Top 250 movies of all time.

JNightshade said:
3rded. And Princess Monoke was indeed a very excellent movie- I'm not much of an anime freak, but I loooved it. I can't believe Casablanca was lower than LOTR:ROTK, though... it's just not possible.
Yeah i know. I liked the LOTR trilogy, but they shouldn't be anywhere in the top 250 let alone the top 20 :o.

And Shawshank is good, but Schindlers List and Seven Samurai shit on it from a height equivalent to the top of the Empire States building, down to about 3 kms below sea level.

And i'm thinking about getting Yojimbo for christmas but the only place that has it is charging 10 bucks more than the usual DVD prices :x
I agree ...about the shitting part not the $10 extra part :E
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
I did not mean to offend you it is just one time I saw you fighting with this one guy and you were using words that I have never even seen. And that guy was just shocked because he did not know then either lol. So sorry if I insulted you
No, you didn't insult me. (Thanks for clarifying though. :imu: ) But yes, by all means, use the online dictionaries available whenever you aren't sure about the meaning of words you have encountered. Read more and varied books to beef up your vocabulary. Watch more and varied movies to increase your knowledge of filmmaking and learn what makes the truly amazing films so amazing and the stinkers only sub-par. (Don't go by this list at all, however, as the voters don't seem to have the foggiest idea of what makes cinema truly great.)
Yojimbo is up there *nods and looks sastisfied*

But how in the hell did Kill Bill Vol 2 get higher?

Toy Story 2? Wtf?
Skaadi said:
Yojimbo is up there *nods and looks sastisfied*

But how in the hell did Kill Bill Vol 2 get higher?

Toy Story 2? Wtf?
Toy Story 2 deserves to be up there. And Vol 2 was better than the first, easily.
I'm happy to see a couple of my most favoritednessed movies up on the list at leaset.

American Beauty, Donnie Darko, Die Who Framed Roger Rabit or Howard The Duck though :( *Why did everybody hate Howard teh Duck anyway?
CptStern said:
shawshank redemption should not be in the top 100 list's a cliche melodrama , flawed but ultimately entertaining but that's about it

That's very harsh. There aren't many movies that i'd rate better than Shawshank.

Jaws deserves to be higher than no. 93, and above The Godfather (which I too found to be a little boring)
AHhhhh LOTRS should be at the very very very top :D glad to see its pretty high tho likewise with Starwars wooooo
#248 - The Thing... WTF!!! THATS ONE OF THE MOST KICK ASS MOVIES EVER, The writer of this list should be Ashamed!
Shawshank doesn't deserve the top #10. (Yes I've seen it, and have debated about it amongst my friends.) My guess was that was conceived when Shawshank came out, so it received so many votes and pushed it up.

Other than that, I agree with the list as an indicator of audience taste than quality.

And to the person who knocked The Godfather, I'll personally give you an offer you can't (cause the world won't let you) refuse!
Dog-- said:
#248 - The Thing... WTF!!! THATS ONE OF THE MOST KICK ASS MOVIES EVER, The writer of this list should be Ashamed!

The list is made by the public.

Javert said:
Shawshank doesn't deserve the top #10. (Yes I've seen it, and have debated about it amongst my friends.) My guess was that was conceived when Shawshank came out, so it received so many votes and pushed it up.

Hmmm, I'm not sure, SR is my favourite movie. Read the book aswell and loved it.
Actually, to prove my point that Shawshank's high rating is created by its number of votes. It has the 2nd most votes out of ALL the movies: a whopping 177k votes. The only one greater is LotR (justly so) with 180k.
In comparison, Star Wars has 155k and the #1 movie "The Godfather" has 146k.
L.A Confidential...above Saving Private Ryan...

I can understand Bridge over the River Kwai (excellent war flick) and Alien (genre defining) but LA? That list is ****ed...
Warbie said:
That's very harsh. There aren't many movies that i'd rate better than Shawshank.

yes, but it's all relative. If I've never heard of François Truffaut, or Jean-Luc Godard, or Pier Palo Pasolini or Ingmar Bergman or Federico Fellini. If I've never seen a dogme film, or know what Cinéma vérité is, or know what Nouvelle Vague cinema is then I cant say that I am well suited to critique a movie based on anthing more than personal taste as I have no foundation in film as an art. Not saying this fits you, but rather most of the people who've voted for Shawshank. I'm willing to bet most of those people havent seen Robbin's far superior films: Altman's The Player or Short Cuts
CptStern said:
If I've never heard of François Truffaut, or Jean-Luc Godard, or Pier Palo Pasolini or Ingmar Bergman or Federico Fellini. If I've never seen a dogme film, or know what Cinéma vérité is, or know what Nouvelle Vague cinema is then I cant say that I am well suited to critique a movie based on anthing more than personal taste as I have no foundation in film as an art.

I haven't a clue what any of these are, which is probably for the best. Having lived with a few film students i'm a little wary of anyone who talks of movies as art. I'm not saying movies aren't a form of art, more that the people who've studied them can on occasion get a little too close - analysing rather than being swept away.

(one of them explained the famous shot in Jaws to me one evening - the one that pans back and fousses in on Brody, or something like that. I could strangle the cretin now as I can't watch that scene without thinking about its effect as a shooting technique, and the technical reasons for how it works blah blah blah. It was much better before)

As for Shawshank, I still see no melodrama - but will try to look out for it next time ;) I'll also try to check out The Player, which sounds pretty neat.

My fave Tim Robins movie is Jacob's Ladder, which doesn't even get a mention! Philistines.
*~Alex~* said:
AHhhhh LOTRS should be at the very very very top :D glad to see its pretty high tho likewise with Starwars wooooo
