Tough Times


Jun 9, 2005
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Well, I just had the shock of my life today. About 3pm est a woman that I have known for over 10 years passed away without warning. Her husband has been a very dear friend of the family and he is taking it very hard... I just don't know what to do. I mean every death that I have dealt with in the past I knew it was coming, but I talked to her the other day and she was just fine. Right now there are no words to what my family and their family are feeling, besides shock and anguish of course.

She was taken by the medical examiner 3 hours ago and we'll find out what really happened to her, but her husband said that it was probably a clot in her brain considering that she had shortness of breath and other symptoms. I just can't come to the realization that she is actually gone forever, it just seems that she'll come back from the doctors with just a bandage on her head or something...

I feel that you guys are a part of my family and most of you can just help me get through this with a little sanity left. I have come to you before with little problems before and the community just blew right through those with no problems. I just can't really find the support with my family because they're going through the same feelings and they don't really like to discuss it.
I know that, but it's the circumstances that she died in. She was 45 years old and was healthy...
Horrible to hear man. The pain is heightened since you weren't expecting it. There weren't any previous signs?
No... she just had shortness of breath and then collapsed onto her bed.

Jesus Christ that was hard to type.
I am veeeeeery sorry for you..
I feel that you guys are a part of my family and most of you can just help me get through this with a little sanity left.

I honestly, seriously don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but that just made me confused.

Sorry for the loss, though, man. :(
My condolences. At least it sounds like it was quick, and she didn't suffer...
It'll be ok. Mourn, grieve, and pay your respects.

I'm sorry for your loss, man.
Did she drop any good loot?

But no, that really is awful. I know I've been there before :(
Sorry for you mate - best thing you can do is try and help your family get out of this as well, they may be going through the same things, but if you help them get through it - it'll help you as well.
Thats terrible to hear Kami. The deaths in my family have all come with warning and were expected, so we had time to come to grips with it. But it must be hard to loose someone so unexpectedly. Theres nothing anyone can say to ease the pain, but you might find some comfort in knowing that while it was unexpected and quick, that means she lived well and was happy up to today.
That totally sucks, as Jintor said, gourn, grieve, and pay your respects and you'll slowly get better.
Right after she went down, before he could get to her, I went and stole all her loot. She had a Shield of Defence (A serious shield I found once in WoW... wtf? Redundency much?) and 1 silver.

Dude... Just...

Condolences man, can only imagine what you are going through right now. Just stick it through the bad times, and keep striving onwards.
Sorry to hear that, mate.

I have been blessed from close deaths in my life, except for my grandfather eight years ago.

I guess the best thing anyone can say right now is that you will always have your memories of her.
Thanks guys. I know that most of you know how comforting it is to have someone there to help you through times like these, but it sure makes it better to have all of you :)
I honestly, seriously don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but that just made me confused.

Sorry for the loss, though, man. :(

I just was typing what was coming to my head at the time, but I didn't really care if it made sense or not... sorry about that.
I just was typing what was coming to my head at the time, but I didn't really care if it made sense or not... sorry about that.

no, no, no, not confused as in I didn't understand it, confused as in that you'd go HERE and ask for help with a little sanity left.
is the husband a suspect yet?
What the **** man. Why do you have to go and be a ****ing douche about the situation? No seriously, you and Ace just had to go and cross the ****ing line with arrogant comments that make you guys appear to be ignorant assholes. You guys are the reason that I said most of

But to be fair and answer your question, no. She had an aneurysm that killed her, not her husband.

no, no, no, not confused as in I didn't understand it, confused as in that you'd go HERE and ask for help with a little sanity left.
I've been here for 2 years man, as you have. I just feel like most of the people are sensible and can help.
We can make jokes ("She got ahead in life.") when it's a news story. Personal shit is different.
We can make jokes ("She got ahead in life.") when it's a news story. Personal shit is different.

QFT. When it's a news story, they most likely will never read what we post so they will not be offended. This is different.
Shit, for it to come that suddenly and unexpectadly must have felt like 5000 punches in the face, heart and stomach at the same time. You will get get over her though.

And yeah, this aint the type of topic for smart arse remarks.
Sorry to hear that. Death, while inevitable, is (in my opinion) a tragedy when it comes unexpectedly or too early in someone's life. Let this be a reminder of how valuable our time here really is - I know I'll give my wife a stronger hug when she gets home. How are you doing?
Shit man, that...well shit that ****ing sucks :(

My thoughts are with you Kami and your family.

Much <3
Sorry to hear that. Death, while inevitable, is (in my opinion) a tragedy when it comes unexpectedly or too early in someone's life. Let this be a reminder of how valuable our time here really is - I know I'll give my wife a stronger hug when she gets home. How are you doing?

Right now I am coping with it really... Just have to get it through that she's gone.

Evo said:
Shit man, that...well shit that ****ing sucks :(

My thoughts are with you Kami and your family.

Much <3
Thanks man, I know that you're always there. :)
Sorry to hear that Kamikazie.

It's funny how you once think you are well established in this world with your family and all, and that suddenly a sibling dies and you really understand life's natural vulnerability.

About two years ago, my godfather have been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. For two years, I've seen him gradually degenerating, from renovating his house to be now restrained in his wheelchair, waiting that his lungs cannot suffice anymore and ultimately die.

It made me realize that life is dramatically fragile and if we can apprehend something from that, it's that every moment counts. Dead is a natural part of life and we ought to understand that.

If it can help, just think about what this person has brought into your life and this would also be the best way to honor her.
I don't know how someone could do that, If I got cancer that'd slowly kill me, I'd do all the stuff I've always wanted while I can, then when I'm confined to machines keeping me alive, or laying in a hospital bed not able to move, I'd rather them just off me there. Being in a wheelchair would be fine though, but if there was like a machine that was doing the breathing for me (I think those kind of machines exist) and I was all weak and couldn't do much on my own or something like that, then, again, I'd rather them just off me. I'm to self-reliant to be immobilized.. Although If, say, I got my hands and feet chopped off, that's kind of different, because I wouldn't be jump starting death like if I had cancer, because I wouldn't be dying if that happened (hand/feet thing)..

*This isn't a smart-ass post, it's honest and in reply to AntiAnto's post*