Top 10 Best/Worse Games Ever


Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
I was just watching MTV and they are hyping up the PS3 like it's jesus or something (Personally i'm not going to buy it). Anyways they had a show on showing the top 10 best and worse video games ever! As soon as i heard that I got locked in! For I am a true old school console gamer and new age PC gamer (Since consoles are getting out of hand). I was so shocked the Half Life franchise was left out! They had Halo and all that junk. Why not Half Life or at least Counter Strike. Half Life has been voted the best FPS ever and is the second best rated video game ever. So why did it not make the list? I dont know you tell me because I was kinda sad.
True, True but I mean come on Fatallity was on there (sorry for sp) well anyways everyone knows him from Painkiller torny's and Counter Strike torny's! That is how he became the HUGE gamer he is! I mean he has his own ****ing corp of gamers to think he would at least say something about HL or HL2 or even CS games...saddens me
Halo is arguably the best XBOX game ever, atleast best Xbox shooter. It pales in comparison to mediocre games on the PC...

What did win?

Actually, were any truly PC games mentioned? If none were, then the entire "event" is discredited completely.
Yeah I doubt there even going to touch PC gaming :| So dont expect to see Half-life up there.
MTV = watched by morons
Consoles = played by morons

profit $$$$$
Lol, fanboyism ahoy!

*Charges into the fortified console minefield*
The irony is, if more PC gamers played consoles, you wouldn't hear so much bitching about the Xen levels in Half-Life. Simple platformers, people! :LOL:

But yeah I watched the top six or so on that show just now and was disappointed. At least they got all the "worst" games right; those games were universally hated.
Lol, MTV and gaming.

I bet Madden and Need for Speed Underground/Most Wanted/etc. were mentioned in the Top 10.
Lol, MTV and gaming.

I bet Madden and Need for Speed Underground/Most Wanted/etc. were mentioned in the Top 10.

You forgot the instant classic that was 50 Cent: Bulletproof.
You forgot the instant classic that was 50 Cent: Bulletproof.

Nobody at my school talks about it, so it must've bombed with them too.


Mostly Madden & Need for Speed Underground junkies here. D:
MTV use to be good...they became gay a couple of years ago..
the best game ever ws zelda and the worse game i believe was superman 64 haha but i dont think ne pc games were on there now that you mentioN! b/c it was sure about the release of PS3...

consoles suck
racing games are lame for me! i need a game with structure! racing around the streets and buying new partys for ur car dont work for me haha..

im pry going to close this thread b/c of the idiots who missed the ENTIRE point of thsi thread! plz get off the internet and turn ur pc off and never turn it back on again plz
This thread closing will be a loss to us all. Let us join hands for a few moments and lament in its passing ...
If you cannot type properly, gtfo these forums. We don't like your kind around here.
If you cannot type properly, gtfo these forums. We don't like your kind around here.

me? if so im in the middle of class right now so I dont have my full attention to typing! but if not me then I guess i'm doing an okay job! considering my teacher walks by every 4 seconds
omfg nubzorz wtf he was talking to me b/c my typing n00b
If you were on a message board during class, then gtfo.

Damn slacker, get back to work.