Top 10 Wackiest Conspiracy Theories

Haha, I cannot believe people can be so stupid.

The thing about the reptilians is true though.
The Nazis had a Moon Base
Esoteric Hitlerists and conspiracy theorists interested in Nazi mysticism and World War II have speculated that the Germans landed on the Moon as early as 1942.

According to other theories it is believed that the Nazis had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent Reptilians.

Amazing what people will think up. Amazing what people will believe. Fun read :).

[edit] I expected more g-man theories, too. However there was a disappointing lack of such things.

Lol at all.
The Wingdings Font included with Windows has a history of controversy. In 1992, only days after the release of Windows 3.1, it was discovered that the character sequence "NYC" in Wingdings was rendered as Skull and crossbones symbol, Star of David, and thumbs up gesture. This could be interpreted as a message of approval of killing Jews, especially those from New York City.

OH NOEZ !! windows hates jews from new york !!
I miss a New world order craps and Solaris-CptStern's theories...
Area 51 is not fiction!
The flight that crashed into one of the twin towers was flight Q33NY
this translates into windings as a picture of a plain, a picture of two peices of paper which look amazingly like towers, a skull and crossbones and a star of david. Make of it what you will.

I belive a couple others on that last but shan't say which ones.
Whoever composed the list seems a bit biased, but it's funny nonetheless.
Solaris said:
The flight that crashed into one of the twin towers was flight Q33NY
this translates into windings as a picture of a plain, a picture of two peices of paper which look amazingly like towers, a skull and crossbones and a star of david. Make of it what you will.

I belive a couple others on that last but shan't say which ones.

Are you saying you believe that theory? Because you know Q33NY isn't actually a flight number at all?
The reason the NWO theory isn't on the list is becuase its got so much evidence behind it.
rosseh said:
Are you saying you believe that theory? Because you know Q33NY isn't actually a flight number at all?

kfc makes black men impotent lol.well as far as the moon lander not making any visible flame,dont you need oxygen to make a fire.And the point that "It is often pointed out that no steel building before or since the 9-11 attack has collapsed as the result of fire.",I dont think the building collapsed because of fire,I think it was because a friggin plane crashed in and destroyed the structure lol.
Codcommando said:
kfc makes black men impotent lol.well as far as the moon lander not making any visible flame,dont you need oxygen to make a fire.And the point that "It is often pointed out that no steel building before or since the 9-11 attack has collapsed as the result of fire.",I dont think the building collapsed because of fire,I think it was because a friggin plane crashed in and destroyed the structure lol.
Nope, jet fuel apparently, if thats why it crashed it would have done so instantly.

The Americans did it
C. 1357
Solaris said:
So it isn't.
Meh, still a good urban legend.
Not really, because that windings font has been around for how long now?
hahaha thats truely gold. dear god who belives any of this crap
I have believed the Moon landing conspiracy for a while, the evidence proves this and with the Space Race/Cold War around I'm sure it was possible.
The thing is, these are the true ones. They list as the wackiest ones, so we'll never catch on. It's kinda like when that circus guy sewed a monkey to a fish, and billed it as the greatest hoax ever. People thought it was a real mermaid because the knew he had to be lying to them!

I want to believe!
rosseh said:
Are you rofling because you agree or disagree with what I said? :p
I'm agreeing, it's so funny how you just put him down like that, :D
You make it sound so harsh :<. I was just delivering the facts!
Well, yeah, that's what I mean. It was so simple and quick and how you didn't even give it room for credit... And the way you said it, with the question form and the "Because..."

I donno, it was just really funny to me.
rosseh said:
Are you saying you believe that theory? Because you know Q33NY isn't actually a flight number at all?

Thats a hoax, the flight numbers where AA11 and AA175, dont know where the Q33 NY came from, but the NWO and skull and bones definately has more going for it.
Solaris said:
The flight that crashed into one of the twin towers was flight Q33NY
this translates into windings as a picture of a plain, a picture of two peices of paper which look amazingly like towers, a skull and crossbones and a star of david. Make of it what you will.

Because Microsoft would display the information for all to see and for conspiracy theorists to go crazy over.
Haha those are funny. Even funnier are the people that buy into them. I wonder if those same people actually run to the phone when a commercial says they get something free if they call in the next 10 seconds and buy their product.
The KFC thing is partly true, but for all races.
Obeseity causes impotence.
KFC = obeseity.
Snapple is owned and operated by the KKK

proof: it has a Circle K symbol on the labels


urban legend has it that Snapple is owned by the Klu Klux Klan because of the circle K symbol fact the symbol means the product is kosher :LOL: ..not because it's owned by the kkk

myth 2: the US government gave black men infected with Syphilis placebos for over 40 years as an experiment to see how black men reacted to the disease .. the majority died before their time

Ugh. That's just... sickening. And it's not just the US that's done this sort of thing: remember the WWII Japanese experiments? Good god.
wtf is Q33NY?????? Thats not a flight...
I would agree with the 9-11 one though. I just believe that the terrorists were patsies and the gov 'helped' those towers fell
Always fun to read a good bunch of theories!

Tho the moon landings always seem to have a little too much info behind them...
Heh, I love under evidence for the moon landing being faked how they list: "The launch rocket produced no visible flame" as evidence.

I guess you can have fire in a vacume now. huh.
The sun is like nuclear fusion or something and not actually some giant rocket engine.