tomb raider anniversary


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
played the demo, i must say it's a really good game for being a cashcow.
the plot and story seems to stay true to the original. at least locations are, with added complexity.
the controls are much more user friendly this time around than in Legends, but still they can be a pain in the ass not so rarely as one would like. combat is much more pleasing than in Legends.
to bad it received a mild release success. if only they stopped at TR2 (maybe 3) and continue again with legends and so forth. maybe Lara wouldn't be such a washed up icon by now.
i really have fond memories about this franchise to bad it is being abused so badly. BTW, a new reboot of the TR franchise is in the works. i heard it might be more action oriented but at the same time it also more RPGish.

yeah, you're probably thinking GTFO with Lara, but hey it was every 13 y.o. geek ideal woman.

in the mean time, you can fap at Allison Carroll's photo


yeah don't mind bout the bikini wax :P
The last couple Croft games were pretty decent. Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld all entertained me.
I personally loved Anniversary and i prefer it over Legend and Underworld. It felt like a true Tomb Raider game and is one of the best remakes of a game that i've seen. It just a shame that this game got overlooked
I've heard good things about the last few Tomb Raider games, but it seems the series' reputation was ruined after it was milked to death in the late '90s.
Yeah forget Croft, bring on FFXXII
TR TLR, TR C, TR AOD were the milk cows. boobs can only go so far...
but if you're like me who hasn't played TR since the third part, then the last additions are welcome.
Indeed, legend was terrible, anniversary was much better. underworld is the most broken game I've played since Big Rigs.
I have only played the demo as well. Pretty fun...maybe the full edition is cheap now? I will have to look into this....