Top 5 Greatest and Top 5 worst games


Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Expectations you mean? Well, yes. I am about to share with you the games that are must buy and musn't buy. You can add your top 5 greatest and worst games too, to share with all fellow members your 5 games that you love and hate.

Well, here goes.

Top 5 greatest games that you want to keep on your shelves for playing,

1.Resident Evil series (Double_Blade's choice!)- This series rocked! Horror and puzzle themed element, and graphics were great and the cutscenes were, creepy! Just like watching horror movies and watching King Kong swatting away planes is thrilling.

2.Disney's Pixar Movie Cars game- This is the game that we all would crave for as racing and car fans, avaliable in Wii, Xbox360, Xbox, PSP, Nintendo DS, Gamecube and Playstation 2!!!

3.Mario Series- Mama mia! It's Mario! And his adventures were hot, from the 1990s till now, he's surviving till the last! Great graphics, puzzle solving and great strategies to either dodge enemy's attacks or fight the boss with careful timing!

4.Half-life series- Oh yeah, this is the game Half-life 1 and 2 your Mom and Dad will surely love. With great graphics, tension and gunning down aliens, soldiers and break things to get more supplies!

5.Dragon Ball Budokai and other games- Yeah, Dragon Ball is my favourite, get to play either heroes or villians in some games. Get to play Goku, Frieza, Cell, Gohan and more!

Top 5 worst games that you will like to burn and let it melt in the microwave.

1.Extreme Paintbrawler series (Turd of all games!)- Yeah, it's the Activision's dead bastard son, Head Games company who made this stinking game (proud to call itself ("1st non-violent shooter game) , worst and blocky graphics, poor coding and worst of all, worst AI. This is for real! It will be a good use for using it as a frisbee and a coaster.

2.Custer's Revenge- Reason why this game reeks: No meaning at all, everything is the same, exciting, no!!! And worst of all, when Custer sees this, he is going to turn into the Hulk.

3.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- What's up with a choppy graphics, annoying sounds and Willy Wonka in the game is talking like he is in drugs!!! Clunky controls that are unresponsive, I would rather stick a spoon upon my ass and play Resident Evil than to play this stupid game.

4.Superman 64- As a fan of Superman, I am very disappointed on this game, unresponsive controls and Superman spinning around, and making excuses about saying that Lex Luthor created a fog so that Superman spins around? Hahahahaha, very funny.

5.Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em- Probably one of the most digusting games I ever seen, repititve and lousy gameplay.

You can post your top 5 lists now!
Hmmm, can't decide. In no particular order
Half-Life Series
Command & Conquer Series
Red Faction
Halo 1
Freedom Fighters
Deus Ex

Most racing games
Deux ex is awesome, but it crashes my computer every 30mins. I so want to play that game, but it's unplayable becuase of the crashes.
What in God's name made you put CARS in that 'Great Games' list?
The demo was ****ing God awful.

1) Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic - Great graphics, incredibly engaging storyline, memorable characters, it was fun.

2) Half-Life - Same reasons as above.

3) Starcraft - Fun, incredibly well-balanced, awesome storyline, great cinematics, pwnage multiplayer.

4) Unreal series - They all looked great/still look great, excellent gameplay, kickass online play with them all, Unreal 1 had an awesome singleplayer campaign.

5) Giants : Citizen Kabuto - HUGELY...Hugely underrated game. It was a work of comic genius... it looked beautiful, still does... gah... just get it.

Top 5 That I've Played Worst -

1) Carnivores : Cityscape - It sounded like shit from when it was announced.
I only got it because it was $1.00.

Meh, that's actually the only shitty game that I've ever had the misfortune of playing tbh.
favourite 5:

1. monkey island series - didn't like 4.
2. mechwarrior series - didn't like 4.
3. command and conquer series - i don't like anything after tiberian sun.
4. total annihilation.
5. .. i can't really decide on a 5th, i <3 alot of other games, but none anywhere near as much as the above 4.

worst 5:

1. .. i can't think of any, lol, i've played alot of games where i just thought 'meh' but i don't really have a worst 5.
xlucidx said:
5) Giants : Citizen Kabuto - HUGELY...Hugely underrated game. It was a work of comic genius... it looked beautiful, still does... gah... just get it.

Oh sweet satan that game rocked my marbles to eternity.

I'll put my list up later.
I love all the resident evil games. The most recommended game is Resident Evil Remake on Gamecube.
Double_Blade said:
I love all the resident evil games.

I never would have known.

Legend of Zelda series
Half Life series
Battlefield 2 (WHY DID I ABANDON YOU)
Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault (kiss my ass haters!)
Mostly anything Nintendo, oh how I love thee Super Smash Bros...
Final Fantasy VII (Avatar, eh? :p)

I really can't say I've gotten anything I truly hated.
Reaktor4 said:
varmint hunter.
mario 64

People have been executed for lesser crimes than this.
1. Baldur's Gate 2
2. C&C: Red Alert
3. Civilization 1-3
4. Call of Duty 1/2
5. Unreal Tournament 99

1. Sport games
2. Racing games
3. Civilization 4
A) Double_Blade's posts seem more than a little suspicious. I'm not so convinced that he's on the up-and-up and not just advertising.
B) As with every thread of this type someone's going to put "Halo 2" in their worst list and its going to descend from there.
1. Forza Motorsport
2. EverQuest
3. Team Fortress Classic
4. Half-life
5. Perfect Dark

1. Hitman: Silent Assassin
2. Street Racing Syndicate
3. Trigger Man (horrible game on the Xbox)
4. Combat Task Force 121 (The worst Xbox shooter ever)
5. Sega GT 2005
Actually I'm more suspicious at Double_Blade after learning that most of the versions of Cars are different. How could he make a random blanket recommendation of all of them?
Direwolf said:
B) As with every thread of this type someone's going to put "Halo 2" in their worst list and its going to descend from there.


jk jk.
1.Halflife Series
2.Knights of the Old Republic Series
3.Battlefield 2
4.Battlefield 1942
5.Moviebattles II Mod for Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy

Worsst 5:
1.Halo 2
2.Shadow the Hedgehog
3.Star Wars Galaxies
4.EVE Online
5.The Sims 1
1)KOTOR 1 + 2
3)Counter-strike: Source
4)Jedi Knight 2

I don't play games I hate.

Half-life series
Deus ex
Grand theft auto: Vice City
Resident evil series


Halo series
1: Planescape: Torment
2: Baldurs Gate Trilogy
3: Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri
4: Freedom Force
5: Galactic Civilizations 2

I havent really played any games that I have felt just sucked. There is only average and better.
Zelda series (particularly Ocarina of Time)
Half-Life series
MGS series

Pretty much just sports games in general :/
Best Five:
Half-life Series
Duke Nukem
Grim Fandango

Doom 3
Halo 2

Worst ever:
1. Half-Life games
2. Mario games
3. Space Quest games - The Sarien Encounter and The Pirates of Pestulon
4. The Secret of Monkey Island
5. Warcraft Series
(so many more)

Jurassic Park games
Starwars Episode 1 game
(I don't own either of these but I have played them)

I don't think I dislike any games I own.
Best Games:
1) Deus Ex
2) Beyond Good and Evil
3) Max Payne 2
4) Half Life 2 and Ep 1
5) Operation Flashpoint
6) Oni

Must try Kabuto when i get a job though, looks fantastic

Let Downs:
1) Star Wars: Empire At War
2) Oblivion
3) Red Faction 2
4) Doom 3
5) Black and White 2

Can only think of recent examples :eek:

Worst Games:
Hmm can't really think of them, but I have played some shitty ones D:

It seemed alot harder to think of the other two groups then the first actually, which is quite odd :D

EDIT: And to the man that stated Jurassic Park games where crap, I loved that game on the SNes! Was ace!
Ok, here goes.

1. PSYCHONAUTS. Seriously, there is possibly no better game than this. No, not even Half-Life 2 or any of the Grand Theft Autoes, in my opinion, match up with the brilliant design, comic genius, sparkling writing, groovy concepts and funky art style of Psychonauts. Play it. Now. I won't forget: 1. Exploring an insane conspiracy theorist's mind. 2. A battle with a boss monster that shouts out its moves (i.e. "Ooooovvverlyyyy... Intricaaattee..... COMBINATION!"). 3. A circus made of meat.

2. Half-Life series - Rise from simple point and shoot to complex, beautiful storytelling, puzzles that make you think, and games that treat you as an adult rather than as an idiot consumer. I won't forget: 1. The tentacle monster in the blast pit! 2. Citizens pulling down a breencast monitor. 3. Decapitating zombies with a sawblade.

3. Grand Theft Auto series - Good, dumb fun. Sometimes you want to be the idiot consumer, if it involves blowing stuff up for no reason, spazzing on the STATEOFEMERGENCY code (in San Andreas, at least) or following the storylines of an aspiring Mob kid, a convicted mass murderer, or a homie come back to work it all out. I won't forget: 1. Going batshit insane, chasing a fire engine through the streets of Los Santos. 2. Tommy Vercetti and everything about him. 3. TAKING DOWN THAT BITCH CATALINA.

4. Deus Ex - And other times you want to know. Are you the witless pawn of a international conspiracy? Or are you your own man, who can explore what you want, learn the truth about your employers? Deus Ex is another thinking man's game, and one of the best at that. I won't forget: 1. UNATCO IS EVIL? NOH WAYS! 2. 'Flatlander Woman'. 3. 'The net... the net's going black, JC!'
Holy shit I forgot Metroid Prime as one of my bests, and my worst if most definately Enter The Matrix.
Best. If you haven't played these, you aren't cool. I'm sorry. Like, I would give up my firstborn for a good sequel awesome.

- Dark Forces 2, AKA Jedi Knight. Canyon Oasis will live in my heart forever. Nar Shadda with the forcefield was crazy fun too! The SP was insanely fun, and the last good Star Wars game in my opinion. The Concussion Rifle remains the best gun ever, perhaps only beaten by Force Destruction. Anyone else not see the point of being "Light Side" when you could just kill someone? Maybe I'm just a bad person. Unfortunately, LucasArts decided that I was wrong in my choice, and resurrected someone I decapitated with a light saber for the sequels.

- Rogue Spear. I played mission 13 & 14 (Sargasso Fade, Majestic Gold) SO MANY TIMES with my brother. It took us ages upon ages to beat mission 4 as well. (Lost Thunder) Damn those tangos were trigger happy on the hostages... For the noobs who like these newfangled easy games, try playing real games that challenge you like R6. I hope Vegas fails horribly so they can stop making insults to the legacy of the R6 series.

- X-Wing vs Tie Fighter
No space sim has ever, or will ever, surpass this legend. Back in the day, why I could take on anything. XWing Alliance had a nice storyline along with more ships, but it just wasn't the same...

- Space Quest Series, mainly 3 & 4 (Basically the old Sierra days of adventure games)
I regretted never beating SQ3 for YEARS until I recently downloaded it (lost disks ages ago). Beat 4, but then my computer got too fast and I couldn't beat the Sequel Police in Skate-O-Rama anymore. Recently replayed with fixes and loved it.

Not actually wonderful in themselves, but important:

Half Life, just didn't click for me as an outstanding game, too busy conc-rifling the nubs on Canyon Oasis.
Quake II
Call of Duty (NOT TWO! TWO IS AN INSULT, UO is just average)
BF1942: Galactic Conquest. Best mod community, ever, as well as the first community where I was well-known. All others pale in comparison to the veterans of .1d. We played that game, that ONE map, Hoth, for months while the dev team slaved away.
System Shock 2, scariest/creepiest game EVER. May BioShock come close to its awesomeness. Shodan will never die!
World of Warcraft, solely not on my best because it devoured a year of my life and destroyed my FPS skills forever.
Dragon Warrior 3 & 4, first RPGs I ever played. Great games. Ragnar kicks ass.

Worst Purchases Ever. These are why I pirate games now before buying. Sorry devs, blame these.
- Battlefield Vietnam.
- Doom 3. Closet monsters oh no!
- Any future Battlefield game I may be persuaded into buying. Please let me die in a fire before I succomb to EA ever, ever again.

Those are the only two recent ones, since BF:V I pirate them all first unless reviews kick ass and I've played a demo...

/rant. There are more bestest, but even thinking about EA and how it is singlehandedly making gamers worldwide retarded has clouded my mind.
Wow, nice games you had presented...

Anyway, great games are the things that we want, not stupid and worst games.

I haven't played Doom 3 yet, can anyone let me know what is that game?

Just like after I bought Extreme Paintbrawl and played it, I really should use a spoon to hide my penis to cover up my shame. :O
I'm just posting to laugh at the OP for listing "carz" as a great game of all time.

babyheadcrab said:
I'm just posting to laugh at the OP for listing "carz" as a great game of all time.


Are you serving a derail in the thread? Everyone has free opinions of their own, we all humans can play whatever we want, and we are not mindless robots.

Anyway, how old are you?
Double_Blade said:
Are you serving a derail in the thread? Everyone has free opinions of their own, we all humans can play whatever we want, and we are not mindless robots.

Anyway, how old are you?

I'm 17, and a judgemental bastard, get over it. If anything just don't take me seriously :).
babyheadcrab said:
I'm 17, and a judgemental bastard, get over it.

Haha, that is the reason why I hate teenagers nowadays. Anyway, *ahem*, enjoy talking to yourself while I ignore you.

By the way, if you like worst games, I must say, you are totally diluded.
Double_Blade said:
Haha, that is the reason why I hate teenagers nowadays. Anyway, *ahem*, enjoy talking to yourself while I ignore you.

By the way, if you like worst games, I must say, you are totally diluded.

How about instead of comlaining, list some reasons why Cars is so great and give me a reason to try it out instead of laughing it off. I judge the game based on previous game adaptations of Disney movies that have been less than perfect, sorry if I was rude in my original post. I should also agree that I agreed for the most part with your other top 5 suggestions, they are great games.

This is the game that we all would crave for as racing and car fans, avaliable in Wii, Xbox360, Xbox, PSP, Nintendo DS, Gamecube and Playstation 2!!!

It sounds more like your advertising it than talking about the gameplay here, I just can't see why you would like a game about talking animated cars if you were a real enthusiast. I mean i'd like a talking Lamborghini Murcielago as much as the next guy but that seems like a ridiculous claim. Not to mention why is it being on every console significant? Sure it's nice when things are translated to multiple platforms nicely but I can't really see that a reason to include it on one of your top 5 games of all time. At first I thought you were jokeing or some kind of Disney rep.

By the way, if you like worst games, I must say, you are totally diluded.

Well, from the looks of things, Beat Em' and Eat Em' looks totally sweet

1. Mafia. Best game ever made.
2. Half-Life 1 + 2. So immersive, such good atmosphere.
3. GTA series, you can do whatever you want in it.
4. Duke Nukem 3D. That is such a kickass game, it's like steroids to me. (I know that sounds very strange)
5. Doom 1 + 2. Everyone likes Doom, it's so addictive and it's got this particular awesomeness, I'd like it if game developers still made games like Doom and the other ID classics as opposed to all these games with fancy graphics and sound. This game was unimmersive but it is still ten times as fun as most modern games.

hate D:
1. NFSU2. Oh no, such a wiggers game.
2. The Sims. It's basically a doll house which is easy to customise.
3. All sports games. There for lazy and weird people. Why you'd want to play one is beyond me. :|
4. Runescape. wotz ur fisin lvl?
5. Lethal Enforcers. This game is so lame that it's literally funny.
Asus said:
1. Half-Life games
2. Mario games
3. Space Quest games - The Sarien Encounter and The Pirates of Pestulon
4. The Secret of Monkey Island
5. Warcraft Series
(so many more)

Jurassic Park games
Starwars Episode 1 game
(I don't own either of these but I have played them)

I don't think I dislike any games I own.

at least one gamer highlighted 'the wanna be pirate' - "Guybrush Threepwood"
Mario series
Zelda series
Street Fighter 2
Golden Eye/Perfect Dark
Winning Eleven/Pro Evolution

Honourable mention to the Metroid series, Halo, Squaresoft greats on the snes (FF3, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger), Half-Life, SS2, and RTCW multiplayer.

I don't have any worst games, just a few disappointments.
1. Deus Ex GOTY Edition
2. Legend of Zelda OOT
3. Half life 2 + Ep 1
4. Goldeneye
5. Age of Empires II

1. Eternal Ring
2. Postal
3. ET
4. Star Wars Galaxies
5. Star Wars Episode One (even though I played and beat it twice.
Best games I have played:
1) tie between hl1, hl2 and ep1
2) Tie between zelda OOT and zelda 3
3) Total Annihilaton: Spring -Absolute Annihilation mod
4) Starcraft
5) Either resident evil 4 or Homeworld

The worst games I have played:
1)Disney's "shark's tale"
2)That flying game that was a launch title on n64
3) Superman 64
4) Bible adventures
theotherguy said:
2)That flying game that was a launch title on n64
Way too many good games to list.

Some bad ones:

Yoshi Story is a pretty crap game.
City Racer for for GC is kinda fun, but total crap compared to other racers.
SRS for GC is just not fun. Only game of mine I have yet to get more than 1/2 an hour into.
I can't stand Rainbow Six.
Last game I bought was Shadow the Hedgehog. I went through it once, and just couldn't pick it up again. Tired gameplay, and he skates instead of runs.