Transporter 2


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
i am really exited about this one, i loved the first one and hope that they wont distroy the sequal...

anyways HERE's some stuff on the movie

your thoughts?
i'll be seeing it just because turkish is in it.
:| Just another cool action flick for me. Another movie to see on the weekend. After that, just a lost memory.
Honestly, it looks amazingly bad to me. And I like action movies.
I wanna see this, but I still have to watch the REST of the first one :)
yeah i just saw the commercial for this last night and was like whoa. should be good. good ol' handsome rob.
Loved the 1st part cant wait for 2nd part!
The first one was laughably poor, so I'm expecting at least the same amount of laughs or I will not be happy.
Statham's next movie, Revolver (I think), looks pretty good.
My brother let me borrow this movie, and I just got done watching it for the first time.

This movie is ****ing great. The martial arts is up there with some of the best of Jackie-chan and Jet Li. Insane cinematography. Everything around him is a weapon - he never uses a gun, and he is like a master of manipulating everything around him and aware of everything going on around him. It's totally believable, not some Matrix craziness. This guy is the wrong one to pick a fight with.

Really good casting. The driving scenes are good, but the fight scenes are amazing, and the rest of the movie is fun to watch as well. Black Lamborgini's are so ****ing hot, too bad he doesn't drive that car the whole movie, he is driving a rather hum Audi for most of the driving scenes.

I did have 3 gripes. Plot not really original (another action movie), some of the music sounds a little bit dated for a movie this recent ( but there was some great music too), and there was one or 2 car stunts that were just plain unbelievable. I hate that.

Available for rent, you shouldn't miss this movie. Unlike alot of movies these days, I would like to see this movie again.
I thought the 2nd was better then the 1st both are cool movies.
Pretty good movie besides the fact that one of the car stunts was just not possible. Why did they have to put it in? Overall pretty good movie if you looking for an action rental. Deff. think it was better than the first also.
it's on my 10 worst movies list.

i had to create a new level of 'bad' so i would have so place to put it.
xcellerate said:
it's on my 10 worst movies list.

i had to create a new level of 'bad' so i would have so place to put it.
lol wow. really?

I thought XXX 2 was probably the most horrible movie I'd seen in years. Just curious how Transporter 2 would compare to XXX 2 in your eyes. Now that movie had fake ass shit going on.. like driving on the train tracks.

Transporter 2 was much more fun than most of the movies I see, and I have a dozen pay movie channels.

I can totally see how you wouldn't like it and how you can say it's bad, but I thought it had some seriously creative fight scenes. Like the fire hose.

Granted, for a movie based around driving you would think there would be better driving action, but no.

that one of the car stunts was just not possible.
Yea that killed me, I only didn't write about it because I thought maybe it was a spoiler but I guess not. I hate things like that.. and also when the enemy cuts a pipe in half steam comes out, but its not a carrier pipe it's just a support beam pipe. lol
The movie sucked ass... but it was extremely fun to watch imo.

That car stunt, while physically impossible to do... was pretty badass.
I hate transporter 2 so much...

The movie quite literally shits all over logic, reason, and continuity. It also maimed my suspension of disbelief and gave me cancer.

Let me give some examples...

Bad guy decides to transport the antidote to a horrible virus by IVing it into his blood... Quite possibly the must retarded way to transport a medicine let alone a whole damn quart of it. Cause you know, your body isn't going to metabolize it or anything, or find it highly toxic in large doses.

A fast car smashing into a billboard will explode in a brilliant fireball but an airplane smashing full speed into the sea will not. And everyone on board survives the slow motion wave of water that fills up the plane, especially turkish who tries to outrun it.

The bomb removal scene had to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen on film since i saw charlies angels dodge a tankshell with a truck carrying a helocopter, fall over the side of a dam, and somehow have it started up during freefall and whisk themselves to safety.

The fact that the main bad guy just happens to have a pointy sculpture featuring a bunch of spikes in his living room that someone can get easily killed on...

ahhhhh!! SO ANGRY
Flyingdebris said:
I hate transporter 2 so much...

The movie quite literally shits all over logic, reason, and continuity. It also maimed my suspension of disbelief and gave me cancer.

Let me give some examples...

Bad guy decides to transport the antidote to a horrible virus by IVing it into his blood... Quite possibly the must retarded way to transport a medicine let alone a whole damn quart of it. Cause you know, your body isn't going to metabolize it or anything, or find it highly toxic in large doses.

A fast car smashing into a billboard will explode in a brilliant fireball but an airplane smashing full speed into the sea will not. And everyone on board survives the slow motion wave of water that fills up the plane, especially turkish who tries to outrun it.

The bomb removal scene had to be the most idiotic thing I've ever seen on film since i saw charlies angels dodge a tankshell with a truck carrying a helocopter, fall over the side of a dam, and somehow have it started up during freefall and whisk themselves to safety.

The fact that the main bad guy just happens to have a pointy sculpture featuring a bunch of spikes in his living room that someone can get easily killed on...

ahhhhh!! SO ANGRY

First of all, I'm glad it gave you cancer. Maybe you won't live to see the third one.

It's people like you who call Requiem for a Dream true genius in filmmaking, and Braveheart utter shit.

What I'm trying to say here is that no one went to go see the first one because of the 'plot'... okay? We all went to see it because of the part where he rings the doorbell and kicks the door in. That's what the movie is about - punching people in the face. You think the hollywood people don't know about the logistical errors? Of course they do! You're supposed to forget all of that and watch the movie for what it is. Don't act like you're somehow better at making movies than the director because obviously he made the movie and you didn't for a reason.
It was mostly all unbelievable. It was a good movie, but not for realism at all. I mean, seriously, I want to jump building to building! Or I want to get this bomb off my ramping/spinning/clipping! IRUEL!
CyberPitz said:
It was mostly all unbelievable. It was a good movie, but not for realism at all. I mean, seriously, I want to jump building to building! Or I want to get this bomb off my ramping/spinning/clipping! IRUEL!
Yea that was the only part of the movie where I was like "OH hell no!"

all he had to do was bail out of the car like it was on fire GTA style - instead he did some magic spin flip knock the bomb off. LOL This seriously hurt my opinion of this movie.
Transporter 1 and 2 are fun and "easy" to watch. They probably won't make anyones top 10 films, but if you are bored and looking for something to pass the time, this might be it.
looks pretty cool.

(anyone watch 24? theyre thinking of doing some of the storyline in london next yr with jack staying in cali... i think strantham would make the good british agent over here in series 6) lol