Tribes Vengeance Beta Signups


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
"Over at the official Tribes: Vengeance website you can now sign up for a closed beta test of the game which is due to start on June 14. The beta will start with a very limited group of people, but it will expand weekly until the general public partakes later this summer. Tribes: Vengeance will ship to stores in October. VUGames also sent along several new screenshots from the game"

iv already signed up, gl. oh and u might want to use IE if its not your default browser.
You have to install an ActiveX applet (that grabs your system specs to be submitted) before it'll work.. so.. use IE as KiNG suggested
Shuzer said:
You have to install an ActiveX applet (that grabs your system specs to be submitted) before it'll work.. so.. use IE as KiNG suggested

yeah it's the blizzard one.. but it still bugs up when I try ):
Thanks for the heads-up. :)

I had to click the 'submit' button multiple times before it would go through... then finally it said thanks and I'd be contacted 'soon'...

I apply for these betas... but I've yet to actually get a chance to participate in one. :x
i was accepted into planetside beta (who wasn't?) and farcry beta but nothing really special..
I tested FC too, biggest waste of time in the world, no wonder the game has such shoddy multiplayer.

I signed up for this one... I was never a big fan of the other tribes games since they all seemed like they were just UT clones with vehicles and jetpacks. I'm willing ot give this one a shot though.