Tree model


Sep 20, 2003
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Here's the start of a bunch of tree models i'm making for a jungle map (also the other stuff in there is by my, but not the point of interest)

Anyways it bark is not UV mapped or textured it, so please omit that issue from your critiques...


Looks very cool, but the roots don't look right to me. They're too flat, too regular, and almost too... serpentine? Maybe you were going for this, but if not, those are what need work.
looks very nice! maybe make the tree trunck a bit more detailed, but really nice modeling
that tree would look like really sexy once the tree bark has some normal map and an actual texture :D
too serpentine? you mean it looks too much like a snake?

here's an update

NOTE: I already realise taht the smoothing groups on the roots aer not right so they look unsmooth

no normal map on the bark, Think I need one?


looks great! :D i thot same thing about roots when i saw it tho. i think u should get rid of some of them and add more variation to them, it kinda looks like a squid now heh. for the normal map, i'd prolly just do a quick Fiber render in photoshop, and blend that w/ the diffuse texture & convert to normal map. but that's just me :p
here's a slight update, also a new tree, the new tree is 3200 triangles, no LOD's yet

Also on the roots issue, I' was trying to emulate a tree reference I have that has verytall straight roots, I think I failed at it, but just so you can see why they have teh octopus thing


truely excellent. how many lod models are you going to do.
I think 3 is fine for most of the trees, as long as the last one is under 400, I supose I could make a really distant 8poly billboard cross... only problem with that is that all these models share the same texture to (which should hopefully save on texture space)
thx :D

the trunk on the tall one isnt actually uvmapped yet, also I still gotta give the bark some texture work..

and crackhead, these are for a rainforest map I'm doing for a mod called incursion... before 2 other mod teams merged it was called jungle mist, which fits the name of the map better :)...

anywhoo, it's ... another reality war shooter.... I know, I know, there's already too many :D...
wow looks like its comeing along well and it certainly has an impressive team.
the roots wouldnt be that bad if u like put some other plants around them like in the first render.
they will have those around them, those are just other models for the map,,

will hopefully have about 10-15 small plants and 7 trees for the map... then maybe about 10 mid sized bushes and trees
looking good, I suggest adding more leaves :p (that, or improving the leaves image)

I did some too awhile back :)

