Trivia question.

Originally posted by mrBadger
ah welll,

/me morns the death of another serious thread


Oh get over it, a thread about what? Selfrighteous progressives prying into people's private opinons. So what if 30% of people disapprove of blah blah blah. The personal is not political.

Am I the only true liberal here?:eek: :(
I was joking...... :p.......



and most likely, you are since were all Commies or Nazis.... :p
Speaking of Nazis. Wouldn't it be funny if the British National Party (BNP) got into power. I'm not saying i would vote for them, but it would be fun to see what they would do.
Wouldn't work, the Germans already tried it once.

It's called Fascism, the blending of dynamic economy with oppressive state. :sniper:
Yes. I'm doing history at college. I know about the Nazis. And before the sarcastic comments, no i don't need a history A level just to know that the Nazis existed. We learn more than the fact they were around.

EDIT: Cool site by the way Nietzsche

My nation is the Kingdom of Tighty Whity.
This looks like fun.
I just founded "The Armed Republic of Wo-Jo".
I think I should have gone with a more radical government, maybe next time.
I made two nations. One is the Angs and the other is tighty whity. The angs are my nice nation. Tighty whity is hte powerhouse economy running a strict regime.
So that's it, now I got it. You're all Facsists. No wonder I couldn't get through to anyone about tolerance.....:sniper:
I dont think I'm a facsist, more like a conservative-libertarian-nationalist hybrid.
But its a helluv alot of fun to play games as an evil dictator! :devil:

And youre right on about the benefits of a good spanking. it seems alot of people cant diferentiate between a spanking and a beating.
I know My 3 kids are growing up very polite with good manners, and people enjoy having them over.
Unlike some other kids I see around that have no consequences for their actions. They'll all keep law enforcment personell and therapists employed for the next 50 years.
I thought you weren't a supporter of Bush??? I can't read it cos I have a dail up.... please elabourate :)
Well what it says is actually some clever lip syncing done by someone, its talking about how the US stands for Rape pillage etc I was just pointing people to it because of the facist remark by Lord Blackadder. But actually i do support Bush. Hes a much better choice than the democrats, they want all sorts of crazy stuff. People say hes a war monger, that may be true. But right now he may not be what people want but he's what people need.
Yeah, for once Farrow we agree..... Bush is the man of the moment...

/me recoils in shock as the Badger and the Sparrow agree

Originally posted by mrBadger
Yeah, for once Farrow we agree..... Bush is the man of the moment...

/ me recoils in shock as the Badger and the Sparrow agree


:eek: :x

Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
:eek: :x


i was quite scared too :(


well, on the subject of funny bush speeches, my cousin did a bootleg of a speech, lots of words patched together (done by one Chris Morris), it works quite well... all over the Star Wars imperial march :p... (i find it amusig even though I think Bush is gd :cheese: )

heres the url (be warned, this isn't suitible for younger fourmites :p)
lol...funny as hell.

You gonna beat me soon Farrowlesparrow *sigh*
This mp3 is the thing i tried to show you MrBadger, only it was synced with a video. Are you sure you're cousin did this? Did he do the video because that has been done pretty well. It didn't have the music though and its so much funnier when you see him saying it.

With regard to post count.

Woo hoo. I hope so. Of course i don't think that post counts really matter, its not like I'm trying to compete or anything.

Just don't post to much or you may have an accident involving your legs and a rotor.....'ve seen the 600 MB video.
he didn't do the video.... he just put the music in :p (didn't even put the words together :p)

I promise ill check it out when I get broadband :) theres a lot of funny vids on the internet
Yeah. Sadly however, half the funny vids arent funny at all. They are just wrong or porn. Broadband is so cool though. What i really want is a T3. Man that would be cool.
I've seen a funny video with flying viking kittens singing Electric Six's Gay Bar..... its so well done..... Ive also seen Bush and Blair signing Gay Bar too.... thats quite funny:p

Viking kittens. Be sure to check out too, it's really rather good (PLUGGAGE :D:D:D)

Heheh but it's not mine so don't smite me :) Look at the Buffy swear thing... MINGE!!!!
yeah i hate sites like that.... :flame: I was looking for which turned out to be a porno site (i have changed the addy so kiddies dont click on it :p (I'm responsible :E)

hooray for Bad^Hat :cheers: i thought id lost the link
Originally posted by Punisher454
I dont think I'm a facsist, more like a conservative-libertarian-nationalist hybrid.
But its a helluv alot of fun to play games as an evil dictator! :devil:

And youre right on about the benefits of a good spanking.

Good, that sounds like an interesting hybrid.:bounce:

I also like a good spankin' once in a whole, preferably from a tall buxom woman in a fascist uniform.:cheese:
Hehe. Man i love not you (that isnt to say i dont like you) But the seriesisisisis. They were cool.
Ive decided that for the next few weeks im only going to say what the HL1 scientists can say.

Right, you can do this, but you can only use each phrase once.