Told ya' so...!

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
A few days ago now we sort of "re-launched" to boast a great new design and lots of back end improvements as well that we said would "get news and articles to you faster than ever before". We weren't lying and just to prove that fact, we have another new interview for you with the guys from the E-Force mod written by Æther. Here's a preview:[br] It all sounds good, but what are we going to see in this mod that we haven't seen in others?
Adrien C: For one, we have an original story. Secondly, we let the player choose the outcome of the story, which is highly satisfying. Thirdly, we have invented a never before seen game play mechanic which is 100% based on team play.
If you want to catch the rest of the article, then why don't you head on over to it by clicking here.
Additionally, please stay tuned for even more articles coming soon!
Lies, damn lies, statistics,

I'm not even going to read the article


All I know is that it slows ME down a bit because the forums link was moved so much ;(
There's at least one link to the forum attached to every newspost.

There wasn't really much interesting info to that interview. The score system I'm pretty sure I've seen before(in other games), too; and are they insulting other mods when they say "we're different because we have an original storyline, multiple endings and a new gameplay mechanic"? Either they're arrogant or it was a very bad choice of words, because a post-nuke plot like that one isn't all that original.
Sharrd said:
There's at least one link to the forum attached to every newspost.

There wasn't really much interesting info to that interview. The score system I'm pretty sure I've seen before(in other games), too; and are they insulting other mods when they say "we're different because we have an original storyline, multiple endings and a new gameplay mechanic"? Either they're arrogant or it was a very bad choice of words, because a post-nuke plot like that one isn't all that original.

There was a nuke? I thought it was about oil.
Sharrd said:
There's at least one link to the forum attached to every newspost.

There wasn't really much interesting info to that interview. The score system I'm pretty sure I've seen before(in other games), too; and are they insulting other mods when they say "we're different because we have an original storyline, multiple endings and a new gameplay mechanic"? Either they're arrogant or it was a very bad choice of words, because a post-nuke plot like that one isn't all that original.
That IS different from most mods though...
I thought he meant 'original story' as in not just original to HL2; I could do a, say, C&C rip-off story and call it original because I make a HL2 mod with it, but everyone who have played C&C wouldn't like it.

It's not post-nuke per se, but the scenario is very much like it. They just took another path to get there.
Actually, theres nothing post-nuke or post-apocalypse about this mod. Sorry if people got wires crossed somewhere but we're not about that at all...

And the storyline and game are original in alot of senses, and we weren't trying to diss other mods by saying we're the only original mod out there. What we're saying is we're bringing something original to the mod scene... I can understand peoples views but people should read up before immediately disowning the mod simply because you make a wrong assumption about our intentions :)

Regards, Nemor.
Actually it was just me. And most of your post is points I've already replied to. I haven't completely disowned the mod either, I was just talking about the interview; and your choice of words made you sound like bastards. I'd say there's quite alot of things that are the same with the mod's storyline and your generic post-nuke story. Everyone's going for the resources, new supernations are forming and the world's about to fall apart if something doesn't happen soon.

... can you hear the echoes?
"storyline... game... original... echoes? ... echoes?"
Oh wow, lets be overly critical of people devoting their time and hard work towards making a free game that you can at least wait til you've played to say you don't like it.

I guess if you really have nothing else to do, go for it, no one can stop you. Thats power :p

Go outside.

Anyways, GO E-FORCE! SHOW 'EM HOW TO ROCK! This mod will be pretty slick :D
Yeh the wording probably could be better. But you can't complain when our PR guy Adrien wrote it, English only his second language. Considering he's French, I think he did well :)

Thanks Morgan :p
hey, french explains everyones accusations of arrogance :p jk

mods shouldn';t tout their "ideas" or "plans" only what they have already accomplished.

Ideas are a dime a dozen, I don't care whats in your head, i want whats in your harddrive D:
You won't get whats on my hard drive :p And I know it doesn't count for much but we have a fair bit done already. Another media release due soon so, keep an eye open for that :)