too stupid to live

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May 5, 2004
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I'm bored so i'd thought I'd start a thread about people who are too stupid to live (or they're so dumb it's a surprise they havent killed themselves yet...perhaps in some bizarre gardening accident)

my vote goes to:

Jessica Simpson

Mandy Moore

Olso twins

Hillary's Duff

there are others but I cant think of them right now

...k maybe it's just me but I dont like the dumb "princess"'s a complete turn off
Maybe we should be pointing fingers at you for making such a post. I see no evidence to support the promotion of someone being killed or killing themselves based on your own prejudice opinion of them.
oh jebus!!! It's a joke...I wouldnt harm a fly, man get a sense of humour
I've got a sense of humor, I just don't consider that humorous. What do you have against these people?
Heh, I think we need to take a chill pill or two....

We need more humour on these forums. :)
Phew, for a second there I thought I was going to have to get psycho! :p
Steelwind said:
I've got a sense of humor, I just don't consider that humorous. What do you have against these people?

i have nothing against these people, I dont even know them. If you dont like it, dont look at ones forcing you
You're right no one is forcing me. Maybe I flew off the handle a bit, I just didn't see a point to the thread. What's it matter if someone thinks they're too stupid to live. Not only that, but not even giving a simple explaination of why they feel that way. Just seems childish and down right arrogant to me.

Anyway, there are people I have my doubts about, just like any other. I guess I would have worded the the thread differently though. My apologies for jumping off the hook so quickly.
CptStern said:
i have nothing against these people, I dont even know them. If you dont like it, dont look at ones forcing you
GEE GEE! I think steelwind is pretty dumb.
Steelwind is right. What is the purpose of this thread? spam? :p. And its not very nice randomly insulting people you dont know.
OMG dont understand what I was getting at...I'm not saying they should be killed for being stupid I'm just saying I'm surprised they have killed themselves through some stupid know like pouring gasoline on a propane BBQ and throwing a match...or sticking their head out a train window cuz they like how the wind feels

btw thx for ruining what could have been a humourous thread
this reminds me of a thread about the war. You say something, someone takes it the wrong way, goes crazy about it, then starts a fight. gotta love it.
Forgive me for ruining your precious thread CptStern. Allow me to bow out of your holy grounds so that your blissful wisdom will continue to shine down upon us.

NOTE: That was supposed to be an apology to get the thread back on track. Obviously I completely missed the purpose behind your ingenious revelations.
Submerge said:
John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and all the other democrats.

/me watches at thread title

'too stupid to live'

Wasn't it Bush who suffocated on a pretzel?
I dont think his last comment about ruining the thread was dirrected at you... allthough I could be wrong.

Either way, both of you should just forget it now and get on with the thread before it gets closed.
Heh, I reckon you guys are far too touchy. Why don't you take a deep breath and calm the **** down?

I'd want to add Britney to the list. I heard she doesn't even sing live, what she does is basically dance. And what does she get for dancing? Just a couple of millions... that's all.
She doesn't write her own songs, she merely has some fancy songwriter to write her a song, heck she even have potential songs sung for her, so she can pick them out. She's talentless! She looks good, but she has no talent whatsoever
PvtRyan said:
/me watches at thread title

'too stupid to live'

Wasn't it Bush who suffocated on a pretzel?

Yup, it was during the super bowl or some other big sport event.
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