Which people don't you like?

Let's see...

- Bush
- All politicians (Joe Lieberman especially :angry:... Also that guy who was the Premier of Ontario. Ernie Eves. What a bastard.)
- People who use the word "theory" in place of "hypothesis." Now there's no way to say you have a proven theory without people saying "But it's just a theory!"
- People who say "Well that's just your opinion!"
- All the big-name rap "artists"
- TV network exec's who cancel awesome shows for no reason (especially Family Guy, though that's been refunded \o/ )
- The CIA/FBI/random US agency that keeps censoring all the Project Blue Book and other UFO-related declassified files, and dodging all the declassified file requests
- The guy who invented the SUV
Kyo said:
The world according to Bill Gates is not to be a genuis, but how to be a pirate. How could Bill Gates not know that he was purchasing Kildorf's operating system for 50,000 dollars from some jerk in Orgen. Just change the C: prompt to A: prompt and you have a new operating system called DOS 7.1 and sell it to start your software company. If Bill Gates can steal software than everybody should be able to also. Why pay those high prices for Microsoft software when everybody should get it free. - Just like Bill Gates. If you did a print test on the first IBM computer's with Mircosoft operating systems, you would have seen David Kildorf's name. Bill Gates is worth 60 Billion dollars because he stold Kildorf's work. Nobody should get left holding the bag for expensive software after the bigest theft in the 20th Century. Bill Gates motto should be: If you can act unethical but still remain legal in a court of law, - than do it. This reminds me of O.J. Simpsom.

Were you trying to spell OREGON?
I live in Oregon, spell it right!
Those People Down The Road From Us Who Always Hold Loud Parties In Their Truck Shed.
So I can't spell for **** when it comes to U.S. cities/states

Sue Me
Hilary Dumb
Britney Spearz
Jessica Simpson
Gabe newell
Marc laidlaw
Rick ellis
Yahn b--

Oops, got a little carried away. ;) :naughty:
1. people who make up neato nick-names for famous people based on their real names. (ie: "nsuck," "hilary dumb," "britney stupid," etc.)
2. those people of whom the nicknames are made

generally speaking for both of these, of course, not a blanket statement.

i dislike:
a lot of bastardly politicians, a lot of fanatics, a lot of people who cant realize the fact that there is a reason men dont have vaginas, a lot of assholes, a lot of famous pricks with no talent(note: not all famous pricks have no talent), a lot of violent people who advocate peace, and many many more. specific people i hate very few of, and my hate for the generalities that i do hate is very inactive(as in, i only hate them when a specific incidence revives that hate).
Naft said:
1. people who make up neato nick-names for famous people based on their real names. (ie: "nsuck," "hilary dumb," "britney stupid," etc.)

*stabs Naft in the heart* :sniper: j/k, lol.