Trip to London


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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Going for 2 days to London with my dad after school ends. Any recommendations for places to go / things to see?
Man I love Cardiff. I hope I can make a hope to Wales before returning to France in summer. I love the town in Cardiff. At night its just crazy, evrebady in the street drinking and eating fish and ships.
The Imperial War Museum (LOADS of tanks, aircraft, artillary on display aswell as some really impressive displays/exbiditions such as the trench warfare from WW1 and the Holocaust, amongst others, and hundreds of real authentic equipment/weapons)

The National History Museum (very impressive in general)

Go on a open top bus tour aswell if you can. Pretty cool.

London Eye gives you a great view of the city. Big que usually but it goes down quick. A must see. Whilst your on the South Bank make sure you check out the bars and resturants along it. Some great places.

Oxford Street has some great music stores if you know where to look. Alot of small underground record shops in alleys off the main street. Love them.

The HMS Belfast, docked up on the Thames. Really, really intresting battleship. Pricey, though.
The National History Museum, truly amazing place.
Royal Observatory in Greenwich and National Maritime Museum.
Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tower of London and other beautiful historic places.

I love that city!
Man I love Cardiff. I hope I can make a hope to Wales before returning to France in summer. I love the town in Cardiff. At night its just crazy, evrebady in the street drinking and eating fish and ships.

Ships you say eh :O

Never seen people eating ships when i've been out :O
Completly forgot about the Tate, and the London Dungeon/Madame Tussauds are both entertaining, just expect huge ques.
Canary Wharf. When you get off the tube it's like stepping into the future. You have to go there.
The West End (Piccadilly Circus, Soho, Leicester Square etc) is great also.
See Camden Town for freaks and weirdos, and some "alternative" culture.

If you were going for a bit longer I'd recommend going out into the farthest reaches of London, it would give you a bit more of an understanding of what the place is really all about.
covent garden, see the buskers; some are actually quite good.
There are some really nice old royal navy ships. They doked them so people can visit them like museums...
Can I burn the Queen's ships? I head that it's no longer an exicutionable offence :cheese: