! God damn it, I need to go out, get new S-VHS tape and black & code it again (another hour). After that it took me about 3 hours of making stupid trailer for a stupid movie Fight Club, which I hate now to death.

But fun just starts, I am so tired, my girlfriend calls me and says she wants me to do something. I brake and scream at the phone “SHUT UP, LEAVE ME ALONE!”. HAHAHA, here goes my 3 years old relationship, in the window. After realizing what I just did, I call her back, but she won’t answer. Screw it, too tired. Wait, can this day go any worse? Yep, because you know, I got a ticket on my car, and I am out the gas.

So there, I don’t even know why I wrote this crap or how I am able to do it. I am going to sleep, I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

Wanna exchange lifes?!
After about 7 months of relationship my former girlfriend....that bitch....dumps me. And I don't know why I didn't break up with her because she was absolutely a bitch! She didn't meet up when we had an oppointment what so ever! And then as I said, she left me without telling why. So probably thought I was being wacky but she was the one who needed to visit the doctor.
I just started in what you may know as High School (I'm 17 years so that must be High School through your eyes, right?) and it all started out just perfect! Now it's been a little more than a month since we started and this is when people start to judge you. According to me people need to know you for a month and then they're sure they know who you are from top to toe. So people has already started to ignore me because I'm different. I'm not handicapped in any way, even though some people say that being left handed is a handicap, but I've got long hair (loooong hair) and listens to Aphex Twin, Bogdan Raczynski (he's my favorite artist at this point), Goldie etc. and they hate that kind of music. They're like "FREAK!" and starts kicking me...ok, I may be exaggerating a little bit but you get the point, right? And now for some reason this girl that I've been talking to for a long time now (yeah, she's in my new class aswell) she's not really talking to me anymore. It's not that I've been putting the moves on her or anything because I only want to be a her friend and nothing more. Of course I think she's extremely nice and cute but in a way I just want to be a friend and in another know what I mean *sigh*
But now since we're (I'm) talking about love I came to think about Adaptation because I've actually learned something from that film where Donald talks about an old love:
Donald: "I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine.......that love...I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the rights to take it away. I can love whoever I want".
Charlie: "But she thought you were pathetic!"
Donald: *Donald laughs* "That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, and not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago".

I think I'll follow that advice from now on....

Man this post got long, huh?
Re: Re: Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).

Originally posted by Frank
Wanna exchange lifes?!
After about 7 months of relationship my former girlfriend....that bitch....dumps me. And I don't know why I didn't break up with her because she was absolutely a bitch! She didn't meet up when we had an oppointment what so ever! And then as I said, she left me without telling why. So probably thought I was being wacky but she was the one who needed to visit the doctor.
I just started in what you may know as High School (I'm 17 years so that must be High School through your eyes, right?) and it all started out just perfect! Now it's been a little more than a month since we started and this is when people start to judge you. According to me people need to know you for a month and then they're sure they know who you are from top to toe. So people has already started to ignore me because I'm different. I'm not handicapped in any way, even though some people say that being left handed is a handicap, but I've got long hair (loooong hair) and listens to Aphex Twin, Bogdan Raczynski (he's my favorite artist at this point), Goldie etc. and they hate that kind of music. They're like "FREAK!" and starts kicking me...ok, I may be exaggerating a little bit but you get the point, right? And now for some reason this girl that I've been talking to for a long time now (yeah, she's in my new class aswell) she's not really talking to me anymore. It's not that I've been putting the moves on her or anything because I only want to be a her friend and nothing more. Of course I think she's extremely nice and cute but in a way I just want to be a friend and in another know what I mean *sigh*
But now since we're (I'm) talking about love I came to think about Adaptation because I've actually learned something from that film where Donald talks about an old love:
Donald: "I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine.......that love...I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the rights to take it away. I can love whoever I want".
Charlie: "But she thought you were pathetic!"
Donald: *Donald laughs* "That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, and not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago".

I think I'll follow that advice from now on....

Man this post got long, huh?

Um, so you have a great life? Sounds about like any teenagers experience in highschool. Girl dumps you, people judge you, people treat you like a freak because you are different, girl wants to bang you and you just want to be friends...wait... what? Is she fugly? If not, go for it.

Enjoy highschool, and realize NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE MATTER after highschool. You will never see them again, so don't stress if you are an outcast. College rocks, because EVERYONE is different. It's amazing. What they look down on in highschool is embraced in college.
life got kind of better for me, though I still have those depressing moments.. like on the way home, I saw this old man sitting and looking on things around him, and I felt really sorry for him :/
is there no life beyond 60/70?
also, my parents are in the process of divorcing and my mom really doesn't have alot of money, she's struggling to pay the bills and the rent.
I'm still being judged by people at school. my dog is already 10 years old and when I think about him I think how he's gonna die in 5 years and I always find myself crying. I'm REALLY out of shape, and can't really look good in the clothes I like. I don't even know where my dad lives now. I'll add more when I'll remember.
Wow, some of you guys had a lot in your life, I feel kind of stupid now, my day was nothing compared to, for example, King’s experience.

Yeah, I woke up today, and feel great. Eh, now I need to buy flowers, candy and other crap for my girlfriend, to say I am sorry :)
Re: Re: Re: Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).

Originally posted by oldi1knoby
Um, so you have a great life? Sounds about like any teenagers experience in highschool. Girl dumps you, people judge you, people treat you like a freak because you are different, girl wants to bang you and you just want to be friends...wait... what? Is she fugly? If not, go for it.

Hey no! She's ****ing beautiful but the thing is she hasn't talked to me in a couple of days. Like a week or two ago we were talking constantly, but maybe it's just me being a wimp. I'm always like this, when someone doesn't talk to me for a couple of days or so, then I always think they're pissed at me for some reason, but I don't see there's any reason she should pissed at me.
Well they can screw me if they don't want to talk to me because I'm different. Go suck a ****!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).

Originally posted by Frank
Hey no! She's ****ing beautiful but the thing is she hasn't talked to me in a couple of days. Like a week or two ago we were talking constantly, but maybe it's just me being a wimp. I'm always like this, when someone doesn't talk to me for a couple of days or so, then I always think they're pissed at me for some reason, but I don't see there's any reason she should pissed at me.
Well they can screw me if they don't want to talk to me because I'm different. Go suck a ****!

Don't worry Frank, it's natural to think that way, but call her anyway.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Today was a fun day (long rant about how my life sucks).

Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Don't worry Frank, it's natural to think that way, but call her anyway.

Nah... I don't wanna pressure her in any way...
Damn i wish i didnt read this thread i was depressed before but this has made it worse. i wont even start to give u my problems they are pretty minor compared to u guys. ;(
Yeah, I feel really sorry for a lot of you guys, and I know my problems aren't half as tough as yours, but it still feels great to tell people about them. It makes you feel better to let go of it all!