Training level?

Wow, some people are really touchy about new FPS players. They should have learned to play 'by now'. What the hell is 'by now'? Because you've been playing for a long time? Jeez.

I think HL2 will have a training level, but I have no idea how its going to be implemented. I think the most likely thing is that training will be ingame.
I feel like the only person that actually likes training levels. I like playing tech demos too, like the one in Red Faction.

I dunno, I just like to have as much to play as possible I guess.
Brian Damage said:
As I've said before, I subscribe to the theory that the training level will, in fact, take place inside a dream. I reckon you'll visit the old BMRF Hazard Course in a dream state, except I reckon it'll probably be a little weird... holes in the floor and walls, ghosts/memories of people you've seen, maybe a few aliens instead of the original targets, stuff like that...

that actually sounds very cool :)
and it could play very well into the story they have lined up for HL2.
Brian Damage said:
As I've said before, I subscribe to the theory that the training level will, in fact, take place inside a dream. I reckon you'll visit the old BMRF Hazard Course in a dream state, except I reckon it'll probably be a little weird... holes in the floor and walls, ghosts/memories of people you've seen, maybe a few aliens instead of the original targets, stuff like that...
Lil late in the game here, but OMG I know exactly what you mean!
That's what I always picture.

But the HL2 training course, like HL1's, has to have something to do with the game. The problem is, it has to take place before the actual game, but you wake up in the beginning of the game.

So, it jsut might be a ghostly, memory filled, Noob confusing, version of the training course from HL!
it should be like Brian said only with skeletons of alien slaves and human remains
They need to cater to a demographic of people who havn't played a FPS before, or have but arn't used to the GUI or little differences that HL might have.

such as team ordering, nade tossing, etc.

I don't know how they can get a training level to fit in without being in the company of scientists, which seems like its later in the game. By the time you meet them, You'd have good idea of mouse-keyboard movment hopefully.

I first played HL in 8th grade i think, and mouse keyboard was a nasty obstacle, but it paid off.

Another thing to consider, as one of the Hottest titles of the year
(a quote comes to mind "If someone were to buy only 1 game, not a hardcore gamer, how could we make it justifiable?" or somehitng) HL2 will be a game picked up by more infrequent gamers because of acclaim it gets. People gobbled up HALO and Tomb Raider partly because of the massive media and publication adornment.

THESE are the titles that middleschoolers get when they get a game for christmas, or highschoolers under 17 who can't buy a ton of games with no income or warez everything (which they can't with STEAM thank god).

Maybe you hook an RTS fan who has generally stayed clear of FPS's since he played doom using the mouse keys ( ie me :p !), and they need some adapting, or getting back into the swing of things
I think that once you join the resistance (if, infact, you do at all) they will have somesort of training course for all new recruits. ex: run through an abandoned part of town with an instructor, jump, climb and just battle small rogue headcrabs etc...
Lobster said:
I emailed rick about it ages ago, He said there would be a hazard/training course.
"Well, misssster Freeeemannn. Seeing as you have been... mmm... Pre-disssspoooosed for - so long, it is only fair that you should get a chance to... re-acquaint yourself with your hazaaard suit. And to... sssstretch your limmmmbs. I will see you up ahead..."

I dunno - Christ, I'm bored.

"if you cant figure out how to make your guy move forward you deserve your CD to explode in your drive and then impale your leg into the seat....
after 8 hours you die of blood loss."
- Dougy

I pray to God you're never put in charge of CD manafacture...
Why wouldn't Gordon have a HEV suit already? I guess they could have the training level be like, G-man telling you to test your skills before he sends you on a mission, instead of scientists watching you it could be G-man.
el Chi said:
"Well, misssster Freeeemannn. Seeing as you have been... mmm... Pre-disssspoooosed for - so long, it is only fair that you should get a chance to... re-acquaint yourself with your hazaaard suit. And to... sssstretch your limmmmbs. I will see you up ahead..."

I dunno - Christ, I'm bored.

"if you cant figure out how to make your guy move forward you deserve your CD to explode in your drive and then impale your leg into the seat....
after 8 hours you die of blood loss."
- Dougy

I pray to God you're never put in charge of CD manafacture...

Sigged. The Half Life 1 Training Level was the only reason I ever got into FPS. I never knew you could use the mouse to look around till then as my only experiance with FPS's was Doom and Wolfinstine...
If you are found by alyx walking around, or when you first start, and get off the train, chances are the combine would act a little more hostile towards you if you're wearing a super armor suit. That stands out a lot more than any scientist garb citizens have to wear.

Edit:Ie: it'd be a little weird for gman to train you in it, and send you into the city either without it after training, or with it and get picked on by combine.
See? Some people liked my dreamscape idea...

trantjd said:
I think somebody's been playing a bit too much Max Payne :D

Never played either of the Max Payne games.
Orange said:
If you are found by alyx walking around, or when you first start, and get off the train, chances are the combine would act a little more hostile towards you if you're wearing a super armor suit.
Yeah, I'd always thought that, in that opening sequence, why no-on gives you odd looks for wearing an extraordinarily bright orange metallic/rubbery suit...
I really hope that training is a seprate thing. it gets really annoying when you try to repete the game and you have to go though the training again.
On the trainstation clip from E3, Gordon is walking around without a hud and has zero weapons. So if thats the actual start of the game (thought to be by the magazine playtesters) then you do infact start without your suit.

Has the Gman given Gordon an undercover job? Has the suit ran out of 10 year old juice? Has the Gman seen gordons willy?
I hope there is a training level. Just a nice refresher course to help me become aware of any movement/key changes from Half-life. It would be cool if they integrated into the story. You know, like you meet the resistance group who keeps a training course and so you get to practice the course while being part of the larger story/game.
Training and control configuration should be integrated. One thing I hate about installing games is having to input my setup. It should be a wizard process like joystick config: 'Move forward, Gordon' and you push whatever button you use for forward; 'Look up, look down' (to see whether you use inversion); 'Track this target by turning' (to adjust mouse speed); 'Jump!'; etc. You could play copycat with your reflection in the mirror e.g. 'repeat what Gordon just did by using the desired control'. The hard part would be making it easy to understand, but also very fast to use so that control config. can be done very quickly once you reinstall. If it were fast enough, you wouldn't have to complain about someone changing your settings.

One more thing: use a numerical increment control like UT2k4, not a slider bar, for mouse sensitivity.
Just thought of something: the control config could be Alyx running Gordon through a stretching routine and then an obstacle course: first look up, down, left, then right, then crouch, jumping jacks (jumping), lean left and right (strafing), etc.