Touchscreen for Nintendo Revolution!

I really don't care what anyone says..I gotta see it before I decide....people can say anything they want, it won't change what I think...***mors are nice but they tend to lead into a false sense of direction.
Axyon said:
Why? Because there's no way that it couldn't suck. Go and play a FPS on a laptop that has a touchscreen and you'll see exactly what I mean. Some great 'innovation' there, Nintendo... I can see it jacking their controller prices up a fair bit, too.

Have you tried Metroid on the DS? I think you'd be suprised how well touch screen works for a fps - I was completely shocked at how good it was (almost as good, if not on par, with a mouse infact) Let's face it, touchscreen on a laptop is complete rubbish, and no games are deisgned with it in mind. It's such a world apart that any comparison between the two is pointless.

Even so - I really hope this is just a rumour. The thought of controlling the next Zelda or Mario title without analogue makes me feel ill (it'd be almost as bad as using a keyboard ;)) Touch screen as an extra would be very cool, but on it's own ........ we'll have to wait and see (i'm still dubious tho)
<RJMC> said:
I think it will be better that a thumbstick

as direwolf say a touchscreen/pad maybe will be good to fps cuz will be similiar to a mouse
It won't be at all similar to a mouse, still like a joystick but even worse. Have you ever tried using one on a laptop?
Foxtrot said:
It won't be at all similar to a mouse, still like a joystick but even worse. Have you ever tried using one on a laptop?

Have you ever tried it on the DS?

It's absolutley nothing like using a laptop (really, not even slightly) Infact it's so good I still have trouble deciding which method I prefer - mouse or (DS) touch screen.

Assuming this rumour is true - the Revolution would probably end up with touch screen similar to the DS (which would be excellent for FPS and RTS) It's the other games that concern me.
I agree with most of you when you say that this better not be the big secret that Nintendo has been hiding. It would be a great disappointment. Having said that, comparing a touchscreen controller with a laptop touch pad is a big mistake. For one, you can't use a laptop touchpad with your thumb and grip the laptop like a controller. When I use the DS touchscreen, it really feels like an intuitive controller. It might take about an hour of getting used to, but the N64 controller took a while to get the hang of too.

I'm still holding out for the BIG secret straight from Nintendo!
dlandis72 said:
I agree with most of you when you say that this better not be the big secret that Nintendo has been hiding. It would be a great disappointment. Having said that, comparing a touchscreen controller with a laptop touch pad is a big mistake. For one, you can't use a laptop touchpad with your thumb and grip the laptop like a controller. When I use the DS touchscreen, it really feels like an intuitive controller. It might take about an hour of getting used to, but the N64 controller took a while to get the hang of too.

I'm still holding out for the BIG secret straight from Nintendo!
Is the touchscreen an actual screen or like a laptop? If it is an actual screen gg $, but if it isn't then wtf is it? I am so confused on what it is now.
dlandis72 said:
IIt would be a great disappointment.

That's an understatement - there would be a lynching (and i'd be handing out the pitchforks)
Man imagine how often you would need to replace a controller (if that is what the touchpad will really be on). Bleh.
a touchscreen isnt the revolutionary thing they're talking about.. that's hardly revolutionary. they're talking about the way the gameplay in their games will be designed, i think that'll be the revolution. either that, or its going to be portable, or have augumented reality inputed into it. (dreams)
it's like time for a new controller! i wanna play some multiplayer mommy yay!!!!!!!!! *goes to store* $200.00 wtf!!!!!!!!h4x!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for triple post, lol.

EDIT: omgz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 777 posts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simply a touch screen definitely would not be 'revolutionary' but I don't think this generation of consoles will see many revolutionary changes at all-- the real juicy new tech is still a few years of development away. Besides that, we haven't fully utilized the technology we do have-- camera/motion controls, voice control, touchscreen control, and what not. I don't mind seeing more focus on these kind of things; calling them revolutionary though would be probably marketing hype (unless they find revolutionary new ways to implement them into their controller-- I guess we really can't tell until we see it).
The Silhouette said:
the Revolution is gonna turn into another big gimmick like the DS.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out :thumbs:
I call shinanigans. You can book it.....put a sticky on it......whatever the hell you want....There is no way Nintendo replaces all the analog sticks with a touchscreen. NO WAY.

I do believe there will be a touchscreen on the controler, but it will be for different reasons.....think of Metroid Prime on the GameCube.....being able to switch Samus's blaster by touching some sort of interface on the controller instead of moving the C-stick. I see it being a screen like the DS....a display also.

As far as that being the big change Nintendo had...I doubt that greatly. The touchscreen display will be a great's a shame it took this long to do it. When I think of the Revolution, I don't think of some massive change...such a large quantum innovation can be suicide for a company, and I'm sure Nintendo knows this. I would be more than happy with a bunch of small features that no one has thought of doing that, when working together, change the way you play games. And that the system is competetive.
First of all IF a touchscreen is included I GAURENTEE it will be optional to something else, they won't require you to use it for like an fps game. It's not a bad idea if implemented in the right way, but don't even think this is what Nintendo has in mind for it's revolutionary idea's. I personally think it's false though as Nintendo will want to seperate the DS and the Revolution.
did anyone figure in that this is in the APRIL issue so this could be one of those dreadful april fools day jokes... Just a possibility
I'm all for trying a new type of controller. Aside from the addition of more buttons they've been practically the same for twenty years. Let's move forward for christ's sake.

No, better yet let's argue about an unfounded rumor. That will help. I guess if it's not regurgitated garbage, the console crowd just isn't interested. How about trying something before knocking it. I mean let's first get a couple of facts straight before declaring Nintendo's demise. People have been doing that for twenty years and have been wrong.

The surface of touch screen gameplay is just being scratched. If it provides new styles of unique and fun gameplay I'm all for it. I know what traditional controllers can do and I'm getting tired of the three genres of games that utilize them. Exaggeration I know.

An open mind, outside of the box. Thanks Nintendo for showing a little backbone and bravery.
Axyon said:
Why? Because there's no way that it couldn't suck. Go and play a FPS on a laptop that has a touchscreen and you'll see exactly what I mean. Some great 'innovation' there, Nintendo... I can see it jacking their controller prices up a fair bit, too.
I edited that post to say touchpad, but it didn't take for some reason. I still stand by this point, though. I would much rather use analogue sticks or (hint, hint, console companies) the possibility of using a mouse and keyboard.
Fishlore said:
An open mind, outside of the box. Thanks Nintendo for showing a little backbone and bravery.

Nintendo is the only company that isn't afraid to fall flat on their face.

I see the Revolution leaving a lasting effect on the gaming that we will all benefit from. Nothing wrong with a little variety. Only the gamers win.
In one of my Nintendo magazines from long ago, there was a list of things that Nintendo have done for the good of the gaming world, at the risk of failing.

I'll just list some of them:
  • Joystick
  • Touchscreen gaming
  • D-pad
  • Virtual reality
  • Trigger and/or shoulder buttons
  • Online gaming
  • Wi-fi handheld gaming
  • True 3D
  • I'm sure there are plenty more....I just can't think of them at the moment.

If you don't believe me on any of them, feel free to argue.
Rumble, analogue and 4 joypad ports as standard :)
Fishlore said:
I'm all for trying a new type of controller. Aside from the addition of more buttons they've been practically the same for twenty years. Let's move forward for christ's sake.

No, better yet let's argue about an unfounded rumor. That will help. I guess if it's not regurgitated garbage, the console crowd just isn't interested. How about trying something before knocking it. I mean let's first get a couple of facts straight before declaring Nintendo's demise. People have been doing that for twenty years and have been wrong.

The surface of touch screen gameplay is just being scratched. If it provides new styles of unique and fun gameplay I'm all for it. I know what traditional controllers can do and I'm getting tired of the three genres of games that utilize them. Exaggeration I know.

An open mind, outside of the box. Thanks Nintendo for showing a little backbone and bravery.
The problem if indeed they are doing *nothing but* having another touchscreen system is that that's not really thinking out of the box anymore. Yes touchscreen can be *developed further*, but you have to admit that calling it a revolution is a bit of a stretch.
Styloid said:
The problem if indeed they are doing *nothing but* having another touchscreen system is that that's not really thinking out of the box anymore. Yes touchscreen can be *developed further*, but you have to admit that calling it a revolution is a bit of a stretch.

First of all this is an unfounded rumor based solely on speculation. Secondly there is absolutely nothing based on facts saying this is "THE" Revolution. *GASP* maybe there is more to the story that we don't know.

All I said is that I'd welcome a new controller based on touch screens. I never called a touch screen controller revolutionary, even though no other console does it. I'd be more likely to buy a console if they innovate a bit than if they just give the new machine better hardware.

Maybe the "Revolution" aspect is Wi-Fi. Maybe it's touch screen controllers. Maybe it's something in the architecture. Maybe there is nothing and the Revolution is just a catchy name they gave it. The point is it doesn't matter. I'm not buying the console today. I'll have plenty of time to try it before I decide. I'll wait to critique it until I actually know the details.
you can't compare a laptop touch screen to a video game touch screen. Have you guys played the Medro demo for the DS? it uses the touch screen and it's some what better then using a mouse.