trigger respawn of func_breakable ?


Dec 4, 2004
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i´m working on my 1st 4 player dm map daddy´s playground and want to have a object which is breakable (it works right now).
it´s a little cabin that contains a shotgun and in order to leave the cabin, its floor needs to be shot. now i want the floor object to appear right after the player fell down.
i was thinking that a invisible trigger brush would be ideal for such tasks but i have no clue how it would have to be done.

can anybody help me with that?

here´s a picture of the situation:

thanks a lot in advance :D
Not sure about respawning. Maybe you could make the floor a trapdoor, split in half and hinged either side. When you shoot it it opens and you fall. After a short delay it closes again.

Or you could make two blocks in the same floorspace. One the block you see which will allow the player to pass through and a second which the player stands on but it invisible. On shooting the invis could move away making you fall through the visible floor.
do you want it to do this only once? because otherwise the entity env_entity_maker combined with point_template combined with a trigger on the landing zone could be used to spawn in another floor immediately.
This should work.

It's a env_entity_maker that fires 25 seconds after the object is broken. It's forces the spawn of a new object at the origin of the entity_maker (spawner01).

Tell me if it doesn't.

EDIT: after reading, seems like I misinterpreted your request. But you still needed the respawning func_breakable right?