Too all you internet savants out there, I have a question of weblore.

It made you chubby? Whaaaa!
I have one! Who started "Bitches dont know bout my ______"?

Like this:

Err the original phrase is "COCK GOES WHERE!?!?" I believe.

From a badly translated doujin or something.
I have one! Who started "Bitches dont know bout my ______"?
It all started with this man:


This photo was found on Myspace. The shirt was photoshopped. IIRC, the intent was to make fun of people who dress and act like this.

Then /b/ got ahold of it, and someone decided to post it in a reply. Whatever the thread had been about was forgotten and it became a thread for shops of this guy. Multiple threads would soon follow, and he'd even appear in other, unrelated threads, being photoshopped into other pictures.

The guy actually learned about all this and requested that /b/ create a thread containing all "Bitches don't know" images, because he found them hilarious.

To this day, bitches still don't know 'bout his dick.
Bitch you don't know 'bout my Cloverfield rake.

I know where this came from.


Some kind of word filter. What was the reason behind it? I've been told it had something to do with a #M GET
That was 22222222. The get was a picture of a fat woman with the text, "FATGET." Fatget was soon wordfiltered to "I AM A HUGE ******. PLEASE RAPE MY FACE."
Sometimes I see people posting:


where'd that come from?
From FYAD, a subforum of Something Awful (that I will never understand). "I see what you did there" is a sarcastic reply to a joke, photoshop, or anything else that probably intended to be subtle but wasn't, or tried to be funny/clever but wasn't.

"I see what you did thar," "I c wat u did thar," and all other permutations are just internet shortening, usually intended to increase sarcasm.

Certainly seems like everything from the internet comes from Somethingawful and 4chan, doesn't it, guys? Especially considering SA sort of spawned 4chan...and then as of late SA has been taking some of 4chan's can taste the recursion.

(That last line is also something from the internet, known but not popular. I'll give anyone who knows where it's from a cookie. TWO cookies if you post the accompanying picture)
Where's "I did it for the lulz" from?
I think that's one of those that goes so far back in the internet that probably no one knows. "I did it for the lols" is old.
Bitches don't know about my /b/ folder :p

...: Lol Wut?
...: So i herd u liek me (ie: so i heard u like mudkips?)
...: Caturday
...: Inspiration/Motivational Posters
...: It's A Trap
...: NO U!
...: ****-chan's (ie: Alexis etc...)
...: Is Arty Gonna Have To Choke A Bitch?
...: DO IT, ******!
...: U FAIL!
...: Pedobear
...: C...C...C...COMBOBREAKER!
...: Rule 34 and Furry's
...: Mordor
...: Guro and Goatse

****ING EPIC!!!!

/b/ is the place where hero's and legends are born ;)

Also, efg... candlejack, slowpoke, captain falcon all of these characters are great and often modified and tagged with phrases from popular meme's whic-
...*pant*...It's...*pant*...okay.... ...Willeh...

...*gasp*...he didn't get... *pant* ... all... of me...

I want to know where FGSFDS came from.

Danimal, Where do babies, I mean FGSFDSs, come from?