Triumph Insult Comic Dog With Star Wars Nerds

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damn fender beat me to it. still quite funny though.
i was gonna say something to, but hey, he's new. Haven't seen ya around kill-juice, welcome aboard!
Love that vid! It is the paragon of hilarity. I'm a SW fan, so I can relate ;)
Don't miss the Bon Jovi one as well, o man!
Its actually so old for me that I had it on my pc and then deleted it because it had been there so long :rolleyes:
lol im sry that i had to make you post twice to say how much u hate my post :(

This guy pwns already *huggles* ^_^
I hate most of the american humour on TV...except from The Simpsons, Futurama and a few other couple of cartoons that actually make fun of America. Comedy Central has never been fun and that little cock master-dog are super annoying.
I have seen that before, but I laughed my ass off all the way through it, so anyone who hasnt seen it are reccomended to do so!

BTW, is that dog a regular on conan?
It's definately an old thing, but still great. I mean not everything that's good is new after all. :)

And craigweb2k, he's a semi-regular on conan. He's one of their characters, like they also have the masterbating bear that shows up once in a while. Or mini-jay leno.