Trouble in Paradise Pt. 2

Well, I was going to buy several games published by VUG but seems like I'll now get them all the other way (read: Steam, not warez).
not all vug games is released by steam only half life ones. But thats what you mean right?
I think it was stupid of gamespy to release this info...
Its only stupid speculation of what COULD happen..

They knew when they released this info that the whole community would be in an uproar,,,,

I think we should just wait a little while before we blow up anybodys building or send hate emails and such...

If we dont see this game by christmas than its time to take the bazokas out :sniper:
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
I think it was stupid of gamespy to release this info...
Its only stupid speculation of what COULD happen..

They knew when they released this info that the whole community would be in an uproar,,,,

I think we should just wait a little while before we blow up anybodys building or send hate emails and such...

If we dont see this game by christmas than its time to take the bazokas out :sniper:
I second thee. :borg:
this could be it.. this could delay the game further.. SHIT!!
If VUG won´t process it, I´ll light my torch and go there..
I will be glad when valves goes to activison after Halflife², that where their plans anyway. Thats the reason why VUG is making such problems, they already hold of on CZ.

Yea they could hold it for up to 6 months but doing so would not make sense at all. one they HAVE to realese it in that 6 month time frame. Two, why would they wait tell after the perfect relese time I.E. the holiday season. Three odds are theyll try to get it off their hands and into customers as soon as possible. well thats what i think
need hl2!!
So the first RC was rejected, ok, it obviously still had some bugs. Let's see what happens with the final RC. Hopefully it won't take very long for Valve to get it done ("Valve-soon" isn't the most reliable way of measuring time), but we'll see. Plus we don't even know how long it's been since the first one was rejected, Valve could have been hard at work to get the next (final?) RC done for maybe even a week now.

But I just honestly hope we don't have another CS:CZ on our hands, although as many have already said, it would be more or less a financial suicide for VUG to miss Holiday sales for HL2. I wonder though what would happen with the magazine reviews and all, if VUG indeed decides to sit on HL2 for a few months. :)
ScRaTcH-A-HoLiC said:
I think it was stupid of gamespy to release this info...
Its only stupid speculation of what COULD happen..

They knew when they released this info that the whole community would be in an uproar,,,,
Sorry, but this is the first thought I had, when I heard about a lawsuit; you know, could the publisher, being the final arbiter when it comes to HL2 being ready to ship (assumption on my part), could they decide to sit on it? And how long? I appreciate Gamespot answering that.

BTW, speculating on what could happen, what very well may happen, is called "journalism"; waiting around to see what happens and writing a flimsy story about it -- that's called coverage. I'll take the former any day of the year.

OTOH I have to agree that even joking about blowing up buildings, ... well ... it's not the least bit humorous to me.
At the VUG store online (link), they have listed the HL2 Mod-Maker's Guide book as shipping on 12/1/04... would that indicate that they should ship HL2 before that? Seems kinda dumb to release mod-making guides before the game is released.

Then again VUG may not have anything to do with that? Maybe that's all up to Prima Publishing?

They don't have a date on the strategy guide... and they don't even have HL2 the actual game listed??
Just started preloading through steam. Gonna wait for a bit but probably am gonna go get that prebuy at EBGames refunded pretty soon.
rkef said:
OTOH I have to agree that even joking about blowing up buildings, ... well ... it's not the least bit humorous to me.

rkef, please grow up.
Jasco said:
Indeed. :o

/me haves a beer and dont give a **** about hl2 :cheers:
why then are you suscribed to a forum devoted to that single item?
Methias said:
rkef, please grow up.
Negative. The point was that those kinds of jokes are childish.

What growing up do I have to do, to find that to be witty or even interesting? Or is it a serious consideration?

What exactly do you mean?

your new best friend,
we;ve already been waiting a year, whats another 6 months :|
Icarus' quote said:
"Valve has announced that it will deliver a release candidate version of Half-Life 2 (HL2) (a game required under the 2001 SPA) to Sierra/VUG within the next few weeks. If Valve delivers a release candidate version that complies with the contract and is a Final Milestone, then VUG will have six months to release the product under the 2001 SPA. Valve is pressing VUG to release the product early within that six month window, and its representatives have made a number of public statements without our consent or concurrence that the product will be published and released to the general public in September of this year."

Ok, so how much of this says that they're not gonna release it in 6 months? Null.
How much says they could do it? "... then VUG will have six months to release the product..."
What's saying that they would want to hold on to it for those six months? Well, this implies it: "Valve is pressing VUG to release the product early..."
What's screwed up with this? That Eric Roeder said "Valve is pressing VUG to release the product early" in court. Why would he say that? It's not like Valve shouldn't be allowed to tell them to get out the game as quickly as possible. And I think he'd choose his words wisely.

Quit jumping at this, people. We don't know if VU really means what they're saying(but it's obvious enough that they're threatening Valve).
Also, just because I thought someone had to say it, I think that the =gold command that was in the hl2.php game before was removed because they thought VU are pissed off about enough things as it is.
Kinda funny how VU once helped Valve get the money that's now paying all their lawyers.
at least the Valve fanbois no longer suprise me anymore. Didn't Gabe work at microsoft for 13 years? a great place to learn business ethics, ei totally controlling EVERYTHING. Valve is the first game company ive heard of that wanted to controll their own distribution and well as geame development.
It could be simple market economics for VU and they might be scared they'll loose their asses.
no telling how much money VU has invested in advertising HL2 so far, then a delay (valves lacks security) wastes alot of that money. Now they are looking into investing in publishing the game, but wait, look at how much valve is pushing preloading? they might be running the numbers and realize that after going through all the trouble of buying shelf space, hiring and managing their staff, and distrubiting the game, if valve sells half their games over steam, it might not even be profitable for VU to even publish the game.
We don't know all the details of this drama, but don't trash a company just because its arguing with your God over rights and property.
If valve has been planning on selling over steam and keeping all that money, then thats a dirty underhanded practice.
I bet if valve cut the steam price in half, as to undercut the store price, the Valve fanbois would all say "woot, way to go valve".
some of you need to ask yourself, when you die, who you gonna see? prolly won't be Gabe, unless youve gone to HELL! muahahahaha
polyguns said:
at least the Valve fanbois no longer suprise me anymore. Didn't Gabe work at microsoft for 13 years? a great place to learn business ethics, ei totally controlling EVERYTHING. Valve is the first game company ive heard of that wanted to controll their own distribution and well as geame development.
It could be simple market economics for VU and they might be scared they'll loose their asses.
no telling how much money VU has invested in advertising HL2 so far, then a delay (valves lacks security) wastes alot of that money. Now they are looking into investing in publishing the game, but wait, look at how much valve is pushing preloading? they might be running the numbers and realize that after going through all the trouble of buying shelf space, hiring and managing their staff, and distrubiting the game, if valve sells half their games over steam, it might not even be profitable for VU to even publish the game.
We don't know all the details of this drama, but don't trash a company just because its arguing with your God over rights and property.
If valve has been planning on selling over steam and keeping all that money, then thats a dirty underhanded practice.
I bet if valve cut the steam price in half, as to undercut the store price, the Valve fanbois would all say "woot, way to go valve".
some of you need to ask yourself, when you die, who you gonna see? prolly won't be Gabe, unless youve gone to HELL! muahahahaha
First off how can you say VU has spent much money on advertising? Thats just insane, I have seen hardly any advertising. In fact it was people like you who hate Valve awhile back who were blaming them for not showing us enough advertising.

Also none of this should have been a surprise to Vivendi, it isn't like Vivendi didn't realize any of this until about a month ago, they have had plenty of time to prepare themselves for the outcome of steam sales.

Also how can it not be profitable for VU to publish the game? They have spent very little on advertising as the lack of advertising would indicate and we now know that Valve funded the whole project for HL2. So basically Vivendi just has to take a game for free, do a little advertising and then sell it. They will still have some very large profits even if half of the sales go through Steam.

Also why is Valve in the wrong here on an ethical point of view? They were forced to sign an obviously unfair contract in order to actually publish HL1 and now Vivendi is using that to their advantage to actually confiscate all rights for the Half-Life series even though they had absolutely nothing to do with its creative process. So why would Gabe be in hell now for trying what he can to prevent that from happening? Why should Gabe be the one in the wrong for trying to divert sales through steam so that Valve (the company that has actually paid for the creation of this game) be the one who deserves all of this hate?

Valve may have breached its contract, thats for the judge to decide. However in my mind the contract is not the scale that business ethics should be measured against. In that case Vivendi is the one who is in the wrong here.

Sharrd said:
Ok, so how much of this says that they're not gonna release it in 6 months? Null.
How much says they could do it? "... then VUG will have six months to release the product..."
What's saying that they would want to hold on to it for those six months? Well, this implies it: "Valve is pressing VUG to release the product early..."
What's screwed up with this? That Eric Roeder said "Valve is pressing VUG to release the product early" in court. Why would he say that? It's not like Valve shouldn't be allowed to tell them to get out the game as quickly as possible. And I think he'd choose his words wisely.
I suspect Vivendi won't delay it, however the reason why everyone is so worried is because we are now pretty certain that Vivendi has done this in the past.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero went gold but wasn't released in stores until literally months later, the copies of the game just sat idly in the warehouses. We didn't know why before but now we are pretty certain that it was Vivendi trying to put pressure on Valve. They have done it before and they could do it again, although since HL2 is much bigger and more important I suspect they won't. However it is still something to worry about.
If VU hold the game, I too will buy it through Steam. It's a nice easy way to show community power. Hopefully VU read these boards and will make the right choice for their community.
mullinator: I don't hate valve, I wouldn't waste that kind of emotion on them, but there is much more to production of a product then you might not be taking into account. The profit margin for most companies that manufacture a product, after paying salaries, taxes, and expenses, is 1-3%. thats why they deal in mass, and competing with other companies keeps the prices as low as possible while still maintaining a profit. thats market economics.
None of us know the full story, seeing we seem to always be suprised by the news, but with margins of profit as low as they are, steam could really scare the hell out of VU, and with legitimate concern. As I can't be positive about anything i say, since none of us know all the facts, try to keep an open mind, and not assume that VU is some evil ass bastards. We all know over recent years they have had lotsa financial dificulties, which could add to their concern of steam cutting into their profits, and degrading the relationship they have with their vendors
The Mullinator said:
However it is still something to worry about.

I think people are worrying too much. Either the game comes out when it has been said it'll come out, or is delayed. No need to go "AHH! NOO!" every time something like this happens. I have no problem whatsoever with people who are discussing it, but way too many don't really say anything interesting, just act woeful.
Polyguns: It'd be nice if they could just play with open cards. They need to tell people what the hell they're doing. Not in this particular case, because they could lose a lot on having Valve knowing what their plans are, and vice versa. But the thing with Interplay is best described shady. So Interplay announces that they're gonna have a go at selling it themselves. A while later, VUG's CEO announces that they've come to an "understanding", i.e. they made Interplay lose a lot of potential money by waiting with the release.

Edit: Also, Motley: It's not their community, they probably don't care about us at all and whatever we say won't make them change their mind(unless someone's gonna say something really makes sense and will help them get more money).
I'm wondering how longsighted VU are... The trend of that money should go directly to developers ought to something they want to stop.
If VU holds HL2 for six months, I will pirate Half-Life 2, and send $50 in an envelope to Valve HQ.
Alig said:
Heh, VUG wont delay it 6 if they do they wont only loose christmas sales...HL2 will loose alot of people's interest, F.E.A.R will be on the shelves...STALKER will be on the shelves, GTA4 on PC will be on the shelves...believe me, they wont delay it till 2005 unless they want to loose money.

Edit/ Thats loose money, on-top of what they are already going to loose through steam + what they will loose through furious HL2 fans that will buy it through steam to spite VUG. It will never happen, not 6 months anyway..i doubt even the anger of the VUG boss over this whole steam malarky could overcome just how much more money they'd loose by delaying it out of spite.

Sorry to be correcting you here, but I see this mistake more and more everyday, and since I'm Portuguese I was just gonna ask if you use the word "loose" intentionally. Because "loose" means not fastened, or not restrained, etc... and "lose" means to be unsuccessful in retaining possession of something... as in: "I lost my wallet". I even saw this on a huge poster here in my city that said: "With drugs you always loose" :/
The Mullinator said:
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero went gold but wasn't released in stores until literally months later, the copies of the game just sat idly in the warehouses. We didn't know why before but now we are pretty certain that it was Vivendi trying to put pressure on Valve. They have done it before and they could do it again, although since HL2 is much bigger and more important I suspect they won't. However it is still something to worry about.

This is a bit of woolly subject, the whole CZ delay thing as until now neither Valve ot VUg have said anything about it. I personally assumed that the delayed release was instigated by Valve, because they weren't happy with the single player campaign and got turtle studios (or whatever) to revamp them. This 'release delayed for months by VUg' statement is pretty new information. Hopefully the facts regarding the 'delay' of CZ will come out with the court case.

I'm not entirely sure how delaying CZ was putting 'pressure' on Valve though...can you clarify what you mean here?

I gotta if vivendi is a bunch of nut jobs and dont release it, can VALVE stil let it go on steam or does vivendi have there grimy little paws on that too? :rolling:
Whatever, if Vivendi want to hold onto it for 6 months then let them, I'll be buying it over Steam, and they won't get a cent. By that time a lot more people should be aware of being able to buy it over Steam and so Vivendi will get even less money.
Robinhood_01 said:
Whatever, if Vivendi want to hold onto it for 6 months then let them, I'll be buying it over Steam, and they won't get a cent. By that time a lot more people should be aware of being able to buy it over Steam and so Vivendi will get even less money.
Of course you are well aware that if they do manage to delay it by 6 months they may also successfully stop Valve from releasing it via Steam altogether.
nutcrackr said:
Of course you are well aware that if they do manage to delay it by 6 months they may also successfully stop Valve from releasing it via Steam altogether.
This is what I thought as well. Otherwise if VUG delay the game & people buy through Steam then Valve have won haven't they?

The way I see it VUG will be just shooting themselves in the foot if they delay because, As many people have already pointed out, If they miss the holiday season it could seriously effect sales from casual gamers & Christmas shoppers. Surely it's in VUG's best interest to start making money from HL2 ASAP?

On the other hand, As was suggested in the news release, VUG could in effect hold Valve to ransom & force them to back down over some of the legal issue's they are currently tied up in. Maybe VUG are thinking along the lines that HL2 will be a massive success even if it does get delayed a further 6 months?

The worrying thing is that now the RC is getting bounced around between Valve & Vivendi, Coupled with delay from all the legal bulls**t thats currently going on, The chances of a leak must have surely gone up considerably? I wouldn't mind a bet that we will see HL2 on file sharing sites before we see it on the shelves or via Steam! And all while Valve & VUG are still battling it out in court!
**** Vu, **** Them And Their Mothers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! **** **** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poofyfinger said:
He was quoting the fact that blowing up buildings was NOT funny dude.

Yeah, and of course the guy, who originally posted (sarcasticly) about blowing up the VU building because of the Half-Life 2 delay, was saying that it would be funny to see all the VU employees buried in the rubble, dismembered and such. Here's a tip, if someone is seeming to be making a joke about something that (in a very literal sense) is not funny, 90% of the time they're being sarcastic. That's how sarcasm works........get it?