
Happy birthday! :D
(BTW, SHIPPI isn't it April 30th soon? ;) Or is it already? :O )
man theres alot of swedes around here. oh yeah happy birthday, get nething nice? :O ............yet?
Datrix said:
Happy birthday! :D
(BTW, SHIPPI isn't it April 30th soon? ;) Or is it already? :O )

Well it is April 30 here in sweden (been for 35 miniutes), considering its only been my birthday for 35 mins I have not gotten any presents yet.

Thanks all.
HunterSeeker said:
Well it is April 30 here in sweden (been for 35 miniutes), considering its only been my birthday for 35 mins I have not gotten any presents yet.

Thanks all.
It's kinda hard figuring out your time zones considering I'm on the other side of the planet. :P
And your lucky it's your birthday, mines still awhile away. :(
Happy Birthday! [/crazy ivan voice] :cheese:

Enjoy being 18, remember it only lasts for another 365 days.
kirovman said:
Enjoy being 18, remember it only lasts for another 365 days.

Unless, of course, you're Vin Diesel. Then you can shift reality into an alternate universe in which you'll always be 18.
Happy birthday for those still in yesterday.

Rangitoto, CREMATOR666, ColdKodiak (71), Chadda (34), Alsi (28), Kylebn (21), Arc. KiLL (21), Majestic XII (18)

Happy birthday for those in tomorrow.

me23, cockroach (34), AndyZaft (30), keved (30), High Poly (25), Music Maniak (25), DuncanIdahoTPF (20), SHIPPI (16), Widaker (16)
well here we all are, on a friday night at home on our computers, *sniff*
Why don't we have an HL2 Birthday post anywhere? We can all post our birthdays and we can put them all in there. :)
Wow, I got the same birthday as Gabe Newell. I'm honoured.
Shamrock said:
Why don't we have an HL2 Birthday post anywhere? We can all post our birthdays and we can put them all in there.

Because you have a Will Smith avatar.
For those intrested:

Hitler commited suicide on April 30
The king of swedens birthday is april 30
HunterSeeker said:
For those intrested:

Hitler apparently commited suicide on April 30
The king of swedens birthday is april 30

;) I bet hes walking around still...
Pressure said:
Because you have a Will Smith avatar.
You cannot tell me you hate William Smith. No one hates Big Willy Style. He is just that damn good.