Today's WTF moment: Jack Thompson defends Mass Effect


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
From Kotaku:

Kotaku said:
Last week Jack emailed me a press release entitled "Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now" and after my typical poking, I got on to the topic of the Mass Effect controversy and was shocked, literally out of my socks, to find him defending the game... sort of. Apparently, even anti-gaming crusader Jack Thompson found self-help author Cooper Lawrence (who he refers to as a man), uninformed and the entire controversy contrived.

Did I wake up in an alternate reality today?
Who the **** where what huh? Huh?!

What Bizarro world did I wake up in today?
1st sign of the impending Zombie Apocalypse surely?

*goes to cellar to oil chainsaw
Hooray! Our insidious mind-control tentacles we hide in every game are finally taking effect! Rejoice, my brothers, for today, we gain...

He is finally realizing the gaming world hates him and wants free brownie points. Don't buy into his antics, he won't soften us up. His anti-gaming crusade has forever emblazoned him a universal hate symbol in the gaming world.
Almost nothing that starts with 'Jack Thompson...' surprises me, but this came close.
He may be an asshole, but there is no way he could defend the statements she made. She was clearly in the wrong. Jack Thompson is simply doing this for good PR.
He's just trying to get gamers' votes without changing issues.
He's crafty, I'll give him that.
Revelation 1:1~3- And Jack Thompson, who all feared, will rise and the host of angels surrounding him will flourish. In the first signs of the coming destruction and fear of the beast, he will support one of the world's most becoming artefacts. This is a sign of most ensuring doom.
I think Jack had some kind of checksum error when typing that. He clearly meant "Mass Effect makes kids want to be porn stars"
You guys don't get it do you, he doesn't really care what his viewpoint is, aslong as it gets him the monies.
You guys don't get it do you, he doesn't really care what his viewpoint is, aslong as it gets him the monies.

As tempting as it is to think he's just dumping out opinions for the sake of money, I can't get behind it.

He fights with a passion and vitriol that is surpassed by few. And his neck-high flaming matches with people of the gaming community where he degrades to insults and insanity show that. If he was just doing this for monetary reasons, he'd be far more successful if he showed some restraint. As it is, even non-gamers would find him crazy.

No, deep down inside he harbors a very nasty grudge against video games (and/or their players). The reason why is unknown to me. But a puppet master he ain't. If it was a ruse, there's no reason he'd go so far as to put himself at risk for disbarment.
He fights with a passion and vitriol that is surpassed by few.

Real life actor? If you really want to get the monies, it has to be convincing. I certainly wouldn't discount the fact that he's just a money grabber and will take the opportunity when the ambiguous subject of violent images causing real violence crops up, despite any correctness.
Real life actor? If you really want to get the monies, it has to be convincing. I certainly wouldn't discount the fact that he's just a money grabber and will take the opportunity when the ambiguous subject of violent images causing real violence crops up, despite any correctness.

His antics often come at his own detriment, regardless of whatever minor leeway he may get out of it.

If he was acting for money, he'd come off less crazy. No sane person could look at the spats he gets into and come out with a favorable opinion of him. If he was really gunning for some kind of maximized profit or power, there are more effective ways than pretending you're nuts. Whatever support it may get him would be nothing compared to the potential influence he could have if he were capable of attracting more moderate people. And that would require far more tact and eloquence than Jack could ever muster.
he's not really defending anything except what's apparent to anyone who's followed the "sexbox" story: there is no story are we congratulating on him on not being a reactionist idiot? ...well, it is Jack Thompson, so perhaps there's congratulating to be done

anyways ..I'm also reminded that Jack initiated this conversation when he emailed Kotaku with this subject line

"Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now"

so he hasnt fully dropped his reactionist idiot persona
Just when you thought the man couldnt get any stanger...
Thompson wants his misguided shitstorm of controversy about GTA4 to be the one that gets the press - not Cooper Lawrence's misguided shitstorm of controversy about Mass Effect.

EDIT: and olol at the correspondence between Kotaku and Jack.
To: Brian
From: Jack
Immediate News Release - January 24, 2008
Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now

To: Jack
From: Brian
I like your new glasses.

To: Brian
From: Jack
Wow, as usual you're grasping the real news here.
Meh. A crazy man who says the sky is blue can still be crazy. And a crazy man who says the sky is blue while burning live squirrels is definately either crazy or really hungry for some toasted squirrel.
That means something terrible is about to happen.

he's not really defending anything except what's apparent to anyone who's followed the "sexbox" story: there is no story are we congratulating on him on not being a reactionist idiot? ...well, it is Jack Thompson, so perhaps there's congratulating to be done

anyways ..I'm also reminded that Jack initiated this conversation when he emailed Kotaku with this subject line

"Grand Theft Auto IV to Be Released April 29; Culture War Begins Now"

so he hasnt fully dropped his reactionist idiot persona

The weird thing, though, is, HE IS A REACTIONIST IDIOT
I have it all figured out. He woke up one morning, he had accidentally been taking his Wife(God forbid)'s Paxil instead of his Mickey Rooney crazy pills a whole week, so he woke up clear-minded and happy. And what better way to start a day than to check out that new game all the other Christians are talking about?