Too all you internet savants out there, I have a question of weblore.

Apr 11, 2006
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Dear learned members of

Everyone has of course heard the three great catchphrases of the Internet:
1. All your base are belong to us.
2. O RLY (and variations: YA RLY etc.)
3 Im in ur base, killing ur manz.

I know where the first two came from, but what about the third? I've always wondered, and since this is summer vacation and I have nothing better to do, I thought I would ask our most learned interweb scholars. Do any of you know where the "Im in ur base" thing came from, and do you have proof to back it up?

Many thanks, Thunderclap
First one came from some old videogame that was badly translated. I feel stupid for not remembering the game D:

O RLY ehh um came from whoever decided to make it. I supposed it was made famous on either 4chan or ytmnd.

Third one came from someone on 4chan I think.

The caption generally acts as a speech balloon encompassing a comment from the cat, or as a description of the depicted scene. The caption is intentionally written with deviations from standard English spelling and syntax, (presumably how the cat might type, with typos and spelling errors) featuring "strangely-conjugated verbs, but [a tendency] to converge to a new set of rules in spelling and grammar." These altered rules of English have been referred to as a type of pidgin or baby talk. The text parodies the grammar-poor patois stereotypically attributed to internet slang. Frequently, lolcat captions take the form of snowclones in which nouns and verbs are replaced in a phrase. Some phrases have a known source while others seem to be specific to the lolcat form. Common themes include jokes of the form "Im in ur noun, verb-ing ur related noun."


Tamara Ikenberg of The News Journal states that "some trace the lolcats back to the site 4chan, which features bizarre cat pics [pictures] on Saturdays, or 'Caturdays'." The meme of "Caturdays" was introduced no later than February 5, 2006, when the Caturday community on Livejournal was first opened. Ikenburg adds that the images have been "slinking around the Internet for years under various labels, but they didn't become a sensation until early this year [2007] with the advent of" The first image on "I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?" was posted on January 11, 2007. The use of "lolcat" to describe the phenomenon was introduced no later than June 14, 2006, when was registered. Lev Grossman of Time wrote that the oldest known example "probably dates to 2006", but later corrected himself in a blog post where he recapitulated the anecdotal evidence readers had sent him, placing the origin of "Caturday" and many of the images now known as "lolcats" in early 2005.
The last one is from all of the cat images (im in ur sink, strokin my harbl) which originated from 4chan.
Less cats, More fap.
I am almost certain though that I've heard the "im in ur base, killing ur manz" well before lolcats, and besides, where does the "base" and "manz" part come in? I have yet to see a lolcat image with that caption.
Logic and internet lingo do not mix.
Isn't the correct phrase "I'm in your base, killing your dudes"? Or some other badly spelled version of it?
Logic and internet lingo do not mix.

With all due respect sir, you have missed the point of this thread.

The point of this thread is for all of us to have a serious etymological discussion of an Internet phrase in mock English accents, as if we were sitting in the retiring room of an Oxford college, sipping tea and wearing monocles. Unfortunately, this forum has no 'condescending English professor' smiley with which to indicate this.

@Dumb Dude
A most interesting regional variation. I have only heard it as "manz", never "dudes". Pray tell where did you hear it, that we may identify the dialect?
Isn't the correct phrase "I'm in your base, killing your dudes"? Or some other badly spelled version of it?
Yes, it is in fact the original.

I'm assuming the quote may have originated from an RTS, I'm guessing Starcraft here, as many quotes have been taken from it such as the infamous 'ZERG RUSH!' and many others.

Edit: it is suggested that it originates from Starcraft.
Isn't the correct phrase "I'm in your base, killing your dudes"? Or some other badly spelled version of it?

That's where I heard it from too. This is the only image that I can find that it may have started from.

It came from Something Awful, but I don't remember when or why. It was a very long time ago. The SAclopedia should have an entry for it, but it doesn't...

Would that I had an archives account so I could check that thread in Pulse's link. Damn you Lowtax, stop asking for more money!
Also, what's a harbl? I mean I'm pretty sure I know what it's MEANT to mean, but... why?
O RLY ehh um came from whoever decided to make it. I supposed it was made famous on either 4chan or ytmnd.
Somethingawful, actually. 4chan is too young and too stupid to come up with something like that.
Also, what's a harbl? I mean I'm pretty sure I know what it's MEANT to mean, but... why?

Harbl is hairball; relating to caturday i think

Kudos to the first Hl2.netter that posts shoop-whoop ;)
Excellent! Now that we've settled my first question (thank you Pulse!) we can move on. Maybe we can get this going as sort of a help thing, answering ign'nt n00bs's questions about internet mythos.

So...where'd the 'imma firin' mah lazer' come from, my good etymologists? Historical documentation preferred.
Now THAT one came from 4chan.

Also, harbl is NOT "hairball." Harbl comes from /z/, which none of you noobs know about because you're not cool enough. I cannot remember exactly what was posted, but a Japanese person posted something akin to, "that is harbl," meaning "horrible."

Harbl became a word unto itself. Everyone thought it meant penis for a long time because Moot wordfiltered "cock" to "harbl" on /b/ (which was also not cool enough for /z/). Harbl and "I'm in your base, killin' your dudes" would eventually cross paths, resulting in macros such as "I'm in ur sink, washin' my harbl."


Ah yes! This image originated from 4chan dear boy, the original image was shipped off an episode of DragonballZ. Kinda unsure of who the character is though, but pretty sure teh line "Chargin... etc..." was tagged and was not actually mentioned by the character himself.

All this stands to be corrected if incorrect though quite sure it's right.
It's Piccolo I believe. ;)
the only famous internet phrase i know the origin of is "Surprise Buttsecks"
witch came from the dumb-ass's at Fantasy Star Online

Edit: Let me append that "surprise sex" was actually a FYAD term from SA. Surprise BUTTSECKS was 4chan.
Are you asking how that came about or are you just posting it? Because if it's the former, there was a thread where someone posted a picture of who I assume was Sultan Abidin, ruler of Malaysia, with the caption, "I'm in charge of Malaysia!"

Anonymous replied with, "No, I am!" and that picture was included. It was screencapped for epic win.

Also, stealth edit: this thread is super fun. Someone ask something else!
It was used as a voice taunt in Age of Empires III :D

Thank you, I was reading, thinking, "OH GOD I KNOW THIS! Please someone else!!"

You're's hilarious.

And the All your base is from Zero Wing. Great game, besides the translating.
Where did these /b/'s and /z/'s etc. come from?
Why put the /'s? And what do the letters stand for?... if anything?
Are you asking how that came about or are you just posting it? Because if it's the former, there was a thread where someone posted a picture of who I assume was Sultan Abidin, ruler of Malaysia, with the caption, "I'm in charge of Malaysia!"

Anonymous replied with, "No, I am!" and that picture was included. It was screencapped for epic win.

Also, stealth edit: this thread is super fun. Someone ask something else!

I was there. And yeah, I was just posting it because of said epic luls.
Tax, you say that like it's not supposed to happen.

...that's what's supposed to happen, isn't it?

How did all this NOM NOM NOM stuff come about?
Near as I can tell, it's just the onomotopoeia for eating. Made famous by this picture:


but that's probably not the origin of it. I am sure that the origin DID have something to do with delicious cake, though.

Where did these /b/'s and /z/'s etc. come from?
Why put the /'s? And what do the letters stand for?... if anything?
-chan boards. The slashes are there so it's apparent you're talking about a board, and not just typing random letters. b vs. /b/, you see. It's also because the url is usually server.chansite/board/imageboard.html.
I loved how DBZ took 20 episodes for Goku to escape the exploding planet. "IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE IN 10 MINUTES!"

*many episodes later*

Your mom took ten minutes!

Ok I'm done.

^ That cat eating cake picture is LOL
It's Piccolo I believe. ;)

That's actually Cell, don't ask how I know this :| I loved DBZ when I was younger.

Because you touch yourself.

How did all this NOM NOM NOM stuff come about?





*slaps self*

No vegeta! I DON'T like DBZ. I DON'T! Stop making it sound like you DO!

DBZ used to give me such a chubby, I still kind of like it for nostalgic purposes.