Trade your Murder Simulators for Toys


May 5, 2004
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Fruitvale Elementary School will offer books and toys in trade for toy guns and violent video games today during the school's annual War Against Improper Toys Drive.

In past years, students have traded in dozens of replicas of pump shotguns, rifles and pistols, as well as toy knives and violent video games, according to the Oakland Unified School District.

School officials said they are concerned that the violent toys trivialize war and violence, and they organized the drive in response to violence in Oakland.

"I'll trade you 3 murder simulators for a Tickle me Elmo doll ...cuz no one is ever violent when Elmo is around"

calling all americans: video game hysteria has reached your shores, kill all soccor moms/religious nuts/conservatives for the good of gamers everywhere
I really don't see how a child trading CSS for a book is a bad thing.
isnt CSS rated M for mature? why yes it is!

btw this thread is tongue in cheek in replica guns for toys is a-ok in my book
They just want to pacify us so we no longer have the murderous capabilities when our government becomes suffocatingly oppressive.
isnt CSS rated M for mature? why yes it is!

btw this thread is tongue in cheek in replica guns for toys is a-ok in my book

Or a video game in general, I think this is a good thing regardless of these peoples stance on videogames.

Mindless fun< the written word
hmmm I wonder if you could trade a copy of america's army for a non threatening toy like gi joe's Heroes of Gunatanamo Bay Playset (now with branding irons and an Iron Maiden (excellent!)
Or a video game in general, I think this is a good thing regardless of these peoples stances on videogames.

Mindless fun< the written word

what if the only book offered was the bible? that's the original murder simulator/how to do book
i'm gonna burn like 50 copies of Doom3 and go trade them all in, and if they don't take them, then I'm gonna tell them I'm going to go to the local elementary and slide a copy of it into every locker.
i'm gonna burn like 50 copies of Doom3 and go trade them all in, and if they don't take them, then I'm gonna tell them I'm going to go to the local elementary and slide a copy of it into every locker.

what if the only book offered was the bible? that's the original murder simulator/how to do book

Yea and what they offered the anarchists cookbook?

The article says nothing about them offering bibles( someone would likely lose their job), I can only assume they will recieve books targeted towards elementary students.

I think you may be overreacting to this a bit, nothing in the article says anything about videogames being a murder simulator, I honestly just think they would rather have their students reading then wasting hours infront of PS2.
i'm gonna burn like 50 copies of Doom3 and go trade them all in, and if they don't take them, then I'm gonna tell them I'm going to go to the local elementary and slide a copy of it into every locker.

that's the most brilliant idea ever! but demand money refunds...not toys.
Yea and what they offered the anarchists cookbook?

The article says nothing about them offering bibles( someone would likely lose their job), I can only assume they will recieve books targeted towards elementary students.

bibles are in elementary schools ..and they have sodomy/rape/murder/cross nailing/unmarried sex

I think you may be overreacting to this a bit, nothing in the article says anything about videogames being a murder simulator, I honestly just think they would rather have their students reading then wasting hours infront of PS2.

murder simulator is what Jack Thompson calls video games ..and again you miss the point of this thread:

CptStern said:
btw this thread is tongue in cheek
God, if they start banning games in America because they're violent, I might just have to shit a brick and freak out. FREAK OUT I SAY!!!
God, if they start banning games in America because they're violent, I might just have to shit a brick and freak out. FREAK OUT I SAY!!!

no ..I added the bit about the thread almost immediately ..the second edit (the one you're referring to) was to add a link to a pic of the CSS box
It wasn't there when i viewed it.

/EDIT: though it did quote it, I must have viewed it the few seconds between your original post and your edit.

That sounds like a boring little town where nothing ever happened, except for a crazy guy going mad with a high powered sniper rifle.
It wasn't there when i viewed it.

/EDIT: though it did quote it, I must have viewed it the few seconds between your original post and your edit.

AHA!! ..oh wait you admitted to it :)
what if the only book offered was the bible? that's the original murder simulator/how to do book

Yeah that's what I never understood... these Religious Nuts (I am a Christian, and these people embarrase me to no end, but at least I have alittle sense) always seem to forget about the old testament an all the crazy killings that went on. Oh and yeah sure, the bible doesnt go into horribly gruesome detail about it, but it was REAL! And REAL killings have REAL BLOOD, and REAL DEATH. I'm sure if the bible got down to the real grit and grime when describing the battles that happened things would be different... wait who am I kidding...
Thank heavens! Now Billy can trade in them horrible counter-craft games for the good book!
The only game i would consider to trade away would be Halo, even tho i dont own it. But that would be the only game.
I wonder what you get for a real weapon? Or a WMD? Do you reckon the toy you get is more exciting, the more violent the weapon?
lol I saw some video where this guy was in Oakland and came with this giant cartful of like toy guns etc and called all the kids over and was giving them all away and these old people on the street were flipping out