Track I made...


Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
Been messing around with Reason the last few days and kind of learning how it all works. here is what I've pieced together.

I know its probably too long for the actual stuff I wrote, but oh well.

tell me what you think D:
Well first off reason is what poop would sound like if it could talk.

I guess, it's interesting. You need play around with dynamics. It's to repetitious. Don't bring all the drums in at once maybe have them build in and silence is your best friend... A little silent break someone or something and then when it comes back in introduce a new instrument... Play around with song structure. You need some sort of melody.. I got bored after 20 seconds.
Well first off reason is what poop would sound like if it could talk.

I'm listening.

Any way, should definitely shorten it. With the current length and the limited beat variation, it gets to sound pretty samey. Especially since the number of instruments being heard never changes. You could get away with it if you had more dynamics or effects that can help cover up some of the bare bones. Play around with the Subtractor's LFO parameters and throw some color onto the drums (flange it, distort it, whatever).

If I were you, I'd just load presets for now and focus on composition. Get used to the sequencer and try to make something that sounds more like an actual song rather than a demo loop. Once you start getting the hang of that, you can delve more into making your own instrument patches.
well, at least you informed me of a free music making software. where is the link for "reason"??

be gentle D:

like I said, I'm just starting learning it so of course there isn't any intro/outro
I'm not mean. :( I was just trying to be helpful.