Too much anger here

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Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
There seems to be a very alarming rise of flames and overall hatred in these forums lately. I think I found a solution. I want everyone to flame me. As hard as you ****ers can. If everyone just lets it out on me, then maybe they'll feel a little better and won't flip out on a poor, defenseless headcrab who's never been to the site. Having trouble flaming? Just read below.

OMG!!! new bink hi res CS:S mov!!!!!11one <inserts link to the CS:S Bink>

OMG!!! halflife2 released!! me wants itt!!! r they reale?! <inserts the picture of the 6 fake CD's>

OMG!!! this is HILARIOUS!! read/see it!! <inserts VERY old gag article/picture>

Feeling the rage rising? Post a flame, I don't care. Get it out of your system. You'll feel better about it.
I don't really see alot of flaming, it's just that there are many new users who don't really understand how things are run around here..

Thanks for your concern :p
yea, new people must realize there are people here who do nothing all day but have all hl2 sites open and press the f5 button for the latest news. they actually have special keyboards that have all f5 keys on it because of their heavy use of the key. if you think you have exclusive news, think again! these guys have been there and done that!
poseyjmac said:
yea, new people must realize there are people here who do nothing all day but have all hl2 sites open and press the f5 button for the latest news. they actually have special keyboards that have all f5 keys on it because of their heavy use of the key. if you think you have exclusive news, think again! these guys have been there and done that!

My F5 key opens a new document :( manual reloading for me :thumbs:
The level of community anger is directly related the amount of time Valve have delayed the game.

Remember this time last year? It was all smily faces and giggles. Now we're all majorly pissed off, annoyed and couldn't give a shit !! JUST GIVE US THE GAME FFS!!
:flame: take that...and this :flame:

and here's one more for good measure :flame:
They only flame because they can get away with it on a forum....let them flammers flame some of these people in real life and then see what happens.
I hate all noobxxors you'll can soxxor my cockxxor argh asdfjkl;lsafj;ls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that was useless.... :(
Rafa 5.0 said:
I hate all noobxxors you'll can soxxor my cockxxor argh asdfjkl;lsafj;ls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O M F G that was hilarious! Tottaly made my night right there. :E
OMGZ must refresh to see the next reply!
sHm0zY said:
six three i love you!!! and you're avatar

Last time I checked I was Human, not an avatar..
Dr.Spock said:
O M F G that was hilarious! Tottaly made my night right there. :E

Glad you enjoy my incoherent ranting :bounce: :cheers:

All these useless threads really up my post number... bullsquid now :smoking:
Dr.Spock said:
I am upping my post count! WOOT!

Me too this kicks ass. Only like 4,000 and some odd number til Im up there with shuzer! woot! Anyways you suck ass for making this thread ;) why did you do this?
i hate you, you slag.

my feces is in the mail
Mattigus said:
There seems to be a very alarming rise of flames and overall hatred in these forums lately. I think I found a solution. I want everyone to flame me. As hard as you ****ers can. If everyone just lets it out on me, then maybe they'll feel a little better and won't flip out on a poor, defenseless headcrab who's never been to the site. Having trouble flaming? Just read below.

OMG!!! new bink hi res CS:S mov!!!!!11one <inserts link to the CS:S Bink>

OMG!!! halflife2 released!! me wants itt!!! r they reale?! <inserts the picture of the 6 fake CD's>

OMG!!! this is HILARIOUS!! read/see it!! <inserts VERY old gag article/picture>

Feeling the rage rising? Post a flame, I don't care. Get it out of your system. You'll feel better about it.

You big stupid...doo doo head!
the true I not soo anger

I think the answer to all this will be make a protest surrounding the Valve HQ and whit bigs signs saying "RELEASE HL2 NOW" and everibody singing it
also block all the building whit cars and everything to make something like a barricade, but of course whit all the valve employers inside
and bring carps of camping to sleep there until HL2 is released

that will be the way to get the game!!1

or just be patience and wait playing whit your fingers singing "too too toodoo toodoo doodoo tootoo doodoo too too doo toodootoodoo tootoo doo tooo....
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