Trouble with Static Electricity and how to get rid of it.


Jul 25, 2007
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I have a pair of polyester jogging pants I use for exercising that I just can't seem to wear without getting all statically charged when I jog. It's pissing me off. How do I get rid of it without having to douse the pants in water every ten minutes?!

Movement is what's causing it. After walking or running for about ten minutes, I get so staticy that I feel like Johnny Ohm or something. Every thing I touch explodes in my face and the hair on my body sticks straight up. Physical science sucks. :p I just want to smash every single little f**king electron out there when this happens! :hmph:

No really though, what are some tips to avoid this nuisance?
Make a shag carpet suit.
I'm not designing emp wmds here. I'm just asking for advice to get rid of static. :cheese:

anti-static laundry sheets are one way. You've probably heard of Bounce.

there are also liquid additives.

check here:
Actually, this helps but doesn't is not always completely effective. I have hairy legs you see.

hair + synthetic materials = disaster
put one of the anti-static sheets in the bathtub and take a bath with it.

wipe one of the sheets all over your legs before getting dressed.

go out running when you are dirty and shower when you come back. I know the hair on my head is more susceptible to static when it has just been washed, so taking a shower before running would make it worse.

get some different pants.

I'm just throwing ideas out there
put one of the anti-static sheets in the bathtub and take a bath with it.

wipe one of the sheets all over your legs before getting dressed.

go out running when you are dirty and shower when you come back. I know the hair on my head is more susceptible to static when it has just been washed, so taking a shower before running would make it worse.

get some different pants.

I'm just throwing ideas out there
LOL, I've actually tried some of those ideas.

I do prefer natural fabrics over synthetic for this very reason, but cotton doesn't dry very quickly, and I do sweat alot. I hate it when I get all squishy because the fabric doesn't dry quickly enough.

Why don't you want your superpower?
Having such a power is indeed both a blessing and a curse. Just ask any superhero. :>
Stop jogging, how bout that? Just get fit by sitting on the couch doing nothing.

Worked for me.
Coat your legs in lotion, oil, Vaseline, or WD40

wrap your legs in duct tape.

Get some brand name jogging pants. That's why they cost so much because they are tested and proven.
Coat your legs in lotion, oil, Vaseline, or WD40

wrap your legs in duct tape.

Get some brand name jogging pants. That's why they cost so much because they are tested and proven.
Even my name brand (adidas) jogging pants have this problem.

Lotion might help too. Duct tape? Are you crazy?!?! Think of the hair!

WD40 is a no-go either. I don't much care for the smell.
Yeah, you have to figure out which ones are a joke.

Seriously though, try the lotion idea. Dryness and friction causes the static.

I should be a scientist.
Yeah, you have to figure out which ones are a joke.

Seriously though, try the lotion idea. Dryness and friction causes the static.

I should be a scientist.
Until the lotion dries anyways. :|
Why are you using polyester pants? That seems to be the problem.
Strap some anvils to your bare feet and go for your jog.
Why are you using polyester pants? That seems to be the problem.
Because I've never heard of any jogging pants made out of cotton.

Guess I could switch to khaki or denim shorts, but then those'll just get soggy.
Because I've never heard of any jogging pants made out of cotton.

Guess I could switch to khaki or denim shorts, but then those'll just get soggy.

Sweat pants!

Oh and the anvil thing too.
You can run in any pants man, or just ride a bike, your legs will become ripped.
You are the last person who should be insulting a type of clothing dragonshoes.
Ha ha. I know better than to say such a thing around you self-proclaimed masters of fashion. F**king fashion monkeys. I hate you all. :p

I didn't mean that in a derogatory way though. It's just that I really can't find sweatpants anymore these days.

I don't think even Wal-mart carries them anymore.
Guys, guys, theres no reason to be mean to Saturos. Sure he loves dragons in a sexual way, probably because of their blatant phalic shape, and sure he's obsessed with dragon clothing, and sure he's racist, and sure he's a homophobe, and sure he's a biggot, but.............. where was I going with this again?
They're certainly not as common as jeans or tracksuit pants.

EDIT: And geez... everybody lay the **** off Saturos already. You can make your points without attempting to do so in every single thread.
I lounge around in the house in sweatpants, clean the house in them, and wear them to exercise. More comfortable than jeans or whatever else.
Guys, guys, theres no reason to be mean to Saturos. Sure he loves dragons in a sexual way, probably because of their blatant phalic shape, and sure he's obsessed with dragon clothing, and sure he's racist, and sure he's a homophobe, and sure he's a biggot, but.............. where was I going with this again?

Please don't de-rail my thread with this again ZT. :dozey:

I lounge around in the house in sweatpants, clean the house in them, and wear them to exercise. More comfortable than jeans or whatever else.
Where the hell do you find them?
My around the house clothes consist of any shirt I grab and a pair of track shorts. Baggy ones.
Run on a treadmill and hook up your pants to a power generator, this will extract the static electricety and store it for distrubution to society. If you run at a constant speed of 200 km/h 24/7 you will be the riches man on earth and utterly destroy your nemesis powerplants to bankrupcy.

Trust me
Run on a treadmill and hook up your pants to a power generator, this will extract the static electricety and store it for distrubution to society. If you run at a constant speed of 200 km/h 24/7 you will be the riches man on earth and utterly destroy your nemesis powerplants to bankrupcy.

Trust me
Awesome. I wondered when someone was going to jokingly say this actually.

*but you're not joking are you?* :|

My around the house clothes consist of any shirt I grab and a pair of track shorts. Baggy ones.
I have baggy jogging shorts, but they're synthetic material.

I think baggy makes static worse too though because it allows more friction.
lol, short shorts are ****ed, all my shorts go to atleast my knee.
If they cover the whole knee though, I call them negro shorts
Obvious solution #1: Don't wear pants.

Obvious solution #2: DRAGONSHORTS.


Shave your legs.
Too much trouble. Plus it'd be very uncomfortable when it grows back.



I mean how it relates to not having a static-e problem.

EDIT> I've just noticed how it doesn't seem to be a problem now that I''m all greasy and haven't taken a shower yet. Dry skin + hair + friction is the culprit, so I guess my solution is to go naked around the house for a few hours after showering and just put off exercise until natural skin oils return.