Trouble displaying desktop on TV


Sep 5, 2003
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I own a Radeon 9800 pro 128meg. (sig)

i have a VCR i want to hook up to it, in turn to dispaly my desktop on my TV, many hl2 parties await.

The vcr is old so i have to use composite conections. I have it all hooked up exactly how it should be and by all the ATI help files i've read, have my comp display settings correct. I was able to dispaly it for about 5 seconds, when i switched the composite cable to the (l2) front plugs on my vcr, instead of the back, all assuden it would not display, so i switched it to the back ones again and set everything the way i had it..

and still wouldn't display, and every since i have been un able to get it to work, even after about 2 hours of troubleshooting and consulting with some guys on IRC.

if anyone has any information or could enlightenme somehow, please its all welcome
If your able to buy a radeon 9800 pro than you should be able to by a new VCR (Since that’s most likely the culprit). If you shop around you probably can find one for less than 30 bucks if not less! :)
You didn't pull the s-video cable out of the back of the graphics card while turned on, and then keep plugging/unplugging it did you?

Not sure if it's buffered and could be blown...eeeek :-P
its not the VCR, i've tested it multiple times in multiple ways and its something to do with the card/my settings.

first off its composite (but same plug) and no i didn't keep doing that, but how would i be able to tell if it is buffered/blown?