

Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
A few questions about trailers .

what do you think on HL2 trailer ?

What is the best trailer (For a video game) you ever saw and please post a link if you can ?

What do you think on trailers ?

Do you think that HL2 could have got a better trailer ?

Do you want new and amazing HL2 trailer ? (BTW - I want !!!)

Thanks ! :D
Personally, I think that the myst games got the best trailers, especially RealMyst and Uru Live...

HL2 could do with a better trailer, but trailers are for movies, not for games.. games are supposed to have demos ;)
i think trailers do an excelent job on getting you hyped on something (movie or game) and if done right can be the ultimate advertisement for any multimedia product.

well it works on me anyhow, if i see a good trailer of a new game for example im sure to check it out whilest i wouldnt bother with anoying pop-ups or the kind
Are you talking about the E3 2k4 trailer or is there a trailer on the box I havn't seen yet?
It's just a compilation of footage from other movies...

HL2 doesn't need trailers. :)
I have only seen 1 HL2 'trailer'.

The best trailers Ive seen would have been the WarCraft III ones. They were amazing. :p

The World of WarCraft Intro is awesome aswell - not sure if thats classed as a trailer though.
the hl2 trailers suck. and i don't mean it as in the game sucks, i mean the trailers themselves suck. i wish there was one at least 5 minutes long that showed the player progressing through a portion of one level. particularly one with striders.
umm diluted there are gameplay movies if u didnt know :naughty:
Not video games, but the best trailers I have ever seen from video games or movies, were the lord of the rings trailers for all 3 movies. Those things are insanely well done!
I know there are gameplay movies, my problem with them is that they're too short. Oh well who cares, in 5 days all my downloaded trailers will be going in the Recycle Bin. :D