Tribes Vengance!


May 27, 2004
Reaction score
Who is looking forward to this game?

It looks KICKASS. I love tribes :D
Yeah, been waiting on Vengeance for a long time now. There are tons of new videos on IGN to salivate over.
Yeh was just going through them Abom and decided to post my love for the series :D

You see how when they get killed and if the players jetpack is on at the time, it will keep on going :D
^Ben said:
Yeh was just going through them Abom and decided to post my love for the series :D

You see how when they get killed and if the players jetpack is on at the time, it will keep on going :D
Yeah, looks fantastic - the fighting looks even more intense than the previous two games. I can't wait to grapple around that stadium map.
OMFG i cant find the disc NOOOOO!

Update w00t found it :D
Was just checking some forum posts by the developers :D

34Couple upcoming things
07-16-2004, 06:45 PM

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Couple dates for you. No, I won't get more specific about the date for the open beta, demo, or release.

July - closed beta for Tribal-Wars/pre-orderers
August - open beta, demo (two separate things)
Early October - release (worldwide)

Argh HL2, D3, T:V, Vampire, RTW, (stalker)

My wallet hates me! and so does my free time
Looks awesome, I too love how when players using their jetpack are killed and they start to spin around in mid-air, that's just SO cool :E
looks awesome, and the fact that i'm in the beta just makes it even sweeter :E

iron maiden - blood brothers
Vengeance looks likea fantastic games. I have tried Tribes 2 and it's probably one of the hardest online games there is. Without solid teamwork you're d00m3d!
I hears the Demo was supposed to come out soon, or was that the beta?
It's getting my money. I play the first tribes for hours on end for 2 years...before i discovered CS
T:V looks like its gonna be pritty good, i just hope it doesn't get made to be to "newbie friendly", Tribes1 and 2 were great because they required a lot more than a low ping and the ability to click a lot.
Im only getting it for the starsiege mod. :) Or are they going to make it a stand alone game? The last I heard it was going to be a mod.

Thenerdguy: last time I heard was that Starsiege: 2845 might be getting it's own box :P woooooo! Sniper Rifle yeah!
