Tom Cruise

He came to the UK...he got off lightly, he could have been happy slap-raped or something.
Yeah i thought that was harsh, saw it on London Tonight other day. I don't really like Tom Cruise much, or see many of his films but what i do know is that, at every one of his films he goes round all the fans, does autographs, answers questions, talks on the phone to mums and stuff. He spends HOURS doing it, so he's a good guy in my eyes...he didn't deserve that, and i commend him for not flipping out and butting the guy between the eyes. And it coulda been acid instead of water! Good thing it wasn't.
what i do know is that, at every one of his films he goes round all the fans, does autographs, answers questions, talks on the phone to mums and stuff. He spends HOURS doing it, so he's a good guy in my eyes...he didn't deserver that, and i commend him for not flipping out and butting the guy between the eyes.

Yep, he seems like a really nice guy. Any other reaction would be rather poor anyway...
I don't like tom cruise to much so I really enjoyed that :E

Thanks for Sharing :thumbs:
he was about to kill that guy with is cult powers hes scary I dont like him even thoe hes hawt
I saw this on the news, they had some shrink talk about it... What the hell? Someone fired water into his eye, personally if Tom had gone "Stupid dick!" and punched him one, I wouldnt of cared, would do the same thing myself. Why oh why do people care so much about stuff like this?

Mmm.. Tom Criuse.
What's all this about not liking Tom Cruise? I think he's an awesome actor :<

His response was very good, as he stayed very calm. I would hate to be that kind of target for assholes like that, it's simply degrading and embarrassing.
He handled it well, and ended up making the prankster looking like the idiot. The guy even tried to run off at one point, and his face was showing a distinct lack of confidence. I say good on him (Cruise).
Oh my god! Somebody got ****ing irritated after some dick squirted water into his eye under the charade of an interview! How unexpected!

Can't say my reaction would consist of sunshine and daisies either. Good for Cruise.
Dont see how people would hate him, he's a nice guy.

He sure made that guy hate himself.
"you're a jerk...y-you're a jerk" lollerskates, cruise owned that guy though, what a retard.
Well, that was uncalled for. Tom Cruis is pretty cool. Only seen a few of his films but they aren't bad.
And he does spend a lot of time with his fans and with the cameras before premierds etc. Go him.
Pesmerga said:
What's all this about not liking Tom Cruise? I think he's an awesome actor :<

His response was very good, as he stayed very calm. I would hate to be that kind of target for assholes like that, it's simply degrading and embarrassing.

I agree.
He's a great person in general, and a pretty good actor.
If I see Tom Cruise smile that big plastic smile of his one more time, I swear I will travel to wherever he is and punch his teeth out myself. I really can't stand his face.
Cruise eh. Hmm.

* jondy looks at war of the worlds trailer *
Does anyone here personally know Tom Cruise? I sincerely doubt it, and I don't think you can assume if he is an asshole or if he is nice based on his movies. Or even his scientology...

That was one hell of a lame prank, though. Seriously, what was that about? A squirt in the face with water. Cruise handled it pretty damn well, if he flipped out and punched the dude I'm sure it would have made him look a lot worse. In fact, he made the lame prank seem even lamer.

Although, you know what is more sad than the prankster and pretty much anything that I can think of? All of the people, screaming and pushing and throwing pieces of paper at Tom Cruise to sign. Why do these people care this much, to wait hours on lines and to scream and faint around people who are famous? Even if he is the best actor in the world (which he... isn't), I don't see why people are so crazy about him or anyone else. Ughh.
he handled it well, turning the tables but let it go on too long ...he's a bit of an idiot but a restrained one
They should have egged him. If your going to get jailed for a lame prank like that, at least egg him. :)
Tom cruise would kick the shit out of that guy had their not been a camera.
i personally like the cruiser as an actor, and im proud of the way he handled that situation. had someone squirted me in the face infront of a huge crowd and a television camera, i would have been pushed over the edge (even though it is only water, it would have ben a embarassing). tom kept his cool, completely turned the situation around on that idiot.
CptStern said:
he handled it well, turning the tables but let it go on too long ...he's a bit of an idiot but a restrained one
And you personally know him right? Otherwise you wouldn't really know if he is an idiot or not, or you must read up on a lot of things he does.
cant you see his evil?????
he captured Katie and he will get u to if you dont be careful
I like Cruise. He's a good actor in cool movies and a nice guy from what I've seen.

And he pwned that idiot.
bliink said:
I have never found a prank such as the tom cruise incident funny... since THIS ONE!

Lol that was a awesome pic whoever took that pic should inherit gates bank roll.
X-FacToR said:
Tom cruise would kick the shit out of that guy had their not been a camera.
Yeah right. Tom Cruise is like 3 feet tall, the guy had at least a foot and a half on Cruise and probably an extra 50 pounds. I predict tom would have gotten his pampered ass reamed.
bliink said:
I have never found a prank such as the tom cruise incident funny... since THIS ONE!
Is that Bill Gates? And semen? Whoo!

Man, running up to people and throwing stuff on them isn't so funny. You've gotta really get them, like dress them in a chicken suit or tar + feather them or something. Or do something hilarious, like play Fred Durst's sex video at a Limp Bizcuitss concert. If they are still together, which I hope to god they are not. You can also draw a penis next to a PR guy's mouth in permenant marker! Or something completely unique, I dunno.

Squirting people with water is lame. White stuff might be a little better, but not much.

The semen covered brownies prank was hilarious. Oh man. So funny.
"Why would you do that? You're a jerk. You know, i'm very powerful in hollywood, and you see all these people behind me? I could snap my fingers and they'd run over here to my aid, and kill you if I wanted them to. Or, with my vast fortunes, I could hire a hitman to find you and murder you in your sleep. So... why would you do that? Don't run away... don't run away, because you would only die tired."

EDIT: Holy crap, I read that these camera crew and reporter could be charged with ASSAULT!? That's insane!

Police arrested the fake reporter and three members of his camera crew. They could be charged with assault.

Assault? You have to be kidding me!
Raziaar said:
"Why would you do that? You're a jerk. You know, i'm very powerful in hollywood, and you see all these people behind me? I could snap my fingers and they'd run over here to my aid, and kill you if I wanted them to. Or, with my vast fortunes, I could hire a hitman to find you and murder you in your sleep. So... why would you do that? Don't run away... don't run away, because you would only die tired."

EDIT: Holy crap, I read that these camera crew and reporter could be charged with ASSAULT!? That's insane!

Assault? You have to be kidding me!

wow, is that we he said? i didn't really listen to all of it but if he did say that, it makes him look quite bad
Raziaar said:
"Why would you do that? You're a jerk. You know, i'm very powerful in hollywood, and you see all these people behind me? I could snap my fingers and they'd run over here to my aid, and kill you if I wanted them to. Or, with my vast fortunes, I could hire a hitman to find you and murder you in your sleep. So... why would you do that? Don't run away... don't run away, because you would only die tired."
Was that supposed to be sarcastic? I don't think he said any of that, silly moo-cow. :)
Yeah he gets like 30 million dollars a movie I doubt its hurting too bad to be at a premier and answer some questions.
evil^milk said:
wow, is that we he said? i didn't really listen to all of it but if he did say that, it makes him look quite bad

Was that supposed to be sarcastic? I don't think he said any of that, silly moo-cow.

I was merely saying what he 'wanted' to say, but couldn't because of publicity reasons.
gh0st said:
Yeah right. Tom Cruise is like 3 feet tall, the guy had at least a foot and a half on Cruise and probably an extra 50 pounds. I predict tom would have gotten his pampered ass reamed.

I was over exaggerating btw
A little funny? Yes. Out of line though? Yup. Im glad Tom decided to stick around and really make that prick look like an ass. :thumbs:
I don't think that anyone mentioned it was a prank to be broadcast on a Channel 4 at a later point in time. Channel 4 later apologised for the prank.

Assault? Seems certain people can claim hurt pride as a bit of assault these days.

He did handle it pretty well though, lucky it wasn't Russell Crowe.

I don't think things like this are particularly newsworthy, but the bastards in the media will do anything.