Troy: Divine Playground Update



Troy: Divine Playground is a mod that centers on the fight between the Spartans and Trojans in ancient history. They have released an update on the status of the project that details the following:[br]</br>
  • AI – Created soldiers with simple behaviors: they go to their objectives and attack the enemy on sight.
  • Classes – Most of the 12 skills are coded. We need to add better visual effects, but the actual in-game consequences of the skills are mostly done.
  • Weapons - Pretty much every weapon was coded, with temporary models / animations, and temporary projectile effects. Now we will need to rework and balance them a bit, depending on how testing goes.
  • Attack strategies – Did some good progress in that area. The ladder and the grappling hook are coded; we now need to limit their usage on the maps. We worked on the battering ram, but we’re waiting on the final model before completing this one. You can also sabotage doors and ladders to help accomplish your map objectives.
  • Spirit mode / respawning system – Mostly done. You choose a soldier of your team, and you get possession of his weapon and health. Two things to work on for the next term: a better visual effect, and ameliorations need to be made to the soldier selection system.
  • Interface – Some menus were created, such as the class and the team selection menus.
[br]</br>There is also a new song for the project, which you can download here.[br]</br>Below are two new models and a concept for the battering ram.

[br]To support this mod, please go here.
It's nice to see that things are going well :)

Keep up the good work! :thumbs:
I always like reading about progress code-wise more than looking at pictures of weapong models.
i cant wait for this mod!

and ya, i do prefer seeing how the actual game work is going rather than a ton of pictures (nice that they do both though)
It's good they made such progress, but that "theme-song" sure is boring...

Still looking forward to the mod, though.
WTF is that?? :LOL:


Flintstones, Meet the flintstones ............
I actually think that concept is useful, well done, and realistic. They're not going to make it so complex that you lag it, like other multiplayer mods with vehicles. I also love the textures of the weapon models. And code progress is quite refreshing!
dogboy73 said:
WTF is that?? :LOL:

looks like a rough sketch of a battering ram.

Heavy P said:
It's good they made such progress, but that "theme-song" sure is boring...

Still looking forward to the mod, though.

remember the background music on the DoD menu? i dont either, its just a nice atmospheric touch, you dont notice much of it and dont listen to the whole thing :E
kmack said:
remember the background music on the DoD menu? i dont either, its just a nice atmospheric touch, you dont notice much of it and dont listen to the whole thing :E
Ah, I thought it was suppose to be a THEME-song, but if it's just baggrund ambience it could work. :dozey:
Hmm reading the discription this mod reminds me of dynasty warriors sorta.... can't wait till its done