Total War: Rome II

Wanted Bob

Companion Cube
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
After many rumours, the sequel to Rome has finally been announced! I've played all the Total War games since Rome, and it still remains my favourite so I'm very excited for this :D

Here is the live action announcement trailer:

A preview by PC Gamer:

Thoughts on the newly announced game? What improvements to the original would you like to see, or what should they retain from the newer Total War games?
God damnit Creative Assembly and Sega! Give us a trailer or some gameplay for your new Aliens game instead of just showing us another Total War title!
Sweet jesus ****, my heart stopped for a couple seconds after reading the title. Thank god its actually an announcement, because if it was a joke or some random thread about how much Wanted Bob wants it, I would have tracked him down and murdered him for getting my hopes up.

Instead, I celebrate! I already can't wait for this!
Rome Total War was also my introduction to the series, and I have been an avid fan of Total War games ever since. I am really looking forward to this, cannot wait for more details!
To be honest. Rome was my least favorite of the series and never quite understood why it seemed to be the most popular. I think this was mostly down to not having much choice in your starting faction campaign wise other then the three roman factions and also most units seemed pretty much the same as well.

My best imho have been shogun2 and empires. Really enjoyed both of those :)
Rome and Empire are by far the best games in the series. Rome for its mechanics and gameplay/Empire for its huge map and scale. A sequel to Rome is pretty welcome in my book. As long as they go for 1) Something new next time, or 2) Empire 2.
The next thing to hit the shelf will be an addon to Rome.

Other then that what would you want to see? Really id like to see a larger Napoleonic era game rather then just a little add-on that pretty much foces you to play as the french.
Best games have been Rome and Shogun 2 for me. Empire was alright, but it just seemed too... bloated is maybe the word I'm looking for. I loved how huge the game world was, but I think it was a bit too overwhelming for me. I really liked the mechanics and presentation of Shogun 2, but the small scale and lack of unit variety between factions was kind of a bummer.

Rome had the best of both worlds. Scale was quite large, factions were different from one another, and most of the mechanics were easy to pick up (though not all of them were great, I remember sieges being pretty bad). AI was the major downside I remember.

Basically, take the scale from Empire, combine it with the campaign mechanics and presentation of Shogun 2, and include the faction variety and the senate mechanics from the original Rome. That (I think) would be the best total war game to date.

EDIT: Just some more info given by Eurogamer. Apparently some footage was shown to people at Rezzed, so hopefully that gets released.

The campaign map will be "much larger" than in Rome 1. There will be barbarian tribes in the northern forests, there will be "exotic" Eastern kingdoms in the deserts and there will of course be Rome itself.

That will amount to a "huge variety of fighting styles, cultures and environments".

There will be political rivalries of the Senate, and political rivalries within families. Rome 2 wants, like Pinocchio, to be human.
There will be political rivalries of the Senate, and political rivalries within families.

This is good news. The political aspect in Rome was pretty lackluster. It basically ammounted to establishing trade agreements, and exchanging map information in the early parts of the game, and then completely ignoring it for the rest. The Senate was even worse. Hopeless quests that were completely random, and very difficult to "play" the senate. No matter what I did they very rarely were happy with me. In most playthroughs they were openly at war with me after about a quarter of my playthrough.
I will literally shit bees with pleasure.
Should be having a beer with one of the lead artists on Friday if anyone has any questions I could try and sneak them in! :p
Rome and Medieval were my favorite Total War series. Now we see women assassins in this trailer AWESOME
Should be having a beer with one of the lead artists on Friday if anyone has any questions I could try and sneak them in! :p
Ask them why they wont shut up and take my money.jpg
Fantastic news, Rome was easily the best Total War game for me. I don't understand why so many enjoyed Empire, I played about 30 minutes, stopped and never went back. Total War games are about mass tactical battles with units slamming into each other, sword and shield, not shooting at each other from a distance. It just really didn't work for me. I just hope they do actually create a political system that actually works this time to the point where it becomes an valuable tool. I would like a different option to take on the campaign map rather than just conquering everything through military strength (which was a lot of fun anyway) :)
Update! They just released a video showing some gameplay footage (shot at cinematic angles, but still). The amount of detail is just mind boggling.

They said they would be uploading the full fly-through video soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that too.


I will post this joke every time there is an update in this thread.
Lookin' good.

I had heard mention of 'fewer, more decisive' battles, or something to that effect, and I hope they really follow up on this.

It grows laborious having to conquer each and every single province of an enemy nation, where every single 1-unit garrison fights to the death, no matter how hopelessly outnumbered they are. If they introduce the simple concept of surrender, on both the tactical and strategic level, I will leap for joy.
Heres a long version:

I hope they keep the Marian Reforms. It definitely brought some variety to the game.
I went back and played through the Julii campaign. This has to be in my top 3 games of all time. Definitely (well... arguably) the best strategy game ever made. Its amazing that Rome has more units and features than Shogun 2.

So far I'm pretty disappointed that they got rid of the different families in Rome 2. It really added to the endgame. Hopefully, though, there is an incredibly complex senate system to make up for this. I want to be able to actually plot against specific senators and assassinate them to increase my senate standing while sacrificing a bit of public appeal (like Octavian Caesar did). I also want to be able to declare certain generals "enemies of Rome" just like Pompey did to Julius Caesar. I just want civil war to be fun.

ALSO: JUST IN: Day 1 Darthmod DLC
So far I'm pretty disappointed that they got rid of the different families in Rome 2. It really added to the endgame. Hopefully, though, there is an incredibly complex senate system to make up for this. I want to be able to actually plot against specific senators and assassinate them to increase my senate standing while sacrificing a bit of public appeal (like Octavian Caesar did). I also want to be able to declare certain generals "enemies of Rome" just like Pompey did to Julius Caesar. I just want civil war to be fun.

According to the wikipedia page most of that stuff is in.
The Roman Republic is a mighty faction located in present Italy. They are a people skilled in metalworking and have long and distinguished military traditions. Their recent major victory over Pyrrhus of Epirus has left open the doors to greatness for the Roman Republic. The areas around the Italian Peninsula are ripe for conquest, and the Roman Republic is expanding with great speed. To make a conquest of this scale possible, it has one of the most disciplined armies and navies, and is among the strongest military powers of its time. Quick to learn from its mistakes and ready to assimilate other cultures into its own, the Roman Republic has indeed become a serious threat to its neighbors, some of which time has not treated so kindly... The Roman Republic will be divided into three influential and mighty families; the Julii, the Junii, and the Cornelii. It also features a Senate system, where public happiness is based on the happiness of the upper and lower classes, possibly similar to earlier Total War games. The happiness of these masses is the prerequisite for succeeding in diplomacy and surviving the constant plotting in the senate. The senate of Rome is a treacherous environment, one which can prove fatal should a rival family gain too much power. A player can attempt to send a senator of a rival family away by giving them an army to command and bestowing them the rank of legatus, or general. However, by doing so, there is always the risk that even then the senator will gain too much power and attempts to start a civil war against the current government.

Sourced from some German print magazine article
Very cool!

So the Julii (Julius, Augustus), the Junii (Brutus), and the Cornelii (Scipio - Beat Hannibal, Cornelia - JC's wife). The history there is far more intertwined than the Brutii and Scipii. Maybe this means that events will closely resemble those of reality.

Pre-ordering today.