Too much sex in entertainment?

abconners said:
Sex is something that should be between you and the person who your doing it to. But seriously, it should be a very personal thing between two people and no one else. That titanic thing was not showing the art anyway, they just wanted to show the boobie to make more money. why do you think it made so much?

That's all individual perspective. Don't think your view is ever going to change anything though, there has been sex recorded throughout history in books, in the form of statues and in plays dating back from even before the Romans. TV and movies are merely a more technological form of that stuff.

Fact of the matter is... sex is part of the world, its the very fabric of our existence.
Oh, and heres whats wrong with Euthanasia. Obviously, these aren't my words, but these are very good reasons for why it shouldn't be legal:
1. Legalized euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide entail the direct killing of persons.
2. Killing is incompatible with caring, and it is the elderly, the disabled, and the poor who will be put at risk.
3. The purpose of the medical profession is to perserve life, not destroy it. Doctors who cure and heal should not be agents of death. Legalized euthanasia would make a doctor a person to be feared rather than a person to be trusted.
4. The legal permission to die can easily be the duty to die. Terminally ill patients will feel pressured to die to spare their families or their communitities an emotional and financial burden.
5. Unscrupulous persons will try to arrange for the death of an enemy or a wealthy relative.
6. Doctors in the Nethrlands, where physician-assisted suicide ahs been legal for years, annually kill hundreds of patiens who did not request death.
7. Legalized euthanasia would less the incentive for medical research to cure some terminal illnesses or to lessen the suffering of those afflicted with them.
8. Some patients suprise doctors by coming out of comas or by recovering from terminal illnesses; legalixed euthanasia would kill them first.
9. Patients in most states already have the legal right to refuse any treatment they don't want. Dying is not "undignified"; it is part of being human.
10. With competent medical care, no one needs to die in unrelenting pain. Doctors should kill the pain, not the patient.
abconners said:
I saw it on dateline about amsterdam
ive been there twice, the problems you're talking about are non issues.

edit, the assisted suicide thing: im for that as well, i know when i get old and crippled and am suffering on some bed with more diseases than i can count on my arthritic fingers, im going to want the plug pulled.
I think with all the sex available it is desensitizing people and intmacy is dying as the result.

This is not for moral reasons. It isn't for the kids. I think sex is too intergerated into our culture. Remember 50 years ago seeing a woman's legs was erotic. Before you know it people will not even find a naked woman erotic. Sad :(
smoking weed opens a gateway to hell. that's what the scientists were doing in doom3 :(
abconners said:
[...]it becomes the biggest part of their life and thus they waste part of their life.
people waste their lives. they'd do it without porn, without tv. maybe less, yes...
abconners said:
Weed is a gate way drug. Im saying that out of experience.
I don't care what experiance you say you have, I disagree. Perhaps, in some cases, people will use substances they otherwise wouldn't. The vast majority do not.

Sonce I support (with reservations) leglaization on drugs... since things are largely those people decisions, I don't have an issue with it anyway... but this is offtopic.
abconners said:
[...]But seriously, it should be a very personal thing between two people and no one else.[...]
I would say that, sex for you is a personal thing between two people. That's great. You and almost everyone else. But if someone else wants to have group sex and videotape it and watch it with their friends, well, that, also, is up to that person, their friends, and that video tape. You may risk a 'Paris Hilton' type scandal (at least if anyone know you), but that also is up to you.

As for TV, well, I support parental ratings and V-chips (also with reservations). You don't have to watch anything on TV, and parents should have control over wht their kids watch (though I don't believe technology can substitute parenting yet).
gh0st said:
ive been there twice, the problems you're talking about are non issues.

edit, the assisted suicide thing: im for that as well, i know when i get old and crippled and am suffering on some bed with more diseases than i can count on my arthritic fingers, im going to want the plug pulled.

What wouldn't you just kill yourself
abconners said:
What wouldn't you just kill yourself
maybe i wouldent be able to if i were bed ridden in a hospital.

its interesting, you think suicide is alright but doctor assisted suicide is totally wrong.
I don't think suicide is alright. I think it is murder. But why would you put your blood on someone else's hands by asking them to kill you?
abconners said:
I don't think suicide is alright. I think it is murder. But why would you put your blood on someone else's hands by asking them to kill you?
because in my opinion it wouldent be wrong. murder is only murder when the person doesnt want to be murdered by you, in my opinion. i dont see why it should be a problem.
murder is just like watching "saved by the bell", you try to do it when no one is looking.
abconners said:
I don't think suicide is alright. I think it is murder. But why would you put your blood on someone else's hands by asking them to kill you?
If they don't see it that way they don't. They may see it as they see any of a doctors duties. A salvation from pain and suffering, a person charged with assisting a person in doing what they feel is best with thir life and their body and their health and, inevitably, their death.
Lil' Timmy said:
murder is just like watching "saved by the bell", you try to do it when no one is looking.
LOL! :laugh:

Lil Timmy strikes again!

:sniper: Aaaugghhh Im bleeding!!!
gh0st said:
because in my opinion it wouldent be wrong. murder is only murder when the person doesnt want to be murdered by you, in my opinion. i dont see why it should be a problem.

It is desensitized killing. When we disreguard life like that, what next. Will you be for killing the poor because they are a burden. will you be for the killing of the mentally ill because they can't comprehend. Thinking like this will lead to an ultimate disreguard for life, and then we can start killing the minorities.
:) Weed and sex. Sex and weed. Wex and seed. Seed and wex.
abconners said:
It is desensitized killing. When we disreguard life like that, what next. Will you be for killing the poor because they are a burden. will you be for the killing of the mentally ill because they can't comprehend. Thinking like this will lead to an ultimate disreguard for life, and then we can start killing the minorities.
Those people arent asking to die, so why should they?
It's a tought issue, no doubt. Not black and white.... There are people who commit suicide that certaintly should not, and should even be prevented from doing so by whatever means neccisary. Two people from my high school commited suicide while I went there. I can't say that was a right thing. I know some people think that if you take your own life it's your decision completely, but I can't agree with that.... But a terminally ill patient with a terrible quality of life? That I can feel good about, as good as one can..

Edit: This is seriously off topic. :)
First pic is very much yay!

Now i'm going to go out and have a broken marriage and be a drunk abusive father.
Mr-Fusion said:
First pic is very much yay!

Now i'm going to go out and have a broken marriage and be a drunk abusive father.
Well I'll assist you to suicide if you do :)
gh0st said:
Those people arent asking to die, so why should they?

If euthanasia were legalized, who would make the decision to pull the plug. Would it be a greedy son who's father is in a coma. Who would control the decisions? If it were up to the individual, how would you stop the doctors if you had a sudden change of heart. I would hate to imagine my asking for an assisted suicide and suddenly having a change of mind. atleast with regular suicide you can make a choice and stop before you go too far.
abconners said:
If it were up to the individual, how would you stop the doctors if you had a sudden change of heart.
tell them not to kill you. i admit it depends upon the situation. legally it should be the PERSONS right to have themselves killed.
abconners said:
If euthanasia were legalized, who would make the decision to pull the plug. Would it be a greedy son who's father is in a coma. Who would control the decisions? If it were up to the individual, how would you stop the doctors if you had a sudden change of heart. I would hate to imagine my asking for an assisted suicide and suddenly having a change of mind. atleast with regular suicide you can make a choice and stop before you go too far.
and this makes it so only people who can physically manage it can commit suicide. good news for the sixteen-year-old who is depressed and broke up with his girlfiend. Bad for the quadrapalegic woman who is beddridden and has terminal cancer :O
that damn cat again!!!

um, anyway on-off-topic, assisted suicide of people who are in full control of their mental faculties and eunthanasia of people in comas, catatonia, etc. are different issues.
There is more to life than living in constant pleasure. Suffering is a part of life and a natural thing! People have suffered for the last 500000000 years or more. It is part of what makes us human people!! If you are too damn weak to endure suffering than you should just put a gun to your head and pull the trigger cause you don't deserve the life you have!
abconners said:
There is more to life than living in constant pleasure. Suffering is a part of life and a natural thing! People have suffered for the last 500000000 years or more. It is part of what makes us human people!! If you are too damn weak to endure suffering than you should just put a gun to your head and pull the trigger cause you don't deserve the life you have!
there havent been people for 500000000 years. if you cant handle seeing sex on tv, you should kill yourself kthx nub.
abconners said:
gh0st said:
if people cant handle sex they should leave society. watching sex isnt going to hurt anybody except those who watch it, and no one is forcing you to. if you dont like sex, watch sesame street or pokemon. surprising that i'm saying this, but im a realist first and a conservative second.

Its not me im worried about, its the rest of society. When we lose our morals we don't care what is right and wrong and then you have another Nazi Germany. All you need to do to control people is to take away their sense of right and wrong.

Nazi Germany enforced a strict morality code. In fact, Hitler was a proponent of school prayer.

Hmmmm. Maybe we need to go the way of the Greeks or Romans. Their empires actually lasted a while, and they got pretty perverted.
abconners said:
There is more to life than living in constant pleasure. Suffering is a part of life and a natural thing! People have suffered for the last 500000000 years or more. It is part of what makes us human people!! If you are too damn weak to endure suffering than you should just put a gun to your head and pull the trigger cause you don't deserve the life you have!
and if there is no forseeable hope of living witout excruciating pain, or ever leaving a hospital room?
gh0st said:
there havent been people for 500000000 years
yeah, it's more like 7000 or so..
Phisionary said:
and if there is no forseeable hope of living witout excruciating pain, or ever leaving a hospital room?
that's where the weed comes in. :|
It is just these people are talking about never having to suffer death. well death is a part of life. BTW, sex in television is bad. It's been fun ppl, but im gonna go find something else to do. Most of your inputs were intelligent and intersting. Check Ya lata
Lil' Timmy said:
yeah, it's more like 7000 or so..
that's just civilization as we know it. people have been around, in roughly the form we know, for 120,000,000 years or so. Though their may have been less obvious differnces for some of that (read: brain structure)

Edit: unless you are a creationist, in which case I am a heritic, and a atheist, pagan, or satanist :E
abconners said:
BTW, sex in television is bad.

IN the television? Perhaps you meant "with" the television? That could be bad. Electrocution as a climax. Eeep.
Phisionary said:
that's just civilization as we know it. people have been around, in roughly the form we know, for 120,000,000 years or so. Though their may have been less obvious differnces for some of that (read: brain structure)

Edit: unless you are a creationist, in which case I am a heritic, and a atheist, pagan, or satanist :E

i was making a (not so) funny.. you know the bible and archbishop usher and all that mess? anyway, 120 mil is way too long.. by people we usually mean homo sapiens, which appear about 100 kya, if you just meant hominids in general, that's back to like australopithicus genera or so, and that's only like 4.5 mya.