Toy Soldiers, UNITE!


Jun 20, 2004
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Found this incredibly cheesy and lame band website. I have no clue what it is, but the only people who would go see them are the people you pity:



Still if you deal with the metal industry, your gonna like the website and it's "propaganda". Probably make my own stickers or something. :D






It's got that Neo-Nazi feel to it, but it's so cool looking! :P
Doctor Steel is slightly lame, but mostly kinda cool.
Or just don't wear anything at all. We can photoshop the clothes on later.
It is effectively some marginally clever fellow exploiting the modern potential for full-media 'movements' by adopting a strong personality and style ('DOCTOR STEEL') and creating internet communities, merchandise and music around that central figure.

Nobody will hold it against you, and it is brave of you to admit such things.

In the wake of the Dragongate scandal it has become acceptable.

The resemblance is indeed uncanny.
With the poster, not with Saturos.
Doctor Steel is slightly lame, but mostly kinda cool.

This, he's tongue in cheek kinda humor/music.

He also has a rather cool mad scientists logo patch that I cannot find.

I also enjoy his crazy facial expressions. In that first picture, ZT, he's all like "SOMEBODY GET THIS MAN AWAY FROM ME RAARGH"
This is what I thought the thread was about when I clicked on it:


Toaster, best pic of you EVER.
lol they have links to make your own TOY SCOUT uniform


If it were something worth caring about, I'd... probably still not do it.

Yeah but a woman dressing up in a borderline WW2 Nazi uniform is pretty sexy tbh.
Regardless of how mean the Nazis were, their uniforms were the sex.

I have a dress shirt and an officers jacket that people think are part of a Nazi uniform (actually it's American lol) and when wearing it I either get two comments 1. You look like a Nazi, or 2. You look sexy/handsome.
Coincidence? I think not.
Hmm , lets take a moment to look at the maths of this shall we?

Nu = Nazi-ish uniform

s = sex(y)

w = woman

Nu = s + w = s , therefor we need 1000 x Nu + 1000 x w. That will , in theory = Super sexy wiminz.
I've been bad. Yes, very... *drools over hotness of the angry female Nazi*

I think ve ah ready fo inspection :naughty:
