Trainstation Bink Video


Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I have never been more teased, that is just amazing how... real that is. I almost felt like i was watching a movie. What was really interesting was how genious the person playing was, the small things, like when he would look back and forth with the notion that he was thinking "what?!" or "really...", and all he had to do was look at the right things in the right way.

Wow, the people seem interesting, like they have personality, this is just so amazing, I'm psyched!!!

I want to play half life 2 so very badly. I couldn't think of anything more worth my money. lol, it seems more logical to buy this game then a new car... i'd love to just have the box.

>_O *twitch*

lol, j/k.

half life 2 rocks!
It felt more like a book. All the little things you see adding depth and substance to the story and setting. It was fantastic to see it in that detail. Alright have to not get carried away though.
The_Monkey said:
Where can i find these binks?
If you looked at our amazing news page that seems to get so overlooked, you might know ;)
lol I hate when people post "where can I get this" when its on the front page...
Watching the full size bink gave me a Deus Ex type feeling... all that detail packed into the area: comments, overheard convos, actions & behaviour. It probably won't have the same amount of depth that DX1's gameplay had but it's definately trying for the same kind of 'actual world' feel.

Kinda like Doom 3 giving me System Shock 2 flashbacks (though it fell way shorter).
That guy ran through everything so fast... I would spend at least one hour in there, just looking at stuff.
I especially liked the ending, when Freeman had to follow a Combine Soldier to this interrogation room, but this "Surveillance Bot" at the beginning also created a special atmosphere.
i agree, its going to take me twice the time they originally stated to beat HL2 just because I would look at everything, esspecially the first level.
True, I could easily spend an hour just exploring the trainstation - imagine an entire world with that kind of density and richness - then throw in some great combat and story elements... how could it get any better than that?
just from that clip, you can tell no other game can come close to what HL2 will offer. same thing i see with the apartment scene.
Actually Opposing Force came close to HL2... I mean it was just THAT DAMN GOOD. :rolling:
and after playing CS:Source, the videos are no where near as cool and graphic as actual gameplay.
Cyber$nake said:
lol I hate when people post "where can I get this" when its on the front page...
To be fair, some folks bookmark the forums and don't always see the main page.
mxmadman said:
and after playing CS:Source, the videos are no where near as cool and graphic as actual gameplay.

CS:S is different from HL2... but I agree. When I played CS:S at a cafe, I used most of the time I had there to play with physics and look at stuff ... and shoot stuff. Fun. :O
CS:S different yes, CS:S is very linear gameplay, and repetitive, HL2 is not, but they run on the same graphics system :)
The only real problem with this video is that the posters on the walls are all the same. As well as the walls themselves being suprisingly bare. It seems a bit lazy and uninspired. But meh, I'm nit-picking.
KagePrototype said:
The only real problem with this video is that the posters on the walls are all the same. As well as the walls themselves being suprisingly bare. But meh, I'm nit-picking.

People like you make me think twice... WHY DO YOU SPOIL OTHER PEOPLE'S FUN!??!?! :flame:
Some_God said:
People like you make me think twice... WHY DO YOU SPOIL OTHER PEOPLE'S FUN!??!?! :flame:

lol, yeah, I'm just a big fat troll aren't I? :P
KagePrototype said:
The only real problem with this video is that the posters on the walls are all the same. As well as the walls themselves being suprisingly bare. It seems a bit lazy and uninspired. But meh, I'm nit-picking.
i think thats because theyre all combine progaganda images. i dont think they would be hanging too many tommy hilfiger billboards in city-17. besides, i have seen a lot of unique wall images. in the e32k4 video in which he fights combine soldiers and antlions, look at the graffiti on the wall, cool little touch.
When I watch the trainstation video all I can think about is implementing cheats. Imagine getting all weapons and just wiping out everyone. Or better yet when the combine soldier pushes you, you push back.

I also dwell on "what's around that corner". Example: The part where you are going into the fenced section where all the soldiers are. Did any of you see that lady that they let go through another gate and she rounds a corner. I would love to see what she is up to. Maybe she's going to the shitter or something cool like that.
everyone has permission to laugh at this very obvious question, but what is so special about the bink videos, i downloaded some before and they're just full screen versions of the videos. Sorry if this blatantly apparent and I'm a retard
KagePrototype said:
The only real problem with this video is that the posters on the walls are all the same. As well as the walls themselves being suprisingly bare. It seems a bit lazy and uninspired. But meh, I'm nit-picking.

It is a train station after all (under a dictatorship), not a concert hall.
UrbanLeonard said:
everyone has permission to laugh at this very obvious question, but what is so special about the bink videos, i downloaded some before and they're just full screen versions of the videos. Sorry if this blatantly apparent and I'm a retard

Man don't be so hard on yourself. The Binks are special and hold a piece of all our hearts because.......................well shit, I'm not sure why either. Good question!!
Because they are just short of us playing... they look that good. :)
spicoli420 said:
Man don't be so hard on yourself. The Binks are special and hold a piece of all our hearts because.......................well shit, I'm not sure why either. Good question!!

Beacourse the BINK-videos have better graphics?
The Binks are special because the are showing a much higher resolution than the quicktime or windows media files you have probably seen. It is more than just bigger, there is more detail. It's in the small stuff...
That has put my mind at rest no end. Thanks for the nice answers! I know if I asked that on ************* or what they'd be all f**k you n00b, thats why I only post here. Well I'm not a poster I just read, hence it took me a year to just be a member. Thanks everyone!
didn't realise the forum blocked mentions to other websites (hence the **** in place of the site i mentioned). It's a rubbish site, just as well.
kaf11 said:
i think thats because theyre all combine progaganda images. i dont think they would be hanging too many tommy hilfiger billboards in city-17. besides, i have seen a lot of unique wall images. in the e32k4 video in which he fights combine soldiers and antlions, look at the graffiti on the wall, cool little touch.

I realise they're propaganda posters, but must they all be the same size and colours, in the exact same positions on each wall? I just wish they'd vary it a bit more than they did.

It is a train station after all (under a dictatorship), not a concert hall.

I know, but still, I'd like them to do at least something to make it look a little less dull. But like I said, I'm nit-picking, it's still overall quite impressive. :)
What I dont get is what will happen once you get to the interrogation room. I mean, you cant talk how are you supposed to answer questions? We'll have to find out...
Cyber$nake said:
What I dont get is what will happen once you get to the interrogation room. I mean, you cant talk how are you supposed to answer questions? We'll have to find out...

You have to use sign language.
Gabe: Oh yea, did we mention? Gordon has learned kung-fu since his absence and can now kick the living shit out of any one who gives him smack.

So much for a defenseless mute
The music? Where was the excellent mood setting music?
I trust that it wasnt played to make the BINK file smaller..
Cause damn, I liked that music