Togglin Blood On/Off


Sgt. Duffy

I dont have this game, but in the options menu, are you able to toggle the blood on and off, just like in Unreal Tournament and other games? (It gave you a list of gore settings: Wimpy, mediocre, insanse, sickening..etc..)If there isnt, can you go into the config file and change it there, or are there any console commands? Thanks..
I believe just like all other Valve games, it has a Content-Lock option, which disables all blood and gore, I think.
Oh, wow, really? This is great! Could you maybe post a screenshot of this content lock thing? That would get me a leap-ful closer to actually playing this game. Thanks..
I don't think it does. I looked for it in the menus and its not there.
Now you just bummed me out, man, now you just bummed me out.
Yeah, weird that they didnt include a content lock.

Duff, why dose this matter? Are you parents not letting you play it cuz of the blood?
Strange. CS:S has that lame "Hands on your head" content lock (even though theres blood) wonder if they implement that in HL2. Zombies putting hands on head(crab) and kneeling down. :LOL:

Edit: Oh btw, i think theres things like "cl_show_blood_splashes 0" and things to lower the gore.
Duff, why dose this matter? Are you parents not letting you play it cuz of the blood?
Yeah, that's what's happening to Duff. I remember a previous thread of his. His dad bought him Doom3, but read about violence in games being psychologically harmful to children and making them prone to more violence, so now his dad's not letting him get it. I got the story right, right Sgt. Duffy?
I doubt there's a content lock option, it would be pretty pointless because the zombies are already horribly disformed creatures, and unless all those skins are adjusted to nice cheerful ones, the option to set them on fire removed, and those skin crawling screams removed, not to mention being able to cut them in half, I doubt some less blood splatters will take away any of the real gore.

But honestly, I've seen far worse images of death and destruction on the six o'clock news, and isn't that supposed to be "good and educational"? Please tell your parents they're being very closeminded, no offense.
WhiteZero said:
Yeah, weird that they didnt include a content lock.

Duff, why dose this matter? Are you parents not letting you play it cuz of the blood?

I asked him "If a games M-rated, but has an option to toggle off all the stuff that makes it M-rated, will I still be allowed to get it?" he responded "We'll talk about it later..."...which totally pissed me off, though I didnt show it. I just wanted a screenshot to print off, and show to my dad, and maybe get me closer to actually playing this game.
Tell your dad he is being a close minded f*cktard, and that anything he reads about violent games being psychologically harmful is total BS and was probably made up by a bunch of raving soccer mom's who do nothing but bitch and complain. If moving a mouse to simulate the moving of a crosshair on the computer screen and clicking the button to fire a gun is in any gonna make you a psycho then you have much much more issue's, Just like movies, you have to relize its only a movie, in this case its only a game, its no way harmful to you as long as you realize your playing a fictional game. I have no idea why perants have to be so dumb about this, they don't realize that your gonna be introduced to it eventually, they act like "OMG I MUST KEEP MY CHILDREN AWAY FROM ALL THE EVIL VIDEO GAMES !!! SO THEY WON'T GO SHOOT UP THEIR SCHOOL!!!" Thats a total crock of BS and your perants know it. The point of something being rated Mature is just that, its for mature players, if your mature enough to realize the game is fake and its just a game I don't see why you shouldn't play it. Tell your dad to stop listening to whiny soccer mom's and just let you play the game, and if you go around wanting to pick up crates and bottles and chuck at people's head then maybe he should take it away. :)
VALVe went to trouble trying to make the game not way too blood thirsty. I read that they were trying to make it so there was no changes needed to be made for germany. On my box the rating is M but the AUS government put a MA sticker over it. If it's just M where you live you can most likley trick your parents.
there's a console command, language or something, I forget. Turns blood purple. You can also turn human and alien blood off separately I believe.
Sgt. Duffy said:
I asked him "If a games M-rated, but has an option to toggle off all the stuff that makes it M-rated, will I still be allowed to get it?" he responded "We'll talk about it later..."...which totally pissed me off, though I didnt show it. I just wanted a screenshot to print off, and show to my dad, and maybe get me closer to actually playing this game.

You shouldn't be playing this game little boy it will give you nightmares
I know you can do it in CS:S

Where you shoot someone and rather than die they just kneel down in a "Surrender Position
There are these console commands for violence. I have not tried them so I don't know if they work... but I do know they won't change the textures and models that are a part of the map. If the room is bloody before you get there then it is always going to be bloody. This just keeps your own kills from splattering on the wall. Ravenholm is a mess isn't it?

All commands take a 0 for off and a 1 for on and they are all on by default (1).
violence_ablood "Draw alien blood"
violence_agibs "Show alien gib entities"
violence_hblood "Draw human blood"
violence_hgibs "Show human gib entities"
Why in the world would you want to disable all the blood and gore ?? thats like removing wheels from a car and try to drive it.