Trent Reznor: "steal my music!"


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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What a guy :)

It's important to place his comments in context. That show was in Australia where his label was pushing absurd prices on his last album. When he brought it up with them, they essentially said they were giving it a high price because they know NIN has a hardcore fanbase that will pay for it any way.

Pretty cheap and really shows just how much contempt some of these people have for their customers.
No worries Trent, I stole the whole of your discography!
God, I would f*ck that man, I swear.

I stole the whole discography up to the point where I started listening to NIN, and I've bought every major release since then (and a lot of the older ones too, since NIN is one of the artists I feel like actually spending money on).

Cool about him saying that (and before one of my favorite songs too <3) but like Absinthe said you have to remember that it's because his CDs were way overpriced against his will in Australia.
Yay, I'm excused! :D

What? I'm practically in Australia. (that is the first and last time I will ever say that)
Depends on the artist, really. I feel far more justified in buying albums from smaller bands because more sales = more support from the record label

Thing is, I know quite a few small bands over here in the UK from Damnation Festival, and this, for the most, part isn't true to them at all. They're pretty big in the 'underground' British metal scene at the moment, all four I've spoken to in depth properly, and they say the best money they get is from selling merch/CD's at gigs.

But, this obviously doesn't apply for everyone.
I usually try to buy CDs at shows if I can. It's awesome at smaller venues because sometimes it's the band themselves selling the CDs after the show, so you can talk to them and support them simultaneously \o/