Too.. much.. caffeine

Nat Turner

Sep 28, 2005
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I drank like 5 cups of coffee an hour ago, and I hardly ever drink coffee (so I don't have that much tolerance). Gah. This stuff is poison.
I treat coffee like beer and pot: I drink it to be social when hanging out with other people. Otherwise it's just a milder form of taking drugs by yourself.
I never drink Coffee. Once had 2 cups to get some work done and had a headache by the second cup.

Took a caffeine pill once mind. Worked well for about an hour of revision.
It's the drop you'll get that ****s you up.
Coffee is one of those things that stops me suddenly dying.

-Angry Lawyer
Sulkdodds said:
For the win.

Try Foosh mints.
That's the one I tried. Got it with an issue of PC Gamer. Very good, no headaches or apparent energy downs surprisingly.
Caffeine doesn't seem to affect me as bad as other people. Its depressing.
Coffee packs a punch for me, but wow is it good sometimes when you need it.
Fliko said:
Caffeine doesn't seem to affect me as bad as other people. Its depressing.

Doing hard drugs like coke, heroin, or crystal meth will increase your tolerance for all drugs in general. This includes anisthetics, meaning that drug users sometimes wake up in the middle of surgery, usually screaming.

Just throwing that out there as an interesting fact.
I top out at about 5 cups of coffee per day at school (thats about ~5 hours per day).

Kinda feel like Tweak sometimes.
I never feel the affects of Caffeine...stackers2's do nothing for me,nor do energy drinks. I chewed a whole pack of jolt gum through school today,It must work,I only slept through one class.

At least it's packing on the muscle tho.
Random fact - there's loads of oestrogen in tapwater.

You're drinking yourself some boobies, Recoil. Unless you drink something like Evian, but FarrowLeSparrow pissed in the spring, so you're drinking his wee.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
Random fact - there's loads of oestrogen in tapwater.

You're drinking yourself some boobies, Recoil. Unless you drink something like Evian, but FarrowLeSparrow pissed in the spring, so you're drinking his wee.

-Angry Lawyer
I try to drink as little tap water as possible, it's pretty good here anyway, comes straight from a natural resevoir.
I hope thats not true,because aside from alcohol and the occasional energy drink,all I drink is tap water.
Codcommando said:
I hope thats not true,because aside from alcohol and the occasional energy drink,all I drink is tap water.
Lets hope you don't live in maryland, i heard the water there is some of the worst in the world.
Carcinogens, oestrogen, PCB's, heavy metals.

Life expectancy is meant to drop a year for every gallon you drink.
I had a can of coke before school. Almost killed three people. Let that be a lesson to you all, no bringing knives to school.
short recoil said:
Lets hope you don't live in maryland, i heard the water there is some of the worst in the world.
Carcinogens, oestrogen, PCB's, heavy metals.

Life expectancy is meant to drop a year for every gallon you drink.

Rock on Maryland !
Drink 100 cups of coffee. You'll reach a heightened, enlightened state of mind, just like Fry from Futurama.
Raziaar said:
Drink 100 cups of coffee. You'll reach a heightened, enlightened state of mind, just like Fry from Futurama.

I'd rather do LSD than drink 100 cups of coffee.

Probably be a lot cheaper too...
I never drink it. I prefer my tea. Speaking of which.......
All I drink lately is water, filtered water from my tap. It tastes better than bottled water, and I drink 4 litres of the stuff a day. Well above my daily reccomended dose of water.

All I drink is water with the rare occasion of drinking a soda or something.
Caffiene is crap, makes me feel crappy the next day and its harder to be active.