
Being carded is when the cashier checks your ID (drivers license, etc) to make sure you're an acceptable age to purchase something, such as cigarettes, beer, and so on.
EC said:
Being carded is when the cashier checks your ID (drivers license, etc) to make sure you're an acceptable age to purchase something, such as cigarettes, beer, and so on.

It pretty much only applies to guys and unattractive girls though - if you're a reasonably attractive girl, you can pretty much get away with anything you want if the salesperson is a guy (seen it happen SOOO many times before).
adulus said:
I sincerely doubt it will be given an M. The most I could reasonably see it i Teen. All it has is some basic blood and gore, with a scifi storyline. Nothing too bad about that.

You could say the same for FarCry, but that's rated M..

HL2 has alot of M content. IE. the zombies, cutting them in half, hanging corpses in ravenholm (well, we've seen one), the severed zombie corpse on the sawblades, the blood-curtling scream of the zombies when they're on fire.. then there's ragdoll, antilion gibbing, etc.

For another example, Counter-Strike is rated M. There's no way HL2 will be Teen.

Edit: tr0n, don't suppose you attend/attended EHS in Edison?
:O I don't think games like Manhunt shouldn't be sold to 7-11 year olds. They can really get influenced by the shit you do in that game, it's crazy, it really opens new doors on how to kill people with simple house hold items you can find lying around. The game somewhat will give a kid the idea that it's okay to do because it's a game. But i'm not no soccer mom type person, I hate the Walmart system.
Shuzer said:
On a slightly related note, does it piss anyone off as much as it pisses me off to read comments at places like csnation where people say stuff like "Guess VALVe lied about the summer date?"

Honestly, can people not read? :( They said they hope to deliver HL2 to Vivendi in August. Summer! Not the game will release in summer, they never said that.. arrggghhh.. I wish people could read, and, give VALVe a break at the same time. [/rant]
Im' thinking the same, this really sucks!

The admins should make a newspost and a sticky, in wich they make it clear that NOTHING has changed.
It should be up to the parent what you play until you're say 15 or so.

A rating system enforced by the seller is preferable to content censorship. If there is one thing I loathe in this world it is censorship. Here in Australia Grand Theft Auto (III and VC) were both censored (among others), not to mention banned games like Postal 1 and 2. The reason is we have no Adults Only rating for video games, because according to the OFLC gaming is for kids (this is no longer the case most players are over 20).
HL2 will be M rated unless the following happens:
-blood is removed from the game
-zombies don't get cut in half
-anything and everything that would make the game interesting regarding shooting things is removed.

HL2 will be M. I fail to see how anyone could see otherwise - gore like that is going to land HL2 the M rating with ease. (and it will be all the better, muhahhahahahahaha)
I played so many M games when i was a kid, my parents didn't care, and i wasn't offended by one of them....I was like 10 when i played sof, and i was shooting in peoples balls!!! :p