Too many games out soon...


Oct 20, 2004
Reaction score
Why is it that for most of this year, only a few great games have been released eg, GTA:SA and BF2 on PC. And then now in a matter of about 4 weeks, we have : Day of Defeat source coming out, Black and White 2 coming out, and FEAR soon as well. I wont know which to play...
steal some, and play all of them my friend. If it gets really bad create a timetable to spread the gameage equally throughout the week where possible, that accompanied by the odd snack and your in buisness.
Black and White 2
The Movies
Mario Kart DS
Animal Crossing DS
Quake 4... maybe

That is about 200 quid.
Got Black and White 2 on pre-order already, and I think I'll probably pick up F.E.A.R as well. AoE 3 as well depending on when it comes out.
Axyon said:
AoE 3(!) as well depending on when it comes out.

13th of October 2001? Nice. :p

That reminds me:

Black and White 2
The Movies
Mario Kart DS
Animal Crossing DS
Quake 4... maybe

Age of Empires 3
Rise of Legends
HL2: Aftermath
ES IV: Oblivion
Serious Sam 2... maybe

I could go on :(
Reginald said:
13th of October 2001? Nice. :p

That reminds me:

Age of Empires 3
Rise of Legends
HL2: Aftermath
ES IV: Oblivion
Serious Sam 2... maybe

I could go on :(
Don't be silly, that's AoE 2 you're talking about! I was obviously referring to the third game withnoeditinginterference. Okay?


Gorgon said:
is B&W2 worth it ?
Well, they've totally changed everything that was annoying and stupid in the first game, plus there's the huge addition of battles and seiges... and with no population caps, there's potential for some absolutely huge fights.
Axyon said:
Don't be silly, that's AoE 2 you're talking about! I was obviously referring to the third game withnoeditinginterference. Okay?


Of course. Silly me. :upstare:
Nobody has mentioned Call of Duty 2.

You are not worthy of your gaming stripes, tear them from your arms RIGHT NOW, soldiers
CR0M said:
Nobody has mentioned Call of Duty 2.

You are not worthy of your gaming stripes, tear them from your arms RIGHT NOW, soldiers

After the demo for Call of Duty 1 I had had enough. The demo for the expansion pack was just insulting.
I've got Civ 4, AoE 3 and Burnout 4: Revenge on the horizon. I'll never afford them all :( I'm also undoubtedly picking up Aftermath, but Valve games are different, because I'd pick them up regardless.
AoE 3
Black and White 2(maybe)
OFP:Armed Assault

Not going to bother with any of the other games. :|
Oblivion and Aftermath will be all I pick up. Everything else I can steal off friends :D
Black and White 2 is coming out soon?
That almost brought tears to my eyes I am so happy.
Fliko said:
Black and White 2 is coming out soon?
That almost brought tears to my eyes I am so happy.

Demo at the end of this month. And release October 7th.
Black and White 2 just went gold, for anyone that's interested. Safe to assume that the release date is set in stone now, yay :D

CR0M said:
Nobody has mentioned Call of Duty 2.

You are not worthy of your gaming stripes, tear them from your arms RIGHT NOW, soldiers
Must... Not... Get... Angry...
Oooh it's no use. CoD was good, and I love that you're not just playing US soldiers (which shocked me 'cause I thought the US won the whole of WW2 single-handedly) but the gaming world needs no more WW2 games. NO MORE.
swiss said:
Why is it that for most of this year, only a few great games have been released eg, GTA:SA and BF2 on PC. And then now in a matter of about 4 weeks, we have : Day of Defeat source coming out, Black and White 2 coming out, and FEAR soon as well. I wont know which to play...
Its becase its almost time for the big consumer/buyer spending orgy we call christmas. :upstare:
Aha! Black and White 2!

Time to make yet another pit of burning rocks! :D
If I get the job ar Target Im sure to get Q4 and maybe a othter game
Im still waiting for BF2 patch 1.3 :\
Lemonking said:
If I get the job ar Target Im sure to get Q4 and maybe a othter game
Im still waiting for BF2 patch 1.3 :\
So true..bring on bf2

But the next game I'm going to pick up will be Burnout: Revenge.