Trainstation Bink Video

Cyber$nake said:
What I dont get is what will happen once you get to the interrogation room. I mean, you cant talk how are you supposed to answer questions? We'll have to find out...

No Mr. Bond... err Freeman... I expect you to DIE!!
detail is everything
i especially loved the trash blowing in the wind at the beginning
very cool
I love the character movement and interactivity with objects. Of course the overall atmosphere is awesome.

When gordan walks down the hall with the guard, you can see the Guard's outfit and his head moving and bobbing as he walks. That's just awesome. :)
Yep, just compared the E3 intro with this BINK one.
Graphics aside...the E3 one was far superior with the music.
I hope its still in!
Asus said:
I love the character movement and interactivity with objects. Of course the overall atmosphere is awesome.

When gordan walks down the hall with the guard, you can see the Guard's outfit and his head moving and bobbing as he walks. That's just awesome. :)

I noticed that same thing , Im want this game again. <3
After playing Doom III I can say with confidence that I am absolutely confused as to why the popular belief is that it had the better lighting engine. The City 17 Train Station had a more realistic lighting scheme in that what was not directly lit was still illuminated by light which relected off of other surfaces. Ohh yeah, and the level of interaction is positively amazing.
Ditto. That was my thought watching the video , i think valve really improved the engine or somethin.
richpull100 said:
After playing Doom III I can say with confidence that I am absolutely confused as to why the popular belief is that it had the better lighting engine. The City 17 Train Station had a more realistic lighting scheme in that what was not directly lit was still illuminated by light which relected off of other surfaces. Ohh yeah, and the level of interaction is positively amazing.
Ditto again. Maybe it was more advanced technically, but in the end i think HL2 looks a lot "BETTER".
Yeah, the lighting is amazing. Especially w/ dx9!.

And about the train station being dull, I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but if you mean the atmosphere and feel of it, I'm assuming that was intentional. Or if you mean the walls being bare except for the same posters over and over; well I'm guessing that was because the combine wants it that way so you only focus on the propaganda.

Or maybe they (valve) really are unimaginative and didn't put much effort into the wall decor. :upstare:
B_MAN said:
detail is everything
i especially loved the trash blowing in the wind at the beginning
very cool

Hell yeah! The flying camera blowing trash is what got me REALLY excited about HL2. For me, it's the small things that make a game outstanding.

HL2 looks to have the potential to be one of the best games for gameplay we've ever seen. I mean, I love D3 and all, but for gameplay ONLY I'd rather play Super Mario World on my GBA. Sorry to ramble.
This game has a pretty good chance to live up to it's humongous hype. I pray that this game is 1/3 as good as I expect it to be.
Anyone else notice how the combines head bobbed like mad when you're following him to the interrogation room?

This kinda freaks me out.
just looked at the video again, your right, the guy is like a frickin bobble head lol.
so they cant be human ... unless they all lost their vertibrae in some freak moto-cross accident ... ?
disruptioN_ said:
There was no guy hiding in the trash can...


:sniper: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Heh. Damn, I think we argued about that crap for at least an hour. Just feels good to tell people "I told you so".
I'm thinking the combine are some sort of jelly based creature from that vid... that bobble is quite funny :)
I noticed the head bob on the combine but I'm not that fussed. It's only because the armour he is wearing is stiff and won't move along with his head movements (which are admittedly exaggerated). The good thing is the character models aren't stiff lifeless things that remain a dull constant.
Overall, I was quite impressed with the animations, more than anything. Along with facial expressions and lip syncing, valve has definately done their homework with animations such as walking, turning, e.t.c.