Top 250 movies of all time.


Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
I found this list when trying to find a couple of good movies to watch, pretty impressive. I am annoyed with the ammount of Top 250 movies that I haven't yet seen.

Toy Story 2, above the first one?
Dumb and Dumber didn't make the list. What a shame.
I don;t trust any list that doesn;t place The Big Lebowski in the Top 50
Wow. I've seen most of the top 45. I'm surprised I've seen that many movies.

It's good to see Indiana Jones up so high too.
shawshank redemption ..oh come on shouldnt even be in the top 100

much better list, although it only names american films

wtf? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind above Vertigo and Apocolyse now? alright the list lost all credibility
Still no The day after tomarow this is starting to make me nonsensical lol I love using big words that some people have not ever seen I am a Victomofscience Jr.
sorry hollywood disaster movies dont make the cut for obvious reasons
The list is by people who voted the highest for the movies. It wasn't judged by a panel or anything.
Shawshank Redemption was an awesome movie...

King Kong is up there? And Gladiator is 153? Bull. Shit.
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Oh man, The Day After Tomarow did not make it on there :(
i hope to god that's sarcasm, if not you should consider walking in the middle of the road more often
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Still no The day after tomarow this is starting to make me nonsensical lol I love using big words that some people have not ever seen I am a Victomofscience Jr.
Eh? What words are you having difficulty with? Try reading more if you are having trouble with my vocabulary.

I doubt that its even possible to look at this list and feel satisifed. Everyone likes movies for different reasons and respects certain techniques more than others. Suffice it to say my list looks a bit different.
But still good if you need somes titles to ge you started
A Christmas Story should be in the top 10. :|
Dalamari said:
I hope you ****ing die in a horrible car accident

I was gonna blast him too ...but nowhere near as extreme
ShawShank Redemption is an amazing movie. Defintly worthy of #2 spot. IMDB list is based on votes too, not picked on a panel like AFI's.
a panel made up of industry exerts ...the imdb list was voted upon by readers. Sorry but I'd taker the word of someone who works in the industry rather than people who cant distinguish between "movie" and "film"

shawshank redemption should not be in the top 100 list's a cliche melodrama , flawed but ultimately entertaining but that's about it
Thats BS. No way in hell is the Lord of the Rings better than Pulp Fiction.
Well no, the list is shit. It's simply bad taste
The simple fact that "White Chicks" isn't on it puts my faith back in humanity.
VictimOfScience said:
Eh? What words are you having difficulty with? Try reading more if you are having trouble with my vocabulary.

I doubt that its even possible to look at this list and feel satisifed. Everyone likes movies for different reasons and respects certain techniques more than others. Suffice it to say my list looks a bit different.
I did not mean to offend you it is just one time I saw you fighting with this one guy and you were using words that I have never even seen. And that guy was just shocked because he did not know then either lol. So sorry if I insulted you
evilsloth said:
Toy Story 2, above the first one?

I preferred Toy Story 2 to 1.

Qonfused said:
Dumb and Dumber didn't make the list. What a shame.

It was funny in a brainless sense, but worthy of top 250?

Jack_Karverboy said:
Godfather? #1? that was like the boringest movie ever.

You named yourself after a bad video game character, so you have no opinion.

ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Still no The day after tomarow this is starting to make me nonsensical lol I love using big words that some people have not ever seen I am a Victomofscience Jr.


Dalamari said:
I hope you ****ing die in a horrible car accident


Movies I am glad that are in top 250, Shawshank Redemption, Sergio Leone movies, Mulholland Dr., Lost in Translation, Garden State and Leon.
god forbid either of you used a dictionary ...seriously are people really that lazy?
and why didnt you use it then instead of complaining about the big words?
"this is starting to make me nonsensical lol I love using big words that some people have not ever seen I am a Victomofscience Jr."
Jack_Karverboy said:
Godfather? #1? that was like the boringest movie ever.
I find it pretty dull too, but I don't begrudge its place on the list. It's just not my kind of thing. I can see why it's high quality, but I can't actually like it personnally :P . No film can ever have full approval from everyone.

My fave films are 103 and 191 ^_^
Dalamari said:
I hope you ****ing die in a horrible car accident

I second this message.

I didn't even have to click his profile to know his age.
3rded. And Princess Monoke was indeed a very excellent movie- I'm not much of an anime freak, but I loooved it. I can't believe Casablanca was lower than LOTR:ROTK, though... it's just not possible.
kupoartist said:
I find it pretty dull too, but I don't begrudge its place on the list. It's just not my kind of thing. I can see why it's high quality, but I can't actually like it personnally :P . No film can ever have full approval from everyone.

My fave films are 103 and 191 ^_^

<choke> I just realized monoko-what'sit'sface scored higher than Yojimbo ...BLASHEMPHY ..a masterpiece beaten out by anime ..oh what has this world come to!