top 10 jacke chan stunts

JACKIEEEEEEEEEEEEE wouldn't be the same as 'Jacke'
Yeah I love Jackie Chan. He's the best stunt man there is, or ever will be, especially in an age of green screens.
The 21 story slide in Who Am I is #1 on my personal list. The fight he has before that too, where he almost fell off that building in one of the takes, it's not a stunt but it's pretty crazy.
The 21 story slide in Who Am I is #1 on my personal list. The fight he has before that too, where he almost fell off that building in one of the takes, it's not a stunt but it's pretty crazy.


Great list of Jackie Chan stunts! He is indeed one crazy man :D
Jackie is awesome. I really need to see Drunken Master again, the choreography in that blew my ****ing mind.