$transition/blending between sequences



I have an entity that has a couple animation sequences. In HLMV I can have it preview the sequences so that it blends smoothly between the idle and walk cycles but can't figure out what to put into my .qc file to get it.

I have looked at the documentation, looked at some sample .qc files and searched the forums but can't find much info on things like "transition" or "blend", any help would be much appriciated.

Here is my working .qc

$modelname walker\walker
$cdmaterials walker\

$scale 5.0
$surfaceprop "metal"

$body walker "walker_ref.smd"

// animation sequences
$sequence idleOFF "walker_seq_idleOFF.smd" loop fps 1
$sequence idleON "walker_seq_idleON.smd" loop fps 1
$sequence walk "walker_seq_walk.smd" loop fps 30
$sequence powerON "walker_seq_powerON.smd" fps 30

// begin L.O.D. models
$lod 40
replacemodel "walker_ref.smd" "walker_lod_1.smd"

$lod 80
replacemodel "walker_ref.smd" "walker_lod_2.smd"

$lod 100
replacemodel "walker_ref.smd" "walker_lod_3.smd"

$lod 120
replacemodel "walker_ref.smd" "walker_lod_4.smd"
Yeah, I've been over that a bunch, I have a printout that I've pretty much (involutarily) commited to memory, it describes things well but doesn't give any examples on using them.

So I know I need some sort of combination of $animation, $sequence, transition and blend but have absolutely no clue what to do with them, the example .qc files I have aren't much help either.
well im sorry but i dont really know much about this. iv never needed to use any of these commands so i havent experimented with how.
i suppose i might think about adding it to my programme, so if you work it out then could you share it?

good luck m8