too high expectations?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
whos in the same train here? im getting worried that hl2 will have too high expectations, and will be getting a low score, like 7, or something
hmmmm....entirely possible, but I think the gameplay binks showed us alot of promise
If Doom 3 can get a 90% overall average score, I can't see HL2 getting lower.
Every major game that ended up getting reviews in the 90's range has had its fans debating this before the game was out. Does HL2 have the potential to end being being a so-so game? Yes.

Will I lose sleep and worry that I am putting too much hype and hope into this game? No.
what if valve showed us too much, so there will be no surprise?
I think we should take the words of fellow forum members who have visited VALVe and playtested HL2, such as merc. He said we were all in for a huge surprise.
aw, im just so worried, i cant even imagine if hl2 failed misurably
By no means it will be a bad or so-so game, but it's too overhyped anyway
Yes, the hype is beyond anyones control. There's a very very high chance of being let down, but at least we'll have the source ports to play around with.
if it becomes a so so game, i will never trust valve again, they release too much about their work
I hate to be the one to say it, but this has already been discussed to *death*. Try doing a search.
I know I'm going to be let down. Period. But that's why I'm on a mod team. So I can make sure I make a game taht I won't be let down by -.-
InZaneFlea said:
I know I'm going to be let down. Period. But that's why I'm on a mod team. So I can make sure I make a game taht I won't be let down by -.-

I feel the same. You'll be expecting so much of HL2, that at the end, you'll be " Ok, 1 year waiting..."
HL2 = awsome story line. It will not fail IMO. I love Doom3 but it did get a lill repetitive. I dont see HL2 doing that plus there will be more mods for HL2 then UT2003 & 2004 maps. lol
The game has a secure slot in the high 9's.

No doubt about it. Valve hasn't over exposed the game, everything will be as good as we hope. (Or better)

Let's try to think of a good thread idea.. These are getting rather dry...
I don't think valve has shown THAT much either where they could have shown a lot more...

I mean the e3 prez we're long but it was only a small part of one area at a time... Personally i don't think that has really spoiled the game for me...

I say we have around 90% of the game we HAVN'T seen yet and are at the tip of the iceberg
Greg Coomer told us about 2 months ago, that what they have shown us is the tip of the ice berg. There's features about the game and the engine they still haven't told us. There's many surprises to come. That's why i love people thinking they think they know everything about hl2 and its engine, when we only scraped the surface.

Ok I dunno why i am sharing this but i shall. For he who shall remain namelss playtester of HL2 was invited to valve on two separate occasions. The first time he went to play hl2 is was about 2 and a half months ago and after playing for 2 hours straight which was all he was allowed to do at the time he left with mixed feelings. Sure the opening of the game was fun be it was extremely buggy at the time and hard to play. I assured him that bugs are the last thing to be fixed in a development cycle and to not hold much over them.

Well very recently (last week) he went back again to play but this time he played hl2 for 8 hours straight. They started him at a point right after he stopped last time. After playing for a few hours he was simply in disbelief. He is a very harsh critic of games and doesnt like much of what he plays, namely he didnt like doom3 or farcry much but he says hl2 is just amazing. He wouldnt tell me any spoilers thank god but he said the physics puzzles are probably some of the greatest gaming moments of all time. After playing 8 hours straight he was forced to leave only because erik j's wife wanted to go home. But he walked away from playing seeing the game with almost no bugs, and only crashing once. He is craving to go back already and has been invited a third time. After playing 10 hours all together Erik told him that it was about 40% through the game and that was going extremely fast without stopping to explore or anything, it was all progressing along in the game. I hope this is acceptable because he wasnt told not to say anything.
what comp was he using? and how well did it run? im afraid, becuause css runs like crap
I'll believe you if he shows us a picture of him @ valve....or at least you give this "friend" a name.
Well He did take some pictures of the game with his digital camera but im not sure if those are allowed to be posted, i would but im not sure its allowed.
It's allowed. Post away.

/bets this guy still doesn't post...
You actually have to be online to get that stuff to work, i mean im chewcky, why would i lie. So many people know me here anyways.
ok guys its pictures we've never seen before. he doesnt want them on the net so i wont post them, but trust me he's legit. and man...what a picture it is...if u want it, get me on AIM @ guinnyboy1123, i refuse to upload it to respect his wishes.
there was a thread like this like 3 months back about HL2 being able to live up to its hype.

well.. frankly put some pple are so hyped about the game that they really are in for a disappointment regardless of how good the game really is.

then some pple are gonna compare HL and HL2...and i think thats another mistake... i mean HL was revelutionary for its time.. and so is HL2 (to a smaller extent) but to be expecting the "aweness" of HL to be present in HL2 is a recipe for disappointment as well.

i was having a conversation with Bliink about HL2 losing some of its luster the longer it takes to come out.. and while we both agreed the game would be great in its own right.. the luster part is surely true.
Well my friend played the hell out of HL before he went and playtested hl2 and he thinks hl2 blows hl clear out of the water.
Ok guinny sent me one of the pictures, the freakiness of that thing is freakier than almost everything in Doom 3. This game is hardcore!!
It might have taken an eternity to arrive but I can say with confidence that HL2 will be the game of the year.
You guys posting your eMail addys without any masking are just asking for a spam scanner to read them... :E
ktimekiller said:
whos in the same train here? im getting worried that hl2 will have too high expectations, and will be getting a low score, like 7, or something

Doom 3 got high scores even though it was boring.