

Dec 5, 2004
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I'm trying to use the func_tank entity, which i am told that, tied to a brush, will give you a mounted gun. Once you look at all of the func_tank entities, this is obvious cuz they are the names of mounted guns 'n stuff from the game. However, I can't seem to get it to work. I THINK it might just be a NPC controlled turret, but that makes no sense. All of the different settings seem to be for NPCs, cept for one. Control Volume.
"Name of a trigger the specifies the volume in which a player must be to control this tank."

I am hoping this is the volume in which you have to be to take control of the turret with E. However, it is automatically blank, and there are no settings choosable from the list. This doesn't make sense in the first place, but even so, how do i make a trigger? I don't know how to make one. And how do i regulate it's size to control how close ppl have to be to my guns? Thanks. I'm lost here, plz help.
I haven't tried this, but I think a good way to do it would be to create a func_illusionary and texture it with nodraw. Then you just give it a name and enter that in the Control Volume field. Sounds logical righ?